
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> Dear all, … We are delighted to provide you with another exciting weekly update! … Considerable progress has been made over the past week. … The development team has grown with some impressive work from Erfan and Luka, who we thank very much. … The Anbox container is currently partially operational on the Vollaphone and the FX Pro 1.06:02
ubptgbot… It is a LineageOS session that starts as a virtual machine on top of the Ubuntu Touch session. … It also allows access now to the camera and some games (SuperTuxKart for example). Here is a short demonstration video:  … https://twitter.com/Khode_Erfan/status/1388881976330006530?s=20 … This progress could never have happened without your support.06:02
ubptgbotWe thank you very much for your valuable participation. … The next steps include many challenges, such as activating the sensors, porting to the other Halium 9 devices, making it work stable and efficiently, as well as creating an installation script. This will probably be the most time-consuming and delicate phase. Indeed, Anbox is not yet usable06:02
ubptgbotin its current state. … But we are more than confident in the success of this project, and the next few months are looking good! … See you soon for more news!06:02
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> Some progress on Anbox for UT :)06:02
ubptgbot<Javacookies> Awesome! … so it'll be a full android session? … I wonder how's the memory consumption … devices mentioned have at least 4GB of RAM 😄06:04
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> I was not expecting something like camera to work. Being able to use Android camera apps, and hopefully the additional features they have available relative to UT's basic options, would be awesome. I wonder if this would open the door towards an option for videp chat on UT as well.  I can imagine memory and battery usage with this woul06:09
ubptgbotd be fairly significant though. Hopefully 4GB will be enough to handle it without glitching.06:09
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> [Edit] I was not expecting something like camera to work. Being able to use Android camera apps, and hopefully the additional features they have available relative to UT's basic options, would be awesome. I wonder if this would open the door towards an option for videp chat on UT as well.  I can imagine memory and battery usage with th06:10
ubptgbotis Lineage VM would be fairly significant though. Hopefully 4GB will be enough to handle it without glitching.06:10
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> [Edit] I was not expecting something like camera to work. Being able to use Android camera apps, and hopefully the additional features they have available relative to UT's basic options, would be awesome. I wonder if this would open the door towards an option for video chat on UT as well.  I can imagine memory and battery usage with th06:10
ubptgbotis Lineage VM would be fairly significant though. Hopefully 4GB will be enough to handle it without glitching.06:10
ubptgbot<Javacookies> that's what I thought too when I saw the camera … possibility of video calls, at least until it works natively on UT06:14
ubptgbotEric was added by: Eric06:18
ubptgbot<mateosalta> that would be a good stopgap :)06:18
ubptgbot<mateosalta> @TotalSonic [Dear all, … We are delighted to provide you with another exciting weekly update! …], very nice! where is that donate link again :)06:19
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @mateosalta [very nice! where is that donate link again :)], https://www.gofundme.com/f/anbox-on-ut06:28
ubptgbot<vince1171> @TotalSonic [Dear all, … We are delighted to provide you with another exciting weekly update! …], This is a wonderful news … But is starting a full LOS session a good idea?  … Shouldn't anbox only run/integrate Android Apps in UT instead of a full Android Experience?06:44
ubptgbot<ruditimmer> @vince1171 [This is a wonderful news … But is starting a full LOS session a good idea?  … Should …], Vince it will be this is a work in progress....06:44
ubptgbot<vince1171> K perfect then :D … Btw, thanks Rudi for all of this :)06:45
ubptgbot<ruditimmer> @vince1171 [K perfect then :D … Btw, thanks Rudi for all of this :)], Ok no problem also thanks my frend Steve for the helps and all devs who working on it ...06:46
ubptgbotcosuhi was added by: cosuhi07:08
ubptgbot<mateosalta> @vince1171 [This is a wonderful news … But is starting a full LOS session a good idea?  … Should …], might be better than flooding apps into the drawer07:16
ubptgbot<mateosalta> I bet there could be a smooth it over, remember desktop vm's have a windowed mode07:18
ubptgbot<Hyaakimaru> @UniversalSuperBox I just realised, I saw you on YouTube.08:14
ubptgbot#Weird_mad-Genius///. xoX0)- 007 was added by: #Weird_mad-Genius///. xoX0)- 00708:31
ubptgbot<Alexi> Hi everybody, is Xiaomi mi a2 lite supported as the xiaomi mi a2? Thanks!08:49
ubptgbot<oishiocha> @Alexi [Hi everybody, is Xiaomi mi a2 lite supported as the xiaomi mi a2? Thanks!], No08:49
ubptgbot<Alexi> Clear, thank you!08:50
ubptgbot<just_carlod> @Alexi [Hi everybody, is Xiaomi mi a2 lite supported as the xiaomi mi a2? Thanks!], there's no maintainer for this device08:50
ubptgbot<just_carlod> gsi was working on that device but no one wanted to finish port08:50
ubptgbot<just_carlod> @just_carlod [gsi was working on that device but no one wanted to finish port], gsi is now really outdated08:51
ubptgbot<Alexi> I see, thank you!08:51
ubptgbotsnaker was added by: snaker11:05
ubptgbot<mymike00> @mateosalta [might be better than flooding apps into the drawer], What about a Section at the top of the drawer to switch between a box and native apps? There could be a libertine section as well then...11:18
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> i dunno i kinda like having them all in one spot like that11:25
ubptgbot<christos> to install lubuntu software center as suggested in the docs is the name lubuntu-software-center? so I just run libertine-container-manager install-package -p lubuntu-software-center?11:26
ubptgbot<mymike00> @Fuseteam [i dunno i kinda like having them all in one spot like that], Ofc that could be configurable. But having a dedicated section in the drawer is way better than carrying a full LOS session to split the apps 😅11:29
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> i mean i think i do agree having them integrated in the drawer is better than having to open an app to open an app xD11:30
ubptgbot<mateosalta> @mymike00 [What about a Section at the top of the drawer to switch between a box and native …], sounds good12:55
ubptgbot<mateosalta> @mymike00 [Ofc that could be configurable. But having a dedicated section in the drawer is …], well, whataver works at this point, only realy want it for 'those two apps' that have to keep a another phone around for12:58
ubptgbot<christos> Hi, I'm getting a /usr/sbin/chroot: failed to run command '/usr/bin/apt-get': no such file or directory13:24
ubptgbot<christos> when trying to install-package -p with libertine container13:24
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> oh dear13:26
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> on which channel are you?13:26
ubptgbot<christos> erm channel?13:26
ubptgbot<christos> I'm on OTA-16 if that is what you are asking, on my op3 last update 2/5/2113:27
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> uh that sounds like the develeopment channel hmm13:28
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> you can check which channel you are on in the update settings13:29
ubptgbot<christos> I don't think I'm on the developer channel, the update date may be not relevant? I installed ut a few days ago13:29
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> what does the about page say about the os version?13:29
ubptgbot<christos> @Fuseteam [you can check which channel you are on in the update settings], where is that? what will I see?13:30
ubptgbot<christos> it says Ubuntu 16.04 (OTA-16)13:30
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> yeah that's the stable channel alright uh lemme fetch some thing you can try13:30
ubptgbot<christos> I installed ut a few days ago, tried to get some other dev channel (don't remember which) because I was always getting stuck with the ubports-installer and then installed the stable one. Don't think anything from any dev stayed on my phone since it re-did the installation13:31
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> [Edit] yeah that's the stable channel, alright uh lemme fetch some thing you can try13:31
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> yeah it didn't stay on your phone i was just confused by the date13:31
ubptgbot<christos> yeah yeah the date must be the installation13:32
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> the update settings are in updates under settings. there's a gear in the top right13:32
ubptgbot<christos> ah alright, yes it says stable13:33
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> try this maybe `libertine-container-manager exec -i CONTAINER-IDENTIFIER -c "apt-get --help"`13:33
ubptgbot<christos> the container-identifier is my container's name right?13:33
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> right13:34
ubptgbot<christos> ok did that, /usr/sbin/chrot: failed to run command 'apt-get': No such fiel or directory13:36
ubptgbot<christos> does that mean apt-get is not installed at all?13:36
ubptgbot<christos> I'll try creating a new container via command line and try with that13:43
ubptgbot<christos> hm makedev problem during configuring seems like13:46
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> oh you can get shell access by running bash like that, might make it easier to debug13:47
ubptgbot<christos> i'm getting a mkdev failed and mknod permission denied when trying to create the container13:54
ubptgbot<christos> supposedly it has been fixed? https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/130513:55
gitbotubports issue 1305 in ubuntu-touch "Impossible to create a libertine container" [Bug, Device: Oneplus3, Team: Middleware, Closed]13:55
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> This is a problem with OTA-16 on the OnePlus 3 and 3T. You could upgrade to the RC channel or wait for OTA-17 hopefully releasing next week...13:55
ubptgbot<christos> @UniversalSuperBox [This is a problem with OTA-16 on the OnePlus 3 and 3T. You could upgrade to the …], ah well, thanks! I suppose you'd recommend waiting for OTA-17, and I suppose I can wait :) thanks for all the help everyone!13:56
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Nah, you don't need to wait. It's your phone :)13:56
ubptgbot<christos> @UniversalSuperBox [Nah, you don't need to wait. It's your phone :)], hmm...I'm afraid to tinker further and have things break since I don't know if the RC is as stable as this OTA, and I wanted to get libertine to install anki to study...so maybe I should just study and not waste my time further13:58
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Alright. But the image currently in RC should become the OTA next week, so you'd basically be getting it early13:59
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> (so on the flip side, if anything is broken in the RC and you don't see it, it'll hit your phone next week, so it's in your best interest to test)13:59
ubptgbot<christos> hmm..alright then! I thought the RC may go further iterations until the last candidate14:00
ubptgbot<christos> [Edit] hmm..alright then! I thought the RC may go through further iterations until the last candidate14:00
ubptgbot<christos> and after OTA-17 release I can switch to stable again?14:01
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Correct14:01
ubptgbot<christos> or I won't need to do anything14:01
ubptgbot<christos> aah ok14:01
ubptgbotHuseyin Alp was added by: Huseyin Alp14:37
ubptgbot<christos> Updated to RC, still cannot setup a container15:24
ubptgbot<christos> Se encontraron errores al procesar: …  ca-certificates …  dictionaries-common … E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) … ChrootContainer.py:127: ERROR: create_libertine_container():    Failure installing 'apt-transport-https' during container creation … libertine-container-manager:123: ERROR: create():       Fallo al cre15:24
ubptgbotar el contenedor: «destroy_libertine_container() missing 1 required positional argument: 'force'»15:24
ubptgbot<TronFortyTwo> @christos [Se encontraron errores al procesar: …  ca-certificates …  dictionaries-common … E: Sub …], This often happens when you try to launch the command just from the terminal, and means apparmor is interfering. If you do that from adb / ssh it should work , or maybe creating it from the settings sections15:26
ubptgbot<TronFortyTwo> @christos [Se encontraron errores al procesar: …  ca-certificates …  dictionaries-common … E: Sub …], [Edit] This often happens when you try to launch the command just from the terminal, and means apparmor is interfering. If you do that from adb / ssh it should work , or maybe creating it from the settings section15:27
ubptgbot<Javacookies> or ssh into itself?15:28
ubptgbot<TronFortyTwo> @Javacookies [or ssh into itself?], Yes, sure!15:30
ubptgbot<christos> anki : Depends: python-qt4 (>= 4.7) but it is not going to be installed15:46
ubptgbot<christos> Can I solve this somehow? Or is it not possible?15:47
ubptgbot<TronFortyTwo> @christos [Can I solve this somehow? Or is it not possible?], General linux suggestion may be trying to use aptitude instead of apt for smarter dependency handling, but it may be a problem with the qt4 packages in the repos15:50
ubptgbot<christos> Is install-package using apt? How to use aptitude?15:52
ubptgbot<christos> Just tried installing Kubuntu sw center and had an issue again, this time it as a:  … isc-dhcp-client … Error15:53
ubptgbot<christos> [Edit] Just tried installing lubuntu sw center and had an issue again, this time it as a:  … isc-dhcp-client … Error15:53
ubptgbot<christos> Hmm mktemp failed, dpkg errors...don't  know how to solve15:56
ubptgbotTzwen Ldeeb was added by: Tzwen Ldeeb15:58
ubptgbot<TronFortyTwo> @christos [Is install-package using apt? How to use aptitude?], Oh you're using install-packge. I don't know then... But yes Libertine is unstable and often fails and breaks16:03
ubptgbot<TronFortyTwo> Maybe someone knows some trick to fix that16:04
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @christos [Just tried installing lubuntu sw center and had an issue again, this time it as …], I have never been able to have Ubuntu Software Center work in Libertine. At one point I was able to install lubuntu-software-center and be able to browse what packages are available in the default repositories, but you can not install via it,16:05
ubptgbot but last time I installed it, it was not working properly even for that. There are a number of apps which work ok in Libertine though - let me know if you want my list if what I've tested as ok.16:05
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @christos [Just tried installing lubuntu sw center and had an issue again, this time it as …], [Edit] I have never been able to have Ubuntu Software Center work in Libertine. At one point I was able to install lubuntu-software-center and be able to browse what packages are available in the default repositories, but you can not install16:06
ubptgbotvia it, and last time I installed it, it was not working properly even for browsing. There are a number of apps which work ok in Libertine though - let me know if you want my list if what I've tested as ok.16:06
ubptgbot<christos> @TotalSonic [I have never been able to have Ubuntu Software Center work in Libertine. At one …], Yes for sure if you have the time16:07
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @christos [Yes for sure if you have the time], abiword, aisleriot, evince, firefox-esr 78.7, geary, gedit, gimp, gftp, gthumb, gtick, hardinfo, leafpad, medit, mpv, mypaint, screenfetch, xournal16:17
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @christos [anki : Depends: python-qt4 (>= 4.7) but it is not going to be installed], hmmm this may be due to the base distro being ubuntu 16.0416:28
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> or maybe something like `apt install -f` could do something16:29
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> need more context16:29
ubptgbotSparky3K was added by: Sparky3K16:34
ubptgbot<Tzwen Ldeeb> (Photo, 863x1235) https://irc.ubports.com/NplQKaXV.png16:46
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @TotalSonic [abiword, aisleriot, evince, firefox-esr 78.7, geary, gedit, gimp, gftp, gthumb, …], is it possible to enable touch gestures on firefox?17:00
ubptgbot<Sparky3K> @TotalSonic [abiword, aisleriot, evince, firefox-esr 78.7, geary, gedit, gimp, gftp, gthumb, …], Do you know if python3 and mysql run fine?17:08
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @Sparky3K [Do you know if python3 and mysql run fine?], I have not tested these.18:06
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @Javacookies [is it possible to enable touch gestures on firefox?], You can enable touch scrolling by installing the `Scroll Anywhere` extension and then choosing Left-Click Grab and Drag in its options. Pinch to zoom does not work in it, but you can add zoom buttons to its gui in Customizations.18:09
ubptgbot<Javacookies> okay thanks18:10
ubptgbot<Jan_ops79> @notkit can you please take a look at my logfile regarding crash of app when taking video with camera app (Xiaomi Mi A2, stable, devel and RC channels): http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pBWnqXCGdX/ ? Thx in advance!18:24
ubptgbotsakerhetspolisen was added by: sakerhetspolisen18:37
ubptgbotSamy Lacroix was added by: Samy Lacroix19:31
ubptgbot<NotKit> shm_open() failed: Permission denied … Starting microphone reader/writer thread19:32
ubptgbot<NotKit> @Jan_ops79 is it camera app or something else?19:33
ubptgbot<Jan_ops79> Is this something I can fix somehow? Or is this more something in the app itself?20:02
ubptgbot<NotKit> it may be something with port, but I'm not the maintainer for that device20:26
ubptgbot<NotKit> it seems that camera app is denied shm access, so it's either UNIX permission or AppArmor issue20:27
ubptgbot<NotKit> could you check ls -la /dev/socket/micshm20:28
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @Jan_ops79 [Is this something I can fix somehow? Or is this more something in the app itself …], It's likely a device specific bug, related to Halium 9 interfacing with the device's camera firmware.20:45
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @Jan_ops79 [Is this something I can fix somehow? Or is this more something in the app itself …], perhaps get in touch with the port maintainer towards trying to make a fix - https://forums.ubports.com/user/shouko20:46
ubptgbot<NotKit> @oishiocha here20:48
ubptgbot<oishiocha> It's probably android 9 cam broken issue again, let me verify20:49
ubptgbot<luksus42> @NotKit [could you check ls -la /dev/socket/micshm], For me in halium 9 it is there and camera video recording works, in halium 10 it is missing and recoirding also fails with "shm_open() failed".20:51
ubptgbot<NotKit> @luksus42 [For me in halium 9 it is there and camera video recording works, in halium 10 it …], have you tried latest halium_arm64 image? I should've added that some weeks ago20:51
ubptgbot<luksus42> if urls did not change, then I should be up to date20:52
ubptgbot<oishiocha> It is broken on devel 335 (3rd may), updating to 340 now20:52
ubptgbot<NotKit> there were no camera-related changes in between, so I think you have some race condition20:52
ubptgbot<oishiocha> @oishiocha [It is broken on devel 335 (3rd may), updating to 340 now], 340 seems to have an issue as sell20:56
ubptgbot<oishiocha> @oishiocha [It is broken on devel 335 (3rd may), updating to 340 now], [Edit] 340 seems to have an issue as well20:56
ubptgbot<oishiocha> @NotKit [there were no camera-related changes in between, so I think you have some race c …], Will try to debug20:56
ubptgbot<luksus42> @NotKit [have you tried latest halium_arm64 image? I should've added that some weeks ago], Can you point me to the sources of that image?21:06
ubptgbot<luksus42> its not the debos-rootfs-builder I guess?21:07
ubptgbot<luksus42> [Edit] its not the rootfs-builder-debos I guess?21:07
ubptgbot<NotKit> https://github.com/Halium/android/tree/halium-10.0 + https://github.com/Halium/hybris-patches/tree/halium-10.0 + https://github.com/Halium/halium-devices/blob/halium-10.0/manifests/halium_halium_arm64.xml21:10
ubptgbot<luksus42> thanks21:24
ubptgbot<luksus42> @NotKit [https://github.com/Halium/android/tree/halium-10.0 + https://github.com/Halium/h …], Would it make sense, to switch the vendor_vndk in the manifest to the android-10 branch?21:35
ubptgbot<NotKit> yes. I don't think we building for older vndks yet though21:36
ubptgbot<NotKit> [Edit] yes. I don't think we are building for older vndks yet though21:37
ubptgbotFemOgram was added by: FemOgram21:37
ubptgbot<FemOgram> Hello people21:37
ubptgbot<AditiKarnik> Don't doubt this company called cryptocurrencytrade they are truly the best … Register and Invest today … https://bit.ly/3trb23021:49
ubptgbot<Synt4x93> Lol21:49
ubptgbot<klaartje_b> @FemOgram [Hello people], Hello person!22:03
ubptgbot<Sahirulalim6> Hello23:40

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