
lotuspsychjegood morning01:54
ducassegood morning06:20
daftykinsgood morn07:07
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=== jelly-home is now known as jelly
Deano59lotuspsychje: why am I a troll to you? I haven't done anything wrong. I even ignored blueskaj so I don't see his off-topic crap.12:01
lotuspsychjeDeano59: trolls keep trolling ot stuff in main just like you12:02
lotuspsychjeyou know well enough discussions dont fit there12:02
Deano59you suggested snaps, I gave my opinion. that's not trolling.12:02
lotuspsychjeopinions dont fit in the support channel12:02
Deano59neither does "howdy folks" but you allow that...12:03
* Deano59 shrugs12:03
lotuspsychjesaying hi isnt offtopic nor forbidden12:03
TJ-of course opinions fit! That's all we do!12:03
Deano59lotuspsychje: won't happen again. :)12:03
TJ-users generally expect/think that support for snaps is part of the Ubuntu community offer, and are surprised to learn it isn't12:04
TJ-You'll not stop me mentioning it12:04
Deano59TJ-: don't even bother. not worth the hassle. you get labelled as a "troll"12:04
TJ-Deano59: I've been working on Ubuntu as a developer and leading community support person since 2005. I will say it12:05
lotuspsychjeyeah it should have been divided12:05
Deano59I guess I'll use this channel more then and #ubuntu for support. :) lotuspsychje is that fine with you?12:06
lotuspsychjehow about you go find out the rules in #ubuntu-ops next time Deano5912:06
TJ-The /topic in #ubuntu should clearly mention no support for snaps12:07
Deano59don't be silly, that won't happen.12:08
TJ-right, so until it does, I will mention it12:08
lotuspsychjeTJ-: some snaps are canonical feeded, so its a mix right12:09
TJ-lotuspsychje: but they aren't community supported12:09
lotuspsychjeif they have a launchpad community can also help?12:09
Deano59lotuspsychje: can I PM you?12:10
lotuspsychjeno way Deano5912:10
Deano59k... I'll ask here if I can't PM. what's your problem?12:10
lotuspsychjei dont have a problem why?12:10
Deano59you keep judging me, and I'm sick of it.12:11
TJ-users need to be aware of the pitfalls of installing snaps and make an informed decision on whether or not to use them BEFORE they find themselves needing support12:11
lotuspsychjeDeano59: im not judging you, i pointed you to not going offtopic in #ubuntu thats all12:11
TJ-otherwise it has the appearance of bait-and-switch12:11
lotuspsychjei agree to that TJ-12:12
Deano59"<lotuspsychje> dont listen to him inbe4 he's the troll of the year around here"12:12
lotuspsychjeDeano59: thats my opinion, not a judgement12:12
TJ-that was out of order, and against the code of conduct12:12
Deano59thanks TJ- :)12:12
lotuspsychjethat was preventing bad advice to new joined users12:13
TJ-disagree; it is good advice12:13
TJ-And I shall continue to give it12:13
Deano59again, thanks TJ- :)12:13
lotuspsychje<Deano59> snaps are bad. don't use them.12:13
Deano59yes, they are. so?12:14
lotuspsychjethats really not the thing to say to users12:14
TJ-making personal comments is not acceptable; you can disagree with the advice all you want and state WHY12:14
lotuspsychjesnaps are bad, is an opinion common12:14
TJ-snaps are bad; they eoncourage laziness in developers and publishers12:15
Deano59^ :D12:15
lotuspsychjewe cant generalize that TJ-12:15
TJ-if using them, make an informed decision12:15
TJ-lotuspsychje: yes, we can, based on the evidence since they were launched12:15
Deano59snaps are terrible, worst thing to happen to ubuntu. and I <3 ubuntu.12:15
lotuspsychjeas long as ubuntu supports it, its not a thing to say in the support channel12:16
Deano59neither is name-calling but you done it.12:16
lotuspsychjewe can discuss it here12:16
TJ-opaque; no changelogs for updates, no tracking of snaps affected by CVEs by the security team or others12:16
lotuspsychjeDeano59: thats because you been trolling day after day in the support channel, its the truth, not namecalling12:17
TJ-and many are published in unconfined (classic) mode not locked-down yet many people believe snap = confined12:17
Deano59? how many times, I'm not a troll. just because I THINK greeting a support channel and provoking users into starting a conversation with "howdy" is off-topic isn't trolling. I was asked to stop so I put blueskaj on ignore. sorry but you're wrong lotuspsychje.12:18
Deano59maybe YOU should read the code of conduct.12:19
TJ-the argument that snaps package things that need frequent updates quicker than the distor release cadence just means the code is so buggy the developers don't think they can create secure applications and would rather just throw code out and let the users do the testing12:19
lotuspsychjeDeano59: why dont you put everyone on ignore that says hi then?12:19
lotuspsychjeDeano59: inbe4 said hello, why didnt you pick on him too?12:19
TJ-Those are scripted Hi's too, across all channels. Most organised channels frown on such things12:19
Deano59hi, then a question is fine. just howdy and going quiet waiting for a reply is off-topic. SIMPLE. I was asked to stop so I did/12:19
TJ-but we've indulged Blueskaj on that for years12:20
Deano59TJ-: thanks! can't get through to some people. I was asked to stop, so I did and ignored him.12:20
lotuspsychjei said good morning a lot of times in ubuntu, nobody told me to stop that ever12:21
Deano59saying hi, i have xyz problem is fine. but just "howdy folks" is trying to start a conversation and THUS off-topic.12:21
TJ-lotuspsychje: but you typed it - not a script on every channel joined simultaneously12:21
lotuspsychjeblueskaj also types it12:22
Deano59saying hi, i have xyz problem is fine. but just "howdy folks" is trying to start a conversation and THUS off-topic.12:22
TJ-Saying anything like that on IRC implies trying to ellicit a response, or awareness you're there, which really isn't necessary most of the time12:22
Deano59maybe YOU should read the CoC and respect others lotuspsychje instead of throwing "omg you're a troll!11!!!"12:22
TJ-lotuspsychje: if he does, he's unusually fast; it appears in every channel he's in simultanously12:23
Deano59TJ-: couldn't have said it better myself. :)12:23
lotuspsychjei respect others Deano59, i just pointed you to going offtopic in main and bad advice12:24
Deano59then say that. don't throw out the "he's a troll, ignore him" to new users.12:24
TJ-I should run a script analyse the standard devation of the timestamps in each channel, from my last 10 years logs12:24
lotuspsychjeand as you terrorizing the support channel so many times lately, you are a troll12:24
Deano59I'm NOT a troll.12:24
lotuspsychjenow ill move on12:24
Deano59and now I'll ignore you. :)12:25
TJ-lotuspsychje: you've done it again, remember the CoC applies here12:25
Deano59TJ-: thanks TJ- :)12:25
TJ-"This is a channel for high quality on-topic non-support discussions" ^^^ in the /topic12:25
lotuspsychjewe are discussing right12:26
Deano59also in the /topic "| We follow the CoC at all times here |"12:26
TJ-that doesn't include calling names12:26
Deano59^ :D12:26
Deano59it's okay, I put him on ignore.12:26
lotuspsychjein my opinion its not namecaling but a fact12:26
* Deano59 goes back to lurking... :D12:27
TJ-"Be respectful12:27
TJ-Disagreement is no excuse for poor manners. We work together to resolve conflict, assume good intentions and do our best to act in an empathic fashion. We don’t allow frustration to turn into a personal attack. "12:27
lotuspsychjethis isnt personal for me TJ-12:29
TJ-it is for Deano59 !12:30
TJ-Again from the CoC "A community where people feel uncomfortable or threatened is not a productive one."12:30
lotuspsychjeTJ-: back to the snap topic, i would have loved to see the snaps jailed into a snap-store optional installed and not as default12:33
lotuspsychjewith ubuntu on apt packages as base only by default12:34
lotuspsychjebut that doesnt mean 'all' snaps are bad12:34
Deano59thanks TJ- :)12:35
lotuspsychjesome are pretty good12:35
TJ-Yes; from my observations the aim of snaps was/is for Canonical to capture developer mindshare, despite the OS rather than to improve it12:35
TJ-it doesn't encourage those developers to help develop the Ubuntu project or ecosystem, it gives them a way to avoid it12:36
TJ-And it's pretty obvious that snapcraft.io is aiming to emulate Google/Apple 'app' stores and at some point monetise it (must cost a lot for Canoniccal to vet applications as they claim they do)12:37
TJ-Next thing is, there's ads being injected into snaps in some way12:38
TJ-I've watched how, technically, the snap API is getting bigger as more diverse applications look for ways to interact with the rest of the OS, which is of course enlarging the attack surface12:40

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