
daftykinsgoooooood morning!07:06
* zxm-pi_ peeks out from under summer duvet which was totally wrong for last nights winter temps...07:40
daftykinsMurphy's law holding up there eh? :D07:40
daftykinswould have remained warm if you didn't change it07:40
zxm-pi_all i had to do was reach out and flip on leccy blanket but not cold enough for that but just a little too chilly07:41
zxm-pi_somewhere out there is a big hot mug of tea... ::tries telekinesis to bring it closer::07:48
daftykinshi luna07:49
daftykinsgot to nip out to my friend's wife's art gallery today with my Sherlock hat on, to diagnose wobbly broadband07:49
daftykinswell i'm not pleased with the first MikroTik router i was trying out, it's to blame for their connection dropping and generally driving them mad18:38
zxm-pi_wonky power?18:44
daftykinshrmm not sure on that one, whilst trying to debug the constant drops i swapped in another xDSL transceiver at which point it plain refused to authenticate, then when switching back to the last it refused as well18:48
daftykinsfactory reset and really basic config got it behaving, but i got word it failed again close to 5pm18:48
zxm-pi_i had an ap that misbehaved a lot till i put a surge protector on it. when it would fail after that it was because the surge protector had been removed for 'reasons'20:36
daftykinshrmm, i'll have to do some study on that one20:39
daftykinsso much less convenient when you have to go there and muck around with these inconsistent ones :(20:40
zxm-pi_i hate intermittent problems. some take years to diagnose20:42
zxm-pi_and then you have to explain them multiple times to the same people because they forget20:42
zxm-pi_and/look up the notes on your psion to remember the exact sequence of events :-)20:43
daftykinsG U *beep*20:44
daftykinsno, i added that - that's right :)20:44
zxm-pi_it still amazes me that in 1mb of rom they stuffed an entire os and apps that work so very well20:45
daftykinsooh i didn't know it was that small, holy moly20:45
zxm-pi_it cheats iirc. it runs the os from rom so that it doesn't occupy and waste ram.20:46
daftykinsreminds me of RiscOS on the Acorns20:47
zxm-pi_which means updates are just same software sitting in ram that is accessed before the rom version.20:48
zxm-pi_riscos. another micro os that was tiny and packed in a helluva lot20:48

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