
Fenhlhi! I have two IPv6 addresses assigned to a server and would like to deactivate one of them because I'm running a mailserver and the address is on spam blocklists by default. I've tried `ip addr del <the address>/64 dev eth0` but it seems to just come back after a while, at least according to `ip addr`. Any ideas?00:17
sarnoldFenhl: how'd that address gte assigned in the first place? is it RA? dhcp6? static configs?00:21
rfmFenhl, if this is an ubuntu server install you configure net connections with netplan; the yaml config files are in /etc/netplan/ , and docs and examples are on http://netplan.io/00:21
Fenhlsarnold: I'm not sure, it came with it already set up from Linode00:22
Fenhlrfm: oh, now that you mention it, I did write one of those config files. The unwanted address does not appear in it00:23
rfmFenhl, so it's not a static address. it could be SLAAC or DHCP6.  You might even have one of each, that's the easiest way to get two assigned (I assume you're not counting the link-local address, the one that starts with 'fe')00:31
Fenhlno, not counting that one00:33
Fenhlthe netplan config has `dhcp6: no` in the `eth0` section, so I guess that means it's SLAAC?00:34
rfmFenhl, yeah, I guess.  Not sure why you have two then.00:35
Fenhlto be clear, I have the address I actually want to use in an `addresses` block in the netplan config00:36
Fenhlalong with the IPv4 address00:36
rfmFenhl, so the address you want is static, it's just the SLAAC address you want to get rid of.  Then "accept-ra: no" is what you want, I think,  That will stop systemd-networkd from assigning SLAAC addresses.00:39
rfmFenhl, it might also stop default routes from getting set up, have to admit I don't know what to do about that00:40
Fenhl“default routes”?00:40
rfmFenhl, you'd see them by "ip -6 r".  Something like 2600:1234:5678:9ABC::/60 via <router's link local address>00:42
rfmFenhl, or maybe just "default vial fe80::<router's link local address>'00:43
Fenhlseems to be “default via fe80::1” currently, I'll try your suggestion and see if it works00:44
rfmFenhl, it might be easier to come at it from the other side and see if the mailserver has a way to specify which IP address to use (it surely must for listening, dunno about sending)00:47
Fenhlyeah, I'm using Mail-in-a-Box and when I asked on their forum their suggestion was to remove the address from netplan, which is why I have this config file in the first place00:50
rfmFenhl, yeah, frex in postfix it's smtp_bind_address6... http://www.postfix.org/IPV6_README.html00:50
rfmFenhl, well, removing the address from netplan would have worked if the address has been a static one in netplan, but it wasnt00:54
Fenhlyeah, that makes sense00:54
rfmFenhl, unfortunately I can't tell from the Mail-in-a-Box website what MTA they use (they just say "a Ubuntu component", and Ubuntu contains a dozen or so alternatives)00:57
rfmFenhl, so hard for me to make a recommendation for how to configure it to use a particular address.00:59
Fenhlwell, it looks like adding the accept-ra config entry may have worked00:59
Fenhlthe address is no longer there after a reboot, and the default route seems to be intact00:59
FenhlI'm just re-running the mailinabox auto-config script now to make sure it uses the correct address for everything01:00
rfmFenhl, ok then.  I just didn't know (still don't) exactly how accept-ra affects the kernel's ipv6 config.01:01
Fenhlthanks for your help! I think if it still doesn't work after this I'll go bump that MiaB forum thread, since the system-side config looks correct now afaict01:02
rfmFenhl, sounds good.  If you do, ask them how to get the MTA to use a specific IPv6 address for mail (inbound and out.)01:04
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Fenhlhm, unfortunately it looks like something did get wrong01:35
Fenhlthe mailinabox command seems to be running `apt-add-repository -y ppa:certbot/certbot`, which is timing out now after the config change01:35
Fenhl“Error: retrieving gpg key timed out.”01:35
Fenhlsorry, add-apt-repository, not apt-add-repository01:38
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rfmFenhl, so maybe it did mess up IPv6 somehow.  does "ping -6 google.com" get a response?01:44
afidegnumhi, anyone familiar with exim mail serve? i'm having an errro01:49
afidegnummails are timing out01:49
Fenhlah, according to https://www.linode.com/community/questions/20145/ipv6-setup-trouble I do need the SLAAC address. I guess I'll try the trick of configuring the new address last01:53
rfmFenhl, that probably won't work, as the SLAAC address is periodically renewed (see the "lft" which means "lifetime" in the "ip a" display.  renewal takes place when some percentagle of lft is left, I forget the number01:56
rfmFenhl, so the SLAAC address will become the last one configured pretty quickly01:56
lunarGetting a 'start job is running for /dev/sda1 that seems to keep preventing normal booting, Is this an issue with the fstab file?02:32
lunarlooks like errors with remounting on boot02:37
lunaris it the formatting?02:38
lunarI was told the spacing didn't matter.02:38
Bashing-omlunar: Does the mounbt point exists ' ls -al /mnt/data ' ?02:40
lunarI believe so yes.02:41
lunarStill learning though.02:41
lunarI'll check02:41
Bashing-omlunar: By the way - sda1 we can expect to be an operating system partition - not a data partition - generaaly.02:42
lunarit's a secondary ssd02:43
lunarthe OS is on an nvme02:43
lunarrunning the mount command I don't see it02:49
lunarthe directory is there02:50
Bashing-omlunar: who then owns that mount point ? pastebin that output ' ls -al /mnt/data ' for the channel.02:55
lunarroot for both02:56
Bashing-omlunar: That is with the partition mounted ? If mounted one would expect "YOU" to own the mount point.02:57
lunarI had it set like that the other day but someone here told me root should own it and I updated the fstab file to mount it on boot.02:58
lunaryea it looks mounted I see it in gparted02:59
Bashing-omlunar: lunar: Then "you" do not have access to that partition :) pastebin 'who' and advise if this is the user you want to have permission to access the partition.03:02
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lunarit is not03:09
lunarmy question though is that job running error is on boot so that's pre-login03:10
lunarso isn't that an issue with the OS mounting it and not the account accessing it?03:10
Bashing-omlunar: Perhaps :( ... ' journalctl -b |grep failed ' <-  to see what failed while booting up.03:12
lunarI see the timeout03:15
Bashing-omlunar: Oh! "Dependency failed for /mnt/data." Need to tell the system the UUID of the partition in fstab :(03:23
lunarI edited this about 5 min ago03:23
lunaris this correct?03:23
lunarjust want to make sure I'm doing it correctly03:25
lunarI've only managed window 99.9% of my time in system admin roles03:25
Bashing-omlunar: It is a process in learning - hang in there :)- nope not correct. See: https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=261548 - toward the bottom of the post is instrction for setting that UUID.03:28
Bashing-omlunar: Also we have an onboard user manual :) in this case see in terminal ' man fstab ' .03:30
qwertuttytyVisible delays with F2FS were defeated ( not in tests ). But compared to exFAT (FAT), the write (iostat) increased by ~30% - 50% with F2FS. It seems so. Due to dips in speed and low recording speed, I connected it to the USB 2.0 controller. https://ibb.co/Vj7qbF4 usb 3.0 flash drive03:39
qwertuttytyrecording speed (write speed) Oh english!03:55
qwertuttytyGive me a driver. Hi, I'm the driver, this is my car. What? Not this driver. Give me the driver for the operating system.04:00
ash_worksiis there like a go-to ssh key management software for linux systems?04:05
qwertuttytywrite speed ~ 8MB/s04:11
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CQ2hello, how can I have everything in englishon my system, and just the number formatting and times european?04:29
CQ2in my regional settings I have american english as the default, and in formats I have region s en_US and the numbering etc. in de_DE, but still some applications (apt, and some programs) are coming up in German...04:29
lunarI broke it more and it woulnd't boot. Didn't have much installed, just ran a reinstall and mounted the 2nd drive during install.04:46
lunarI'll look at the fstab file to see where my error was. It looked right based on the examples you posted.04:47
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sginsbergHello. I have installed mingw-w64 for cross-compilation but I am unsure how to access it with terminal or makefile for compiling with it?06:59
cbreakdpkg-query -L packagename07:02
sginsbergI meant how to use it for compiling07:05
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cbreakit's a gcc / g++ as far as I know07:09
cbreakhttps://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/manual/cmake-toolchains.7.html#cross-compiling-toolchain ... hmm...07:10
sginsbergWell I am not sure how to access it specifically07:10
sginsbergThe build tool essentials are there as well which I also use07:11
ossesginsberg: what do you mean by access?08:20
sginsbergThanks but I found an answer08:20
sginsbergJust edited the makefile a bit08:21
parlosGood Morning, got a challenge. I've previously ran Maas from packages, but as I upgraded to 20.04, I changed to a snap instead. Now, the problem, apt wants to install  the maas packages, but that fails (cant have pkt and snaps). So, how do I get apt to stop trying. apt remove does not work.. it want me to run --fix-broken, and that breaks (pkgs and snaps..)08:53
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TheBigKparlos: pastebin the error message when trying to remove it09:16
parlos@TheBigK, fixed it. Removed the file holding the repo /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*). Not nice, but it worked.09:18
TheBigKparlos: still try to remove packages that have no mirror behind it. this can cause security issues.09:21
parlosI think it cleared it self. It got passed the '--fix-broken', and I could remove the packages. Then I reinstated the package repo, and it hasnt complained since.09:22
parlosTheBigK thanks.09:43
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lotuspsychjewelcome inbe411:42
inbe4lotuspsychje: Thank you :=11:43
lotuspsychjehow can we help you today inbe411:43
inbe4lotuspsychje: I am currently on 20.04, and was wondering a few things about how LTS works. I have a background in Arch and Debian. On Debian there is backports for kernel for example. Doesthat exist for Ubuntu LTS aswell?11:46
inbe4For example, kernel 5.1111:46
lotuspsychjeinbe4: you want to try higher kernels then the default one on 20.04?11:47
inbe4lotuspsychje: Maybe, if it works like it does on Debian with backports11:49
lotuspsychje!backports | inbe411:50
ubottuinbe4: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging11:50
lotuspsychjeinbe4: maybe if you explain your purpose, volunteers could also think along with you, whats your end goal exactly?11:51
inbe4lotuspsychje: Thanks for the link, seems pretty straight forward11:52
TJ-!hwe | inbe4: for kernels etc we have the HardWare Enablement stack11:53
ubottuinbe4: for kernels etc we have the HardWare Enablement stack: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack11:53
inbe4lotuspsychje: My goal is to be able to get some newer packages along the way on 20.04, without sacrificing stability11:53
inbe4I will probably stay on 20.04 until 2025 on my desktop11:54
lotuspsychjeinbe4: well these days LTS got an extended idea of stability with the raise of !snaps as they give the user higher package versions on an LTS base aswell11:55
Deano59snaps are bad. don't use them.11:56
inbe4lotuspsychje: Yes, that's true!11:56
inbe4Deano59: Why not?11:56
lotuspsychjeDeano59: please dont11:56
Deano59lotuspsychje: ?11:56
Deano59please don't what?11:57
Deano59inbe4: unless you like long opening times, use a snap release. :)11:57
inbe4Deano59: Maybe don't hate on snap like every chidish Linux "elitist" do :D11:57
TJ-snaps don't have community support, support from the publishers can be difficult to obtain, access to source-code and reproducible builds can be difficult11:58
lotuspsychjedont listen to him inbe4 he's the troll of the year around here11:58
inbe4Deano59: I agree on the slow load times tho, it'sridiculous11:58
inbe4lotuspsychje: Yeah11:58
Deano59lotuspsychje: how am I troll?11:58
ravageJust don't feed him :)11:59
Deano59TJ-: exactly why I don't like *any* snap release.11:59
* Deano59 is NOT a troll.11:59
BluesKajHowdy folks12:00
ravageWhen a troll gets defensive it is almost defeated :)12:00
inbe4Can someone ever mention snaps without turning it into a discussion? lol12:00
Deano59I'm a troll becuase I don't like snap... okay then! :|12:00
inbe4I use snaps, and i really like the convinience it gives! No more dependency issues using third-party deb files on Debian12:01
ravageTime to move that to the discussion channel.  I don't see a support case here anymore12:02
inbe4ravage: Sorry, been on the Ubuntu IRC for 10 minutes and already starting disussions lol :D12:04
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pagios hi all, i am using ubuntu default hotspot,  which uses  /sbin/wpa_supplicant -u -s -O /run/wpa_supplicant process, and it is setting the security to WPA by default , how can i set it to WAP2 ?13:01
TJ-pagios: check the syslog for what it is doing. the -u means it is being managed over dbus by some other tool, which is responsible for configuring it13:04
pagiossyslog is not complaining, no errors there13:04
TJ-pagios: I was hoping it might report the config it is adopting.13:07
pagiosbeen on it for 3 days now13:07
TJ-pagios: maybe "journalctl --user -b 0" will reveal something of what is being configured13:08
pagiosandroid,iphones,linux,mac works , windows doesnt13:08
TJ-pagios: which Ubuntu release is it?13:08
pagiosits 20.0413:08
TJ-pagios: are those other devices connecting with WPA-313:11
pagiosno pure WPA13:11
pagioswindows refuses WPA13:11
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larkfishermanWet P**** A**13:14
TJ-pagios: check the NetworkManager log with "journalctl -b 0 -u NetworkManager" - press G to jump to end and work backwards looking for clues13:15
TJ-pagios: it could be related to Bug #187171013:16
ubottubug 1871710 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "WiFi hotspot with WPA/WPA2 Personal security doesn't work with Windows 10 client " [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187171013:16
pagiosTJ-, wats the workaroundfor that bug ? i guess thats it13:24
TJ-pagios: it's unclear if it is a general issue or related to specific installs/upgrade paths, etc13:41
blackstarhey yall, anyone know if ubuntu can be used on arm64 for audio production? ubuntu studio does not have an arm iso, and perhaps there is an ubuntu-arm channel i should ask in?13:49
blackstarlooking for a small portable way to do live performance13:49
TJ-blackstar: in theory it should be OK, since ubuntu-studio is just a different mix of packages. You could install a -server image then "apt install ubuntustudio-desktop" for example13:55
blackstarTJ-: danke13:59
=== Roey is now known as AmigoBladder
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krytarikTJ-: Just for your info, since the user already, in this case -desktop really just installs everything related to the desktop, but there are further metapackages like -audio etc.15:14
pagiosI'm a fan of the way GNOME-Shell handles workspace switching. Changing out stuff on the primary monitor only, while the secondary monitor keeps its windows. This is useful for things like keeping IRC and other communications open on one window while doing current tasks on the main screen.15:18
nokiomanzHi all, Under ubuntu 20.04 is there an option to be able to install mysql-server but version 5.7?15:19
pagioshow can i do that15:19
ThinkT510pagios: are you not running gnome?15:20
pagiosits fine sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool.15:21
TJ-krytarik: right, I know, but seeing as they were looking for the ISO it implied the whole kaboodle15:21
TJ-nokiomanz: no15:22
TJ-nokiomanz: if you're 'quick' however, you could create a 16.04 container using LXD because that release has mysql 5.7.33 - but will disappear from the main archives imminently15:24
nokiomanzTJ: When I look at the https://repo.mysql.com/apt/ubuntu/ There are a few options there. But under focal they only have 8.0. But the deb is available under bionic15:24
TJ-nokiomanz: if you're prepared to first go through "lxd init" then you can create a container and install mysql in it with "lxc launch ubuntu:16.04 u1604-mysql" then "lxc exec u1604-mysql apt install default-mysql-server" then enter it with "lxc exec u1604-mysql bash" and configure it. It can then be made available via the container's network IP address to your host15:27
TJ-nokiomanz: you'd first need to install lxd, which unfortunately is now only available as a snap package15:27
nokiomanzTJ: Thanks for that. It seems that I can grab the mysql5.7 package from bionic and get it installed just fine under focal. I will have to do some test and looking around. Not sure I like this approach though and will probably not use it.15:29
TJ-nokiomanz: I'd be concerned that its dependencies aren't supported on 20.04 when it runs15:33
TJ-nokiomanz: and with no further security updates it (depending on how you intend using it) it would be 'safer' inside an unprivileged container15:34
krytarikTJ-: I mean -desktop *only* installs that, not any of the workflow packages.15:38
TJ-krytarik: hmm, hadn't realised that. Thanks for the heads up. Does seem counter-intuitive. is there a task that'll pull in the same as the ISO?15:42
krytarikWell, I'd have to look, but generally in these cases it's advised to use the ubuntustudio-installer app.15:44
TJ-it's make some sense to add the -audio, -publishing -photography -video -graphics as Suggests: since apt doesn't install suggests by default but --install-suggests would15:45
EickmeyerTJ-: ubuntustudio-installer does some additional configuration.15:48
krytarikTJ-: That'd apply to all the packages it pulls in then though.. >_<15:48
TJ-krytarik: :)15:48
TJ-Eickmeyer: might be worth publishing some info in Wiki linked from the download page for folks using architectures other than the ISO?15:49
EickmeyerTJ-: We don't support it intentionally. RasPis aren't powerful enough for the advanced stuff in Studio.15:55
isapgswellwhy ubuntu software loads apps info and image too slow?16:05
lordcirthisapgswell, you mean the Software Center?16:06
isapgswelllordcirth yes16:07
isapgswelllordcirth main server16:08
lordcirthisapgswell, well, it's probably a matter of your internet connection?16:08
isapgswelllordcirth 240mb16:08
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lordcirthisapgswell, hard drive or SSD?16:26
jpmhI cinnect to my servers with ssh, I have my .bashrc set to enable vi mode with a set -o vi.  I just changed my PS1 prompt to include a stick of broccoli, which I did by entering <ctrl-shift-u>1f966<space> . Sure enough, I see the broccoli, BUT the cursor and display are one position off when I am at the prompt - what am I missing here?16:34
nokiomanzTJ: Thanks for your previous input! I wish you a great day !16:45
SyzygyIs there a native diff tool on ubuntu?16:54
Syzygyalternatively is there a continuous ls tool that watches for changes?16:54
Syzygytalking terminal in both cases16:55
parlosSyzgy; there is 'diff' that can give you the difference between two files, or two folders..16:57
Syzygyparlos, I want to see the difference between a folder now and later. ls folder > log.txt is an option17:10
Syzygybut I guess I already figured it out by doing ls folder | tail twice in short succession.17:10
Syzygythanks anyway17:10
stevessssso.. whats a good linux boot usb/cd image that gives text-only and lets me mount a root drive, ping, configure mdraid/zfs/other kernel modules etc without having to load a whole desktop environment?17:13
stevessssI.E. I get bash, a kernel, apt but don't need to wait for gnome or unity to load17:13
parlosSyzgy: In that case what I do is 'ls -la <folder> > myLogfile'.. then time passes, and then 'ls -la <folder> > myLogfile2; diff myLogfile myLogfile2.17:14
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swenssonSince when did #linux get invite only :S18:09
swenssonNvm, I'm retarded18:11
last1is there an ncurses interface for networkd in cli ?18:14
last1something like nmtui ?18:14
Maikswensson: besides that, totally offtopic ;)18:15
apb196320.04; libreoffice/writer won't print.  Do I need to install cups?  If so, will this page suffice for instructions?  It has some details that make me wonder...  https://linuxhint.com/cups_print_server_ubuntu/18:46
matsamanapb1963: which printer do you have?18:51
matsamangenerally it's best to avoid random blog posts unless you're already pretty familiar with a process and just need a reminder (_or_, if you're 100% lost _and_ can't find any official documentation, which is going to be rare)18:51
troozersHi all, I have Ubuntu 21.04 installed and just changed the eGPU to use an AMD Radeon card instead of nVidia (for wayland support)... no extra drivers 'seemed' to be installed, how can I check that the right drivers, etc., are installed?18:52
cbreaktroozers: sudo lshw -C display18:55
cbreakit'll tell you `driver=XXX`18:55
matsamanalso: lspci -k | grep -i vga -A 218:57
matsamanalthough that won't necessarily mean your wayland is configured perfectly18:57
matsamanapb1963: anyway yeah you probably need cups, and if you have an HP printer, probably hplip18:59
troozersApologies, got booted19:30
troozerswas previously asking; I have Ubuntu 21.04 installed and just changed the eGPU to use an AMD Radeon card instead of nVidia (for wayland support)... no extra drivers 'seemed' to be installed, how can I check that the right drivers, etc., are installed?19:31
cbreaktroozers: sudo lshw -C display19:34
cbreakit'll tell you `driver=XXX`19:34
Deano59"also: lspci -k | grep -i vga -A 2"19:34
Deano59"although that won't necessarily mean your wayland is configured perfectly"19:34
Deano59troozers: ^19:34
troozersDeanno59: cool, cheers for that :)19:35
troozerslists out both GPUs (internal + eGPU)19:36
other_rickHello, the /dev/root is missing in 18.04 but is listed on the /proc/mounts. The kernel should be create the /dev/root symblink?19:36
troozersI take it that "kernel driver in use: amdgpu" against the eGPU means that's what is being used currently?19:37
cbreakwhat's /dev/root supposed to be?19:37
other_rickthe /dev/root is create in the init/do_mount.c when the kernel has the 'root=' parameter19:40
other_rickbut in userspace doesn't exist19:40
leftyfbother_rick: I don't show "/dev/root" on any 16.04, 18.04 or 20.04 machines I have access to. Nor do I see any reference to it in /proc/mounts19:47
leftyfbother_rick: what is your exact goal?19:47
other_rickleftyfb: I don't have an initrd, then I need to especify the root= kernel param, all works well do_mounts.c create the /dev/root19:52
leftyfbother_rick: why don't you have an initrd?19:53
other_rickIts a sabrelitle that require use a U-Boot19:54
other_rickI can create an initrd, then in user space /proc/mounts doesn't made mention to the /dev/oot19:57
other_rickbut I need to know if I need to add other kernel settings to fix the symblink that the /proc/mounts mentions19:58
luke_66hi everyone. I'm having issues coonecting teh laptop my new company provided me as workstation to DisplayPort via usb-c output. the only message that I have on dmesg is:20:04
luke_66is there any command that I can run to check if the usb-c ports "support" the output to DisplayPort? I'm running Ubuntu 20.04, kernel 5.8.0-50-generic20:07
dev4449Hi. good day community.20:08
dev4449Any software recommendation for HDD health? (from reporting health doing necessary things)20:10
sarnolddev4449: smartctl20:11
Deano59dev4449: gnome-disks can also tell you your drives health.20:12
MrMobiusif i want to run command line only in a virtual box on windows, is ubuntu server what I should use?20:13
dev4449MrMobius: What do you intend to use Ubuntu for? Your question depends on that.20:14
dev4449Deano59: Thanks20:14
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dev4449sarnold: Do you mean the one that comes with the smartmontools package?20:16
MrMobiusdev4449, i had it installed in a VM to learn how to use linux and run 2 compiles I cant run on windows but it the VM was too slow and caused the host to stutter. if I can just get the compilers running from the command line ill be happy20:16
sarnolddev4449: yeah, that's the one20:17
Deano59MrMobius: ubuntu's server would do that fine. but maybe change your settings for your virtual system to add more memory/cpu cores.20:17
MrMobiusdev4449, ive also heard I could set up a local SSH server for this if you think that's a smarter way20:17
sarnoldor take some away? hehe20:17
cbreakany word on 21.04 in do-release-upgrade?20:18
dev4449MrMobius: So you want to get rid of the graphical environment in order to free up resources and make your machine faster?20:18
Deano59cbreak: not yet. soon though I should think.20:19
MrMobiusdev4449, yes, to make the VM faster20:24
MrMobiusand taking up less disk space is good too though not critical20:25
dev4449MrMobius: Yes, Ubuntu server is the way to go if you want an ubuntu installation without a desktop environment.20:27
rfmMrMobius, reinstalling just to try is a lot of work.  you can "sudo systemctl set-default multi-user.target" and reboot, it will go into console mode with no desktop running20:29
cbreakrfm: that's interesting...20:29
cbreakit seems gui-ubuntu uses graphical.target as default20:30
rfmMrMobius, if you do end up running that way, I would recommend installing the ssh server in the guest and connecting (say from putty) as that will let you copy/paste from the shell window20:30
rfmMrMobius, and for the performance problems in general, if you're seeing the host stutter that would seem that the VM is getting too much resource and starving the host;  I'd try with just one virtual CPU, and make sure the host is left with at least 4 GB after the memory given to the VM is subtracted.20:33
rfmMrMobius, after that, if the host runs OK during the compile but the compiles take too long, you could try assigning more CPUs to the guest and see if it helps.20:34
rfmMrMobius, and after all that if it seems to work you can consider installing a ubuntu server VM and moving your work over, but that is a lot of work just to save a few gigabytes of disk20:36
MrMobiusrfm, thanks a lot for the suggestion. i actually just deleted the VM image since idling in ubuntu and watching netflix on windows would make the video stutter and freeze the mouse every few seconds20:36
MrMobiusI have it set up to dual boot in the hopes once i boot into ubuntu ill be too lazy to switch back into windows but i still need windows for some things so dont reboot into ubuntu20:37
MrMobiusseems like just running the command line then is the thing to do here20:37
rfmMrMobius, is Hyper-V enabled on the windows box?  if it is, VBox has to use it to run the VMs, and there are often serious performance problems20:39
leftyfbMrMobius: have you also looked into WSL?20:42
remlineI see that bug 1925010 is "fix released".20:49
ubottubug 1925010 in shim (Ubuntu Hirsute) "shim-signed 15.4 does not boot on EFI 1.10 systems" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192501020:49
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