[02:42] wee. late work tonight [02:42] * diddledan blames daftykins [02:57] hah. I killed him :-p [03:08] * ball sighs [10:31] hi de hi [12:39] morning [12:39] * zxm-pi_ sips tea and contemplates everything i've done to reach this point [14:10] * DJones notes pictures of zxm-pi_ wearing nappies from parents facebook are online, I guess thats what got you this far :) [14:13] * daftykins cracks the whip on diddledan [14:14] :D morn [14:17] * zxm-pi_ ponders what my father would have made of facebook and suspects he would not have been a fan [14:18] My dad didn't use computers, though I did persuade him to type his name in once. [14:18] (probably on a Spectrum) [14:19] new fangled contraptions [14:19] Don't think he ever typed on my ZX81 [14:19] allo daftykins [14:19] ball: I can see that typing on a spectrum might not have endeered it to him [14:19] "typed"* [14:19] daftykins: incoming! [14:19] diddledan: got you burning the midnight oil, have we? :D [14:20] i'll have you know i had a zx +2 with a real decent keyboard :-P [14:21] I had most of them over the years, though I never had the toast rack. [14:21] Had a girlfriend who had one though. [14:29] diddledan: did you mean email? i see nothing! [14:29] it's coming.. I was typing it :-p [14:29] oh :P [14:29] oh look an email from Dan [14:29] should be there any time now [14:30] boom! 🎤🤛 [14:31] that's the closest I can get to a "micdrop" emoji [14:32] very cool - looks good! i see i've confused you with the two domains though, the synapse one is really going to be job #2 as a totally free standing new company in addition [14:32] aaah [14:32] oops [14:33] so with this one it will be a total replacement of the momentum site [14:33] gotcha [14:33] eh that's cool, the fact i was doing a test and put it on the new site, i even confused myself at one point xD [14:33] just do a search+replace :-) [14:33] yeee [14:33] you happy to do that? no rush at all [14:33] the text is all identical apart from the name [14:34] yup. gimme a sec [14:34] also i don't mean to alarm you but looking in the zip, there seems to have been a mac that got near it [14:34] * daftykins ducks [14:34] sshh [14:37] ah can't wait to minimise the wordpress instances i have to babysit - s'gon be good [14:39] * diddledan dm's you the new link to save email electrons being invonvenienced [14:39] :D ty sir [14:39] oops. missed one name [14:40] the folder in img/ needs to be renamed [14:40] that should do it. I think it's the same link still [14:41] ooh yeah i can browse the folder tree in-browser from G Drive and see it updated \o/ [14:41] yey [14:41] and I had no idea you could do that [14:41] lol, the size difference versus the ~175 MB doc root i tar'd up for you - granted that was without compression, but still [14:42] bah @ mac adding ._ filenames all over the shop [14:42] rip those out! [14:42] heh yeah they're the worst [14:42] long ago i heard you can disable that for specific paths but it's a terminal only command thing and i've never looked into it myself [14:43] hmm. I'll have to have a nosey on the googs [14:45] shouldn't be anything stopping me slapping it on our VPS live under md\test\ and linking Andy to ok it eh? [14:46] nope, fire away [14:46] sweet, probably get him to grab the hcaptcha keys by signing up one of our generic email addresses like info@ [14:55] ooh i must do a bank dash, then i will return [15:02] a bonk dash, eh? (I'm being French today 😉) [15:02] nothing like a Friday afternoon bonk [15:02] although isn't it always busy on Friday at closing time? [15:03] all the shopkeeps stashing their wares [15:07] a bonking we will go, a bonking we will go. ee aye the adio. a bonking we will go. [15:09] Well yes, quite. [15:12] don't blame me, it's the French's fault 🤪 [15:21] diddledan: a while back they refurbished my high street NatWest branch, so it's got a whole line-up of automated machines - don't even have to acknowledge the presence of worker bees anymore! [15:22] 😮 [15:22] sadly this client appeared to have ignored the content of my email carrying the invoice, as they put the wrong name in - but the machine didn't reject it xD [15:22] fingers crossed for it not eventually getting bounced [15:23] new Loki trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXIk4FM6GtQ [15:24] looks like it's gonna be fun [15:31] poor lady in M&S just now went to get me a box of cereal from the store room as there were none on the shelves, i spy her tug on this box in the middle of a stack and they all just spilled out over the floor x| oops! [15:33] oh my tux! that lady that keeps signing up my personal gmail to BBC and ITV appears to have just tried to make my email address her recovery address, but in doing so has shared her actual one [15:39] people signing up for things with the wrong email is weird [15:39] now i don't have to write a snail mail letter and hope i guess the house number correctly [15:49] diddledan: aww yeah got the site online @ /test/ [15:49] \o/ [15:50] let's see, about all i can spot so far is that i'll need to transplant his policy docs that are linked from the one page, but that's super duper minor - so just need to have him assist with the hcaptcha keys and then sign off on it \o/ [15:51] ooh, I missed those docs [15:51] * diddledan didn't spot them at all :-p [15:51] the subtlety of links! [15:52] IKR. we need some flashing lights ;-p [15:52] under 'Privacy Policy' there are the two 'here' words that we had as links to /file.pdf [15:52] aha [15:52] whatever happened to HTML blink? ;) [15:52] and ! [16:04] If only animated GIFs had gone the same way! ;-) [16:16] docs placed \o/ [16:20] diddledan: oh does the contact stuff use the VPS's sendmail config then, or? [16:20] yes, it does [16:20] it's using the mail() function in PHP that uses the sendmail on the host [16:20] sweet, should be ready to roll as soon as we can get those keys in then \o/ do they tend to rotate them or are they a one-time creation thing? [16:21] should be one-time needed only [16:22] * daftykins fires an email [16:35] now if only i could find out a solution to that MikroTik problem i'd be laughing [16:36] what's up with it? [16:39] i have the super cheap little hAP ac in at my friend's art gallery, connected via a little draytek vigor 120 ADSL2 transceiver - 20Mb service, it keeps dropping the broadband and/or operating at only 6Mb [16:40] it's so bad that it's stopping their credit card machine from properly handling sales [16:40] at first i suspected the phone line, microfilters, etc etc - but pinned it down to the unit. i had to factory reset it at one point because trying to replace the draytek left me unable to connect at all [16:41] weird for not-the-modem to cause slowdowns on the DSL [16:41] after the factory reset i did the bare minimum config to get back online - and it was all sorted, back up to 20 Mb etc... [16:42] that was about mid-day - come 5pm she text me and said it had begun to drop out again, she noticed from it booting her phone off the wifi [16:43] i'm totally new to their hardware so i have absolutely no clue what i'm doing really... i don't know if this could be as simple as a mistake for being on the wrong release channel, or whether there's a hardware fault that has developed [16:44] yeah it's truly odd - before i went down i called the telco and asked them to check just to get their angle - helpdesk guy said "ah yeah looks like what happens when there's a bad microfilter to me", only the Draytek is synced at maximum - full 24 Mb down on ADSL2+ [16:44] I suppose an interesting question is what's happening when it's slowing down - is it packet drops somewhere, ether ethers or what? [16:44] mmm, need to check its' CPU and memory usage perhaps [16:45] all a real chore to deal with when it's out on a remote site :( [16:45] also their service is very legacy at this point so i'm still having to deal with the hassles of PPPoA - my life would be much easier with PPPoE [16:46] could well be a complication from that given i'm having to get the Draytek to do PPPoEoA :D [16:46] ah that's weird [16:47] I guess you need to figure out whether it's the wifi dropping out, or the internet with the wifi being fine [16:47] all our ISP's offerings are now VDSL2 and have been for a long time, but the helpdesk guy told me that they're not offering any means to convert [16:47] does its logs say anytjing useful? [16:47] oh i was working on it from my wired laptop and the wired office PC there and they all lose everything [16:48] hmm [16:48] is anyone using a microwave at the same time? ;-p [16:48] i haven't been able to put any time into log reading yet unfortunately as all my time on my last visit was consumed with going down the phone line / microfilter rabbit hole [16:48] haha [16:49] her Dad does have meddling hands - that's for sure, in the past i'd set up this printer of theirs on wired networking nice and reliably, only for him to interfere and put the pesky machine on wifi [16:51] daftykins: I've heard stories in the pat of bad PSUs or other interference causing DSL problems, so if it's actually the DSL that's dropping out maybe some mains filters or replacement PSUs might be worth a go [16:51] daftykins: But it seems odd [16:53] i think i put it in around October, so it lasted a few months - maybe around March it started behaving oddly [16:54] i bought an identical model which i have here and was going to put in for someone else, but i don't trust them now until i can work out what's happening [16:57] mostly like my pcengines AMD APU pfSense machines, but they're not exactly cheap at ~£240 from linitx.com - and that's not including wifi [16:58] I been messing with getting haxe (https://haxe.org) running on m1 macs - I don't think anyone else has tried sorting it until I came along.. there's at least one "issue" where someone has requested it [16:59] daftykins: Have you thought about dropping a monitoring machine in just to capture logs and stuff? [16:59] might be worth trying two things one after the other. 1) swap it out for an identical unit to see if that still breaks, and 2) swap it out for a different device to see if it's the hap or something about the location/internet service [17:00] penguin42: certainly worth considering! [17:00] if a competitor still fails then that rules out the hAP being dead [17:00] yeah, i might restore their backup onto this secondary one [17:00] the client it was meant for is in no rush because it usually takes repeated pressure for him to get anything done :D [17:01] I'd be surprised if the mikrotik is broken across all similar devices - I've had good success with one at home here a few years back (since replaced with unifi) [17:02] I would guess that, barring a config issue, if the other mikrotik you have fails the same way then a competitor is likely to as wlel [17:03] just a random thought - do these have the ability to hop frequencies depending on other networks? wondering if it's hopping and thus kicking everyone off at that moment [17:04] it might be marked as "frequency: auto" or similar [17:05] well the wifi thing was really just how she noticed first that there was trouble, after that she went to the wired PC and said it had also gone offline [17:05] I'll have to pull my (albeit different model) box out and have a play to see what the settings were [17:05] aah [17:05] my searches did turn up some kinda weird 'connection status checker' option which is apparently turned on for the WAN interface and might cause PPPoE to drop [17:06] another thought is to check it's temperature - it might be overheating if it's not well ventilated [17:06] but yeah i have it on the oft-updated release channel at the mo and i'm tempted to move to what i think they call bugfix only, long term support type one [17:07] what I love about the mikrotiks that I'm sure once you've set it up yourself you'll love too - you can remotely update them without bothering your clients [17:08] you can automate it, too, IIRC [17:08] https://mum.mikrotik.com/presentations/US17/presentation_4529_1496842532.pdf [17:08] i had configured openvpn so i could get in, but due to these woes it had ceased working [17:08] also i had yet to resolve that i couldn't hit the webUI over the tunnel xD [17:09] i started out thinking it'd be fun to try a new device, then i got busy and really regretted it [17:09] https://i.imgur.com/PIoHMIZ.jpg - here's what the setup looks like [17:09] nice and tify [17:09] tidy [17:10] there's also a small switch to the right with some more gubbins plugged in [17:10] well there's your problem! [17:10] your modem is upside down, the bits keep dropping out [17:11] doesn't it need to be that way around, or the bits won't go into the wire [17:11] xD EEVBlog'd [17:16] they're pretty terrible for having a really messy place with piles of junk cluttering the desk, so i kinda insisted his Dad knocked up that board to mount them on so i wasn't dealing with the kit suffering from their lassez faire attitude [17:17] *her Dad [17:35] * ball grins [17:36] Is that ADSL? [17:37] Wait, is that white/reflective tape on the phone jack or an LCD? [17:38] I can't get ADSL here any more. [17:39] ...and VDSL modem/routers are very bulky. [17:40] it's where i cut a rectangle out so as to not show you their phone numbers :D [17:40] Oh! :-) [17:40] it's a very ghetto service for here as well, ADSL, but it's only their business location so no reason to have more [17:40] Nice of you to do that. [17:40] It's not ghetto here, it's just not offered. [17:41] If you want DSL you get VDSL [17:41] that's why it's not offered though ;) ancient tech [17:41] *although* they've replaced the 20/1 ADSL2 with 20/2 VDSL2, so really they'd benefit from switching [17:41] I'm on 3M/1.5M [17:41] that's atrocious [17:41] no doubt a symptom of line length [17:41] * ball fires up xe.com to see how much he's paying [17:41] daftykins: No, that's jut the package I buy. [17:42] but to even offer such a low one [17:42] About UKP 33.60/mo. [17:43] For UKP 42.89 I can supposedly buy "unlimited" fixed LTE. [17:43] Which would be faster and might even be more reliable. [17:44] (counterintuitive given that VDSL is down a wire) [17:44] My keyboard doesn't have a pound sign. [17:44] mmm, you likely would get stuck behind CGNAT then though which would mean you couldn't open ports and reach any services at home like SSH/HTTP - and mobile services can disappear i found [17:44] certainly faster but much more variable [17:45] Outside of town there are better terrestrial fixed wireless options but I can't get those here. [17:47] ...and the cable Internet co. couldn't make their service work at my house, even though it's theoretically covered. [17:47] I gave them a year to make it work properly and they failed. [17:50] weird, would have thought it's a binary thing - either there's the coax in the property/out in the street or there's not [17:52] daftykins: There was, they replaced it. It still didn't work so they eventually replaced it again. Still bad... [17:52] from popey in Ubuntu Podcast Telegram channel https://twitter.com/pwnallthethings/status/1390704577498992642/photo/1 [17:52] Probably a bad port on the node or something but they never figured it out. [17:53] * diddledan spies a lack of popey in here [17:53] yikes [17:53] I guess leaving Canonical means leaving the loco :-( [17:54] Wimpress is still here tho [17:54] Perhaps he's just busy! [17:54] all those projects [17:54] All those ThinkPads ;-) [17:54] he's on vacay atm tho [17:54] speaking of ThinkPads, seems LGR has a new one :O [17:54] between-job-furlough [17:54] new to him, that is [18:02] I wouldn't mind a ThinkPad [18:03] Had my eye on the 11e but apparently they're not available at present. [18:03] Hopefully that'll change or there will be a suitable replacement. [18:03] you can very easily grab an older generation model with very good specs on ebay [18:04] Don't make me buy a PowerPC one ;-) [18:04] eww [18:04] Alright, time for me to find the comfy chair... [18:14] I'm still on honeymoon with my m1 macbook air [18:14] <3 [18:14]  <-- I can type that which nobody except mac users will see correctly [18:15] (alt+shift+k) [18:15] hah. option, not alt. alt is a pc thing [18:28] ;) [18:28] don't you know they're already spitting out M2 chips!? time to throw it out! [19:41] heh remember that guy with the failed SSD and flawed XCP-ng setup with no backups? he's back with a new drive, blaming XCP-ng already for his NUC misbehaving [20:13] do you remember we were discussing the failed SSD? turns out his NUC likely cooked it - he's got bigger problems: https://i.imgur.com/bxwa5fC.jpg [20:14] firmware reporting CPU @ 100 deg C [20:15] make -j tea [20:17] :D [21:08] yikes, is he cryptomining on it? [21:09] lol, you're still in there - grab your popcorn and have a read of the backlog [21:09] he ragequit due to being unwilling to follow advice [21:10] * diddledan goes looksee [21:34] checked out the new LGR yet? [21:34] https://youtu.be/kyI6KDU96zA [21:37] gosh. that was... fun? [21:38] LGR box is still sealed?! [21:38] was* [21:39] fun regarding LGR or #xcp-ng? [21:39] * daftykins waits for LGR to sniff the ThinkPad [21:39] #xcp [21:40] did it seem like i antagonised him any? [21:40] nope [21:40] he kneejerked at your suggestion that you'd not come across a firmware that showed cpu usage and it descended from there [21:41] mmm, i think he lied about running 'buntu, too [21:41] through impatience [21:41] (I'm assuming a he.. because they were somewhat eggplanty: 🍆) [21:41] :D [21:42] you never once called him anything that could be construed as liar [21:43] there was a lot of entitlement there [21:43] last time he was seriously fingerpointing at XCP-ng being the cause of the loss of his setup, too [21:44] once i pointed out the borked drive he just went silent [21:44] yeah, no. heat is the cause. [21:44] it's a nuc.. I sure do hope they're not overclocking it [21:44] xD [21:46] that LGR box is substantial [21:46] ikr [21:46] ... back when you got something that shows how much you paid [21:47] absolutely - and why i got a Psion 'cause i was a poor kid xD [21:47] so much documentation! [21:47] fine bedtime reading [21:49] OH NO he showed the Windows license key! ;) [21:49] did it need activating? [21:49] not back then :D in fact i watched a video that explained why you can zero out the key entry screen and it will be accepted [21:49] pretty basic algorithm they used back then [21:50] 111111111 wasn't it? [21:50] you could be right, or perhaps both are valid - already forgotten D: [21:51] apparently, according to Dave Plummer, the activation mechanism actually sends data in addition to being a cryptographic signature in the numbers you punch into the keypad when you phone for activation [21:52] something like 128bytes or silliness like that [21:52] :D his videos truly are so enjoyable - did you check out his house tour one? or his writing a Windows program from memory? xD [21:52] I've not seen the tour yet [21:53] ooh you're in for a treat [21:53] Windows from memory must be difficult - the hoops you have to jump are crazy complex [21:53] it's not like Linux or UNIX where you just need an `int main() {}` [21:54] it's an almost 30 minute video including timeshifted hand typing :D [21:54] hah. Smart Suite 97! [21:55] we got SS95 with our Pentium PC back in 1995 (a TINY computers one) [21:56] what's it do? [21:56] we drove from around Basingstoke all the way to Reading to go to their shop - kinda like the Apple Store is now but for a random other computer company :-) [21:56] Smart Suite is/was the Lotus office package [21:58] ah har [21:59] came with Lotus Word Pro, Lotus 123, and Lotus Organiser [21:59] i've heard of offices that are either MS shops, or MS jaded ones that went Lotus... but i've never seen it first hand [21:59] listening to those Windows chimes gives me warm fuzzy memories [22:00] (just got to where LGR gets it booted first time) [22:00] :D [22:01] shameless plug: if you want to play around with Win 10 in a VM.. https://snapcraft.io/clouds [22:01] I've heard rumour that you can get an activated Windows install without a key applied with Clouds [22:01] but you didn't hear it from me [22:02] o0 would that be a side effect from it reading a license key from the system firmware? [22:02] I think it matches the hardware profile to a whitelist [22:03] I also got it to think the install was belonging to ATOS, but decided that was a bit too egregious [22:03] not familiar with that name o0 [22:04] these folk: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atos [22:05] hrmm new to me [22:05] something about the hardware profile I set up that time caused Windows to 1) think it belonged to ATOS, and 2) was activated, and 3) wanted you to sign into an ATOS email account instead of MS when you first set it up [22:06] (you can still do an MS account, but it defaulted to ATOS) [22:06] that's kerrazy! [22:07] the way they badger folk into MS accounts drives me mad, i kick it old school with local accounts only - and for client systems set the group policy to deny adding one [22:07] I'm wondering if I'm the only person to have ever discovered these secret back doors? [22:07] but still on some logins you'll see the pesky fullscreen wizard start and try to offer to convert [22:08] if you have a local account they'll badger you again on major releases and some minor updates, too [22:08] well, did you ever encounter Windows Loader during the days of Windows 7? it did that OEM SLIC table injection to make a system appear factory branded [22:08] yeah, with that group policy in place though, hitting next will just say "oh ok you're all set! bye!" and leave you alone [22:08] yup, I might have used it for a while ;-) [22:09] shocked i am, SHOCKED [22:09] :D [22:10] I'm sure it probably invaded my PC with malware tho [22:10] those hacks always have malware inside [22:10] might depend how you get it [22:11] you gotta love when instructions for something dodgy include "turn off your virus scanner, first" [22:13] well it makes sense for changing system files to get flagged [22:15] this ThinkPad is reading LGR's mind