[00:42] lazy_bob was added by: lazy_bob [03:52] Weird and dumb question. Will installing Ubuntu Touch on my Nexus 5 update the phone's bootloader and/or radio? [03:57] @JIHP334 [Weird and dumb question. Will installing Ubuntu Touch on my Nexus 5 update the p …], It will "replace" firmware vendor and splash+fastboot image [03:57] Update is not suitable word ig because it is completely different [05:53] Does the built in music app have a limit to the number of songs in the library? It wont detect any song in my library after 182 [05:57] Also if i rename a song, it dosent get renamed, rather some other random song gets renamed... [05:58] @Sparky3K [Does the built in music app have a limit to the number of songs in the library? …], I don't think so. I think I have more than 1k [05:59] @Sparky3K [Also if i rename a song, it dosent get renamed, rather some other random song ge …], Where do you rename? [05:59] File manager [06:13] @Javacookies [Where do you rename?], File manager [06:15] i think song names can also come from metadata instead of just the filename [06:17] Nah that aint the case ive got, for eg. 21 guns got renamed to think when i tried to remame 2 phut hon to think [06:17] In the file manager i mean [06:17] Music is noy detecting anything so idk😂 [06:17] [Edit] Music is not detecting anything so idk😂 [06:40] @Sparky3K [Does the built in music app have a limit to the number of songs in the library? …], Some people said they had GB of music, so I doubt it. [06:40] Check the tags of your songs. They might be faulty. I am not sure, but the song name might be pulled from a tag too rather from file name. [06:42] Oh, and first clear the apps cache with UT Tweak tool. That often helps. [06:51] @Danfro [Some people said they had GB of music, so I doubt it.], Yep, I have more than 2k songs in ogg format, no problems here. [07:02] (Sticker, 501x512) https://irc.ubports.com/7oSBEl1U.webp [07:03] I never counted mine. But I don't think it is that much. 😉 [07:04] @Danfro [I never counted mine. But I don't think it is that much. 😉], Never count it too, but Dolphin (file manager) says that there is more than 2k archives in Music Folder [07:07] I do not have all my music on my phone. On my laptop I have got more. I think Rythmbox coints the files too. I need to have a look at the number the next time [07:07] [Edit] I do not have all my music on my phone. On my laptop I have got more. I think Rythmbox counts the files too. I need to have a look at the number the next time [07:07] @Sparky3K [Also if i rename a song, it dosent get renamed, rather some other random song ge …], Rename by swiping to the left the desired archive and tap on the edit button, you'll see the rename dialog but with the actual filename on it, from there you can rename it without problem. [07:08] @Danfro [I do not have all my music on my phone. On my laptop I have got more. I think Ry …], It is interesting to see the masive number of songs that one way or another have a meaning for us. [07:12] @Sparky3K [Music is not detecting anything so idk😂], Most of the times music app detects new songs by just rebooting the phone. I think the is a way to refresh the database, but I don't remember right now. [07:13] Ohk thanks a lot you guys😀 [07:14] Is anyone having issues with 2.4ghz mouse not getting detected? The keyboard is working, the mouse was till yesterday butnow its not, but other phpnes are recognizing it.. [07:22] @JIHP334 [Weird and dumb question. Will installing Ubuntu Touch on my Nexus 5 update the p …], No we do not host firmware files for copyright reasons. [13:12] @alera_on [Yes, true... … In fact, as today is Ubuntu Unity's birthday, some goodies for you …], aaahhh, yikes your rename of unity 7 is just confusing people. [13:27] big thanks to GCompriz, a great educational distraction to my niece who won't stop watching Peppa Pig 😂 [13:27] Works really great on a tablet [13:30] As soon as i rename a song, it stops coming in the library, i cleared cache, config and all but its no use [13:30] hm, intresting [13:31] wonder if there is a delay with media scanner? [13:37] Rebooting solvd the issue [13:38] ah, I guess it didn't scan yet then [13:39] it is a bit different, as it 'scans' through a few locations for songs, then organizes them from meta data, instead of just folder based [13:50] https://t.me/joinchat/AWu2u-HZs5dlNTZh [14:08] @mateosalta [aaahhh, yikes your rename of unity 7 is just confusing people.], But we use the color purple. :) [14:50] Idk whats wrong but my mouse suddenly started working again😂😂 [14:51] Mateo, I read the discussion now and well, Unity X is not Unity 7, it is being made from scratch, as it was with Unity 8 (currently Lomiri), however, as Rudra and Dalton already said, when if Lomiri is ready for Debian and Ubuntu, we can have an official variant and maybe soon, unify the efforts. [14:54] I strongly recommend that if you have more questions about this, join the Ubuntu Unity Discuss group. [15:06] @alera_on [Mateo, I read the discussion now and well, Unity X is not Unity 7, it is being m …], ? [15:10] oh my... why call it unity? [15:11] what a mess [15:18] I know that the nomenclature is confusing, but think about it: Unity X (10) may be an attempt at the next version of 7, where there will also be version 8 (Lomiri) that may be the definitive one. [15:20] No 9? [15:21] Imagine that we are developing the first version of Windows 10 to try to succeed Windows 7, since Windows 8 was not ready. The attempt to make Windows 10 would come to assist or decide that Windows 8 will be definitive or not. [15:22] @TronFortyTwo [No 9?], So ... I heard that this number is unlucky but, I don't know what was the real reason for choosing the name of the next version. [15:24] sounds like trying to gain following from other groups and trends... [15:28] @mateosalta [sounds like trying to gain following from other groups and trends...], Sorry, but I didn't understand what you meant. [15:29] @alera_on [Sorry, but I didn't understand what you meant.], just like windows skipped 9 [15:29] and just like apple used x instead of 10 [15:33] So I think really, the number 9 should not bring a good thing. [15:34] My notebook types 9 alone because of an internal bug in it, so I need to be in control when I start it to avoid typing and not crash the system. [15:36] That is one odd bug [15:37] for reasons we renamed to lomiri - unity is now a game engine, and the code is not really continued from 7 [15:37] Though i had an iphone 4 that would type all the contacts in the phonebook all by iyself whenever it was charging [15:38] [Edit] Though i had an iphone 4 that would type all the contacts in the phonebook all by itself whenever it was charging [16:50] @mateosalta [for reasons we renamed to lomiri - unity is now a game engine, and the code is n …], It was not us who chose what the DE would be called in 2011, but a decision by Canonical. Windows is an operating system, but it can also mean simple windows, a window manager, among others, but it has never lost its meaning. It is the sam [16:50] e case that applies to Motorola. Everyone knows that there are two Motorolas and there is no problem with that. [16:51] ... there are two Motorolas? [16:53] @klaartje_b [... there are two Motorolas?], Yes. Motorola Mobility and Motorola Solutions. [16:57] Same case with Nokia: we have Nokia itself and Nokia Mobile. [16:59] Oh, okay. [17:10] it's like general electric [17:11] they have many companies in one branch [17:15] ... and a whole lot of Samsungs ... [17:19] I got a bit of a weird question. I just tried to order some merch on the UBPorts shop, and the payment seeminly went through in PayPal, but after redirecting, I get an internal server error, and I'm now unsure if the order went through or not: `("Unable to post message, please configure the sender's email address.", '')` [17:20] Is this just to send an email, or is the order now borked? [17:21] @Kwoot are you able to see into this? [17:22] Yes I can. Marquis, please email me at jeroen@ubports.com. [17:22] @Kwoot [Yes I can. Marquis, please email me at jeroen@ubports.com.], Thanks! Will do; writing it rn [17:27] Alright, message should have been sent [17:33] AgnieszKa17 was added by: AgnieszKa17 [19:01] I've been meaning to catch up with Q&As since forever but clearly the centurion is non-negotiable :) pumped! [19:27] great vid. [19:31] boriseto was added by: boriseto [19:35] @wayneoutthere [great vid.], Indeed my friend! [19:42] Suggestion: What about a collaboration with fairphone? They have a great sustainable product, so UT would fit right in. Or is that tried already? [20:03] @Jan_ops79 [Suggestion: What about a collaboration with fairphone? They have a great sustain …], UT is already supported for both Fairphone 2 and 3 [20:16] Yes, but like an official endorsed by Fairphone collaboration like vollaphone for example. [20:20] i think there was something like though not that extent … I remember a video about UT and it was created fairphone if I'm not mistaken [20:22] (Photo, 1099x265) https://irc.ubports.com/Z4SVanHh.png shoutout to that one person who missed the Q&A [20:26] It still would be nice though. [20:31] If you're still awake, have a chat with us! https://whereby.com/ubports-chat [21:11] Taiyanika Bogera was added by: Taiyanika Bogera [21:34] Flum Mollas was added by: Flum Mollas [22:11] (Photo, 720x880) https://irc.ubports.com/3D0lWcX3.png [22:29] Hi all!  What would it take to bring ubuntu touch to the pixel4a, I see it's available for the 3a?  Do you need help?  Is it a monumental effort or just boilerplate? [22:30] something in-between those two options [22:31] Pixel 4a port would need to use Halium 10 as that device was released with Android 10, which kind of works already, but is in more rough state [22:35] Got it, so roll up Halium 10 with any fixes for compatibility and it would be good to go?  Anywhere I could jump in with that? [22:35] ozdemir_omer was added by: ozdemir_omer [22:36] If it's one off fixes and iteration I could definitely do that on my device and such seems cool [22:37] @UniversalSuperBox [], I gotta admit, that 3D model of Yumi is amazing [22:37] w1z, we have Halium chat, either at https://t.me/halium or #halium in IRC in Freenode [22:41] awesome I'll join #halium and see where I can help [22:41] whoa this is a huge channel [22:49] Is there source or somewhere on the ubports side I can see the stack and setup and maybe get some kind of prototype setup and iterate?  I'll look into this more in a bit. [23:00] @UniversalSuperBox [], was sleeping [23:01] w1z, I replied there, hopefully it reached IRC side [23:47] it did and cool [23:55] for the pixel3a there's more to the code than this build with halium compatibility no? https://gitlab.com/ubports/community-ports/jenkins-ci/sargo