
ShellcatZeroCan anyone tell me what the difference is between the AWS EC2 sources.list repos for ubuntu on EC2 and those non-EC2 repos? I have not been able to find any documentation on that.00:48
sarnoldI think you don't pay for traffic to the ec2 caches00:50
sarnolddoublecheck before you go crazy :)00:50
sarnoldif you spin up ubuntu pro images you get easier access to fips, cis, esm, kinds of things https://ubuntu.com/aws/pro -- but this isn't in the standard images00:51
ShellcatZeroThanks sarnold, still digging to find some concrete info on those EC2 repos, haven't seen anything yet though.00:57
sarnoldShellcatZero: it's probably this https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/pricing/on-demand/01:02
sarnoldof course they've got *so many* different prices on so many different things, there might be other ways to price network traffic01:03
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