
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
DarkTrickBashing-om, "let me try again" what? was the libssl-dev message for me?01:17
Bashing-omDarkTrick: No, was directed to daum .01:21
DarkTrick:) *01:25
=== zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin
ash_worksiis it possible to install this on busybox? http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hirsute/man1/mkpasswd.1.html01:45
leftyfbash_worksi: you can maybe try to include it in your  initrd01:49
=== MalkbabY_ is now known as MalkbabY
apb196320.04; Dead window won't go away: https://snipboard.io/djCIpf.jpg02:28
apb1963whoa.  Right clicked on it and it went away.  That's normally a left click to select an option.  Hmm.02:41
=== PonyBlocks is now known as PonyFlyfishing
apb1963What happened to the "show desktop" icon/widget thingy from 16.04?  I use that everytime I open libreoffice.02:43
guiverc16.04 used the Unity Desktop by default; 20.04 uses GNOME by default, so it's unclear if you're talking about the same Unity desktop on both, or contrasting different desktops02:44
guivercapb1963, ^02:44
apb1963I see02:44
apb1963I'm contrasting defaults :)02:44
apb1963But I didn't know it.02:44
apb1963guiverc, That explains a bunch.  Thank you02:45
guivercUnity 7 desktop is available for 20.04; it's just no longer deault (and has some minor differences I understand)02:45
apb1963Well I used to dislike gnome intensely...  Now that I know I'm  using it again... it's less horrible then I remember it being.02:46
apb1963I presume that means it's improved :)02:46
guivercit's a modified GNOME... so gnome pureists probably aren't thrilled02:47
apb1963that's probably the part I'm liking.  lol02:47
apb1963Is there a way to modify the date display at the top?02:47
apb1963I want to see day of week02:48
apb1963omg it's friday already02:48
* guiverc is not a GNOME user, but I'd look in gnome-tweaks (saturday here)02:48
apb1963This is why I need DOW!  lol02:48
apb1963Where does one find these magical gnomes and their tweaks? :)02:50
guivercnah sorry, I had a quick look in gnome-tweaks & don't see option02:50
apb1963'k.  TY :)02:50
apb1963Well, back to the grindstone... maybe :)  Thx!02:51
leftyfbapb1963: https://extensions.gnome.org/02:51
guivercI'd for sure recommend installing & looking gnome-tweaks though..  `gnome-tweaks | 3.34.0-2ubuntu1 | focal/universe   | source, all`   (note: I'm using LXQt/Lubuntu so what I see with it maybe less than idea)02:51
apb1963leftyfb, thank you02:51
leftyfbgnome tweaks is limited in what it gives you02:51
leftyfbCompared to extensions02:51
apb1963guiverc, there's a whole website & installation involved?  So not up for this.  Another time.  Thank you though!02:52
guivercextensions yeah are involved.. gnome-tweaks is just an apt install02:52
guivercbut with limitations as leftyfb says02:52
apb1963Too much on my plate to spend time on a simple thing like this.02:53
apb1963I appreciate the effort though!  Thx guys!02:53
leftyfbhuh? You go to the website no click install on the extension you want02:54
leftyfbNot sure how that is involved02:54
guivercI stand corrected... apb1963 ^02:55
apb1963OK, that sounds pretty simple.  I'll take a look.02:55
apb1963Although GNOME Shell integration extension is running, native host connector is not detected. Refer documentation for instructions about installing connector.02:56
apb1963Or declare not simple? :)02:56
apb1963Again... another time.  Thank you02:57
guivercAt times I've found it easy (extensions), other times not so, thus my 'involved' comment... once browser setup it's easy, but until then...  (sorry I'm not a gnome user)\02:58
leftyfbapb1963: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/gnome-shell-integration/02:59
leftyfbSorry, forgot about the browser add on02:59
leftyfbThey should be all you need03:00
wxMichaelI just installed Calibre and now links to websites in Kubuntu's Discover app are trying to open with Calibre's ereader, and I'm not sure where to fix that association.05:31
endersendingI was wondering if someone could help. I dont use ubuntu that much, but I cant get the dhclient to work at boot06:10
endersendingI modified /etc/network/interfaces, enabled NetworkManager.service, but doesnt work, I think I am missing something06:11
endersendingsystemctl ststus NetworkManager.serice says it cant open /run/network/ifstate06:12
endersendingifconfig doesnt work. maybe I am missing some tools?06:12
wxMichael(nvm on my issue. I fixed it by removing calibre's association with text/html files)06:13
endersendingshould I be using netplan? whatever that is?06:15
wxMichaelI'm no expert on networking, but I do know that the "ip" command has kind of replaced ifconfig, but you can do 'sudo apt install net-tools' if you want ifconfig06:15
=== PonyFlyfishing is now known as PonyBlocks
Heisenbergendersending: just run $dhclient <interfacce-name?06:16
endersendingHeisenberg, I want it at bootup06:18
endersendingI added stuff to the netplan/00-.yaml file.. rebooting to see if it works06:18
Heisenbergendersending: #nmcli con add type ethernet ifname <nic-name> con-name <nic-name>06:19
Heisenberg$nmcli con reload06:19
endersendinglooks like the netplan stuff worked. awesome06:19
Heisenbergendersending: cool06:20
bibbleDev 21.04 Desktop, put IPv4 & IPv6 DNS addresses in connection settings and applied, but still uses original ISP DNS.06:37
bibbleHow to change DNS nameservers?06:37
bibbleAh, the GUI settings seem to be appending then only. How to make the custom DNS the only nameservers?06:40
=== PonyBlocks is now known as PicklePony
floogyHi, is there anyone running mysql 8.0 and akonadi (and kontact, kmail) side by side on ubuntu >= 20.04?  https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=215&t=17117707:22
ducassefloogy: try #kubuntu08:25
ksynwaHello. I just did a minimal install of Ubuntu. When I do `modprobe amdgpu`, the output is empty. Is this expected? I am on a laptop with amdgpu.08:27
Deano59when are we getting "openvpn 2.5.2" in 21.04?08:57
Deano59"Current Rel: 2.5.2 (2021-04-21"08:58
Deano5921.04 has; OpenVPN 2.5.108:58
=== PowerTower_121 is now known as PowerTower_120
ducassea release typically doesn't get version upgrades after release, but you can ask for an !sru09:11
ducassebut for a non-lts odds are slim09:14
Walex2ksynwa: work here with a ryzen 5 with VEGA GPU, under 20.0409:56
Walex2ksynwa: if your GPU is very recent, try the 5.8 HWE kernels and Xorg server.09:56
=== denningsrogue685 is now known as denningsrogue68
asenmHello, folks! Can someone help me how can I send logs with Rsyslog. When the log file is 2021-05-08-log.txt ? How to make Rsyslog to get the log file with current date?10:28
ripperi have lubuntu 20.4  on a PC10:34
ripperrecently i changed my monitor and it has DVI output port on it10:35
ripperbut unfortunately the system can't set up the righ resulution and looks i have two screen which i have reached one of them and can't set it up by the graphical settings10:38
ripperby using xrandr i have some data that looks have two screen10:38
ripperMay you help me please?10:38
lotuspsychjeis your graphics driver loaded ripper? sudo lshw -C video to check10:39
ripperyes it does10:39
rippermy previus monitor had VGA output10:40
ripperthe output of xrandr command is:10:41
DarkTrickwhat can I do, if my task manager cannot kill a process?10:41
lotuspsychjeripper: did you try xrandr --auto10:41
ripperScreen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 3200 x 900, maximum 4096 x 409610:41
ripperVGA-1 disconnected primary (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)10:41
ripperTV-1 connected 1600x900+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 443mm x 249mm10:41
ripperDVI-I-1 connected 1600x900+1600+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 443mm x 249mm10:42
ripperby using xrandr --auto nothing happened10:42
lotuspsychjeripper: can you pastebin; sudo lshw -C video plz?10:43
ripperyou mean i paste the output of this command(sudo lshw -C video) on pastebin website?10:44
Maikripper: yes10:44
lotuspsychjeripper: ah, seems your nvidia card is on nouveau10:49
lotuspsychjeripper: can you pastebin; ubuntu-drivers list please?10:49
ripperi couldn't install the nvidia driver10:49
rippersorry but there is no output of the command10:51
rippermaybe the command should be (ubuntu-drivers debug)10:53
lotuspsychjeripper: how about; ubuntu-drivers devices ?10:53
ripperagain nothing happened10:54
lotuspsychjeripper: want to pastebin your dmesg please?10:55
rippersorry but all of my information is in this command11:01
ripperDon't you think if it be risky?11:01
ripperby making public11:02
lotuspsychjeripper: dmesg holds information about your system, not really personal information, but yes in the future there is a more restricted dmesg planned11:03
ripperyes i'm talking about hte system info11:03
rippernot personal11:03
lotuspsychjeits your choice to share ripper dmesg holds useful info so volunteers can help debug your issue11:04
ripperi see11:04
lotuspsychjeripper: best to share open without password so other volunteers can also read/help you11:18
lotuspsychjeripper: what i suspect is your older card only supports nouveau and just allows you to goto certain screen resolution11:23
ripperi see11:24
ripperyou mean i cant use DVI?11:24
ripperby using xrandr command shows that the system recognized the DVI11:25
lotuspsychjeripper: your card doesnt have hdmi right?11:25
lotuspsychjeso VGA or DVI should act the same11:25
ripperjust two output one is VGA and the other one DVI11:25
ripperand i use DVI11:26
lotuspsychjeripper: what you could do is try a liveusb and compare, see if gets higher resolutions as a test11:27
lotuspsychjeripper: what are the specs/brand/model of your new monitor11:27
ripperLG FLATRON w2053TQ11:28
lotuspsychjeripper: its native res says 1600 x 90011:31
ripperbut it looks i have two screens by one monitor11:31
rippermy deck is in the other screen which i can't reach it11:32
ripperand don't know how to reach it11:32
lotuspsychje_!info arandr | ripper maybe try this tool11:33
ubotturipper maybe try this tool: arandr (source: arandr): Simple visual front end for XRandR. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.10-1.1 (focal), package size 53 kB, installed size 340 kB11:33
rippermaybe if i could reach the display setting i would set it up by myself11:34
ripperi'm installing arandr11:36
ripperok finished11:36
ripperby running arandr a new screen bomped up11:37
ripperi see two part one is TV-1 and the other one is DVI-I-111:38
ripperthink i need to deactive the TV-111:38
ripperwow maaaaaaaaaaan11:39
ripperthank you very much11:39
lotuspsychje_!yay | ripper11:43
ubotturipper: Glad you made it! :-)11:43
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
=== thinkofher01 is now known as thinkofher0
BluesKajHi folks12:30
Belialare we able to bust an upgrade from 20.10 to 21.04 yet?12:30
ducasseafaik the upgrade path has not yet been announced open. last i heard, anyway.12:41
=== PicklePony is now known as PonyBlocks
=== PonyBlocks is now known as Pony5finger
Ublxa question about xinput: when I want to map 2 to 3 is it 'xinput --set-button-map 2 3'?12:57
=== Pony5finger is now known as PonyBlocks
=== PonyBlocks is now known as PonyGone4now
mrkubax10I cannot uninstall chromium, it tries to save snapshot of chromium snap for long time and then fails with this message:  (cannot create archive: tar: common/chromium/Default/Local Extension Settings/gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom/003228.ldb14:48
ioriamrkubax10,  what cmd are you using ?14:52
mrkubax10Command I entered or terminal?14:54
mrkubax10sudo snap remove chromium14:54
ioriatry   snap remove chromium  --purge14:55
mrkubax10It worked14:56
wxMichaelI have a Win10/Kubuntu21 dual boot set up and the linux side is unable to connect to my network via ethernet, but wireless and the win10 side work fine14:57
ioriawxMichael, i don' use dual-boot, but i'd try a complete win10  shutdown or restart the router14:59
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=== ghoti_ is now known as ghoti
=== wxMichael is now known as Guest56975
=== wxMichael- is now known as wxMichael
wxMichaelioria: I'm not having any luck after rebooting the router. Win10 was already fully shut down (hibernation/fast boot is disabled)15:13
wxMichaelEthernet worked for a while after installing linux, but after maybe a day it just stopped being able to get an IP15:19
=== PonyGone4now is now known as PonyBlocks
ioriawxMichael,  what's your hardware ? lspci -nnk | pastebinit15:29
wxMichaelCould it be my router rejecting it for some reason?15:32
ioriawxMichael,  is network-manager running ?   ps -A | grep -i net | pastebinit15:33
ioriawxMichael,  cat /etc/netplan/*.yaml | pastbinit15:35
ioriawxMichael,  sudo cat /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/* | pastebinit15:37
Ublxi have mapped a button to Shift_L with xbindkeys and used the command "xdotool key 'Shift_L'". With xev or similar the button press shows Shift_L but it does not work for writing an 'a' for example. any ideas what I forgot?15:38
ioriawxMichael,  i don't see an ethernet device configured15:41
wxMichaelYeah, im not sure why its not in there. It was attempting to connect when i ran that command15:42
ioriawxMichael,  i'd try to disable wifi, go to nm-connection-editor and set the cable interface15:43
bziktzwxMichael: I see 2 possible reasons, or dhcp not configured for eth interface or router refuses dhcp request for some reason. let's check the config for eth interface.15:49
bziktzshow the output run `cat /etc/network/interfaces`15:50
wxMichaelioria, I can't get it to connect. it just sits at "Setting network address"16:03
wxMichaelIf I set a static IP, it acts like it's connected but it isnt. The router doesnt see it16:03
ioriawxMichael, so dhcp and manual fail ?16:03
ioriawxMichael, let's see dmesg | pastebinit16:04
tomreynthis could be https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=19198116:05
jeremy31wxMichael: Can you set a static IP for it on the router?16:06
TJ-wxMichael: " Ethernet controller [0200]: Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection I217-V " <--- well known to have problems due to power management settings set on the Windows side, if you do a warm reboot from Windows to Linux especially16:06
TJ-wxMichael: if it is the issue I'm referring to, the Rx side remains asleep but the Tx side is fine!16:07
wxMichaelIs there any known fix/workaround for that?16:08
TJ-wxMichael: try this "sudo sudo ethtool --set-eee $INTERFACE_NAME eee off"16:08
TJ-wxMichael: replace $INTERFACE_NAME as appropriate16:08
TJ-oops, two many sudos above :)16:09
=== lupulo is now known as Guest64828
TJ-we do have a bug report on this from years ago. Amazing it still happens16:15
wxMichaelive but heads with a lot of old bug reports lately XD16:16
TJ-wxMichael: the problem is in the generic Windows driver for these, so we have to adopt a workaround16:18
Deano59I can't get apt-mark to work. it tries to still update the package/configure it.17:01
tomreynapt-mark doesn't update or configure packages17:02
Deano59yeah, I want the packages to be ignored.17:02
tomreynwhat did you do exactly?17:03
Deano59no idea.17:03
tomreynhmm, try the "history" command, it should say17:03
Deano59always says this tomreyn; 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. 3 not fully installed or removed. - I want to ignore them, though.17:04
tomreynhalt installed / removed packages will remain in this (broken) state, you can try ignoring this state, but there's no mechanism for ignoring it as far as i know.17:05
tomreyntry fixing their states instead17:05
Deano59I'll look into it :) cheers.17:06
leftyfbDeano59: which packages do you want to ignore and why?17:08
wxMichaelI'm trying to get debug symbols installed so I can troubleshoot/report a frequent kdeinit5 crash but not having much luck.17:27
gebruikerany good image editor like paint on windows?17:28
wxMichaelI added the ddebs repost and keyring from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debug%20Symbol%20Packages17:28
wxMichaelfind-dbgsym-packages gives me a list of packages, but they're all either not found or not installable17:28
wxMichaelgebruiker: Right now I'm trying out GIMP, Pinta, and Krita. Pinta might be closest to what you're looking for17:30
IntelCoreSoftware Central? Why my Central no opens?17:39
IntelCoregnome-software %U17:40
leftyfbIntelCore: what version of ubuntu?17:43
Deano59leftyfb: linux-image-5.11.0-16-generic & linux-image-virtual-hwe-20.04-edge & wireguard17:43
leftyfbDeano59: why?17:43
Deano59I try an update and upgrade, they always show they've failed.17:43
Deano59what you mean why?17:43
leftyfbDeano59: why do you need those 3 specific packages held back?17:44
leftyfbDeano59: also, if this is a bare metal machine, why you have linux-image-virtual-hwe-20.04-edge installed? If not, why do you have linux-image-5.11.0-16-generic installed?17:45
Deano59because it's annoying seeing it after apt update and upgrad every time I run it.17:45
leftyfbDeano59: why not upgrade them?17:45
Deano59leftyfb: because it fails. thought that was obvious.17:45
Deano59E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)17:45
IntelCoreleftyfb 20.0417:45
leftyfbDeano59: maybe fix the failed upgrades instead of sweeping it under a rug?17:45
Deano59leftyfb: if you can't help, tis okay...17:46
leftyfbDeano59: Please answer this first: if this is a bare metal machine, why you have linux-image-virtual-hwe-20.04-edge installed? If it's a VM, why do you have linux-image-5.11.0-16-generic installed?17:46
Deano59no idea.17:47
leftyfbDeano59: is it a bare metal machine or a VM?17:47
Deano59raspberry pi 4.17:47
ksynwaI am setting up i3wm in Ubuntu GNOME. I have gotten the font to look great on GTK applications but on qt applications it still look un-antialiased.17:47
ksynwaAny hints what I can do to rectify this?17:47
leftyfbDeano59: uname -a | nc termbin.com 999917:47
IntelCoregnome fuzzy17:47
Deano59leftyfb: I'll ask waveform see if he knows. :)17:48
leftyfbDeano59: do you want help or not?17:48
Deano59well, obviously. but this isn't a standard ubuntu install. so I'll wait for waveform! thanks.17:49
leftyfbDeano59: that's not how this works. I am legitimately trying to help you.17:49
leftyfbDeano59: uname -a | nc termbin.com 999917:49
IntelCoreclick on it, or press 'Launch' no software central17:49
Deano59Linux PiDesktop 5.11.18-v8 #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri May 7 12:39:21 BST 2021 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux17:49
leftyfbDeano59: ok, give me a moment17:50
adder`i'm fed up with leaving my computer over night only to find it unusable in the morning since ram usage somehow exploded and the swap file is full despite having 32GB, how would i go about checking what happened?17:51
leftyfbDeano59: you can safely remove linux-image-virtual-hwe-20.04-edge and linux-image-5.11.0-16-generic . No idea how those would have got installed to begin with17:51
Deano59adder`: sounds like the snap bug.17:51
TJ-leftyfb: Deano59  isn't the Ubuntu Pi image based on ubuntu-core?17:51
blb4393oh snap!17:51
leftyfbDeano59: please don't suggest that. There's nothing saying it's a snap bug17:52
leftyfbTJ-: yes, but it's also arm, so -generic kernels do not apply17:52
Deano59thought of that leftyfb but it removes wireguard, which I want to keep.17:52
TJ-leftyfb: indeed... I'm wanting to verify it IS a -core install17:52
leftyfbDeano59: if you try to remove either of those packages it removed wireguard?17:53
TJ-wireguard kernel module maybe isn't in the pi-kernel package?17:53
blb4393adder`: have you tried to start htop, sort by memory and check what happens?17:53
leftyfbDeano59: apt-cache policy linux-image-5.11.0-16-generic | nc termbin.com 999917:54
IntelCoreclamAV 18.217:54
Deano59leftyfb: https://termbin.com/6pk917:55
leftyfbDeano59: so you're running 21.04 on this pi?17:56
leftyfbDeano59: you do understand it'll be unsupported come January right?17:56
leftyfbDeano59: ok, I'm just concerned you're running a firewall/VPN on something for only 9 months17:57
Deano59it takes about an hour to set-everything-back up, it's all good. ;P17:57
IntelCore just try reinstall Cebter?17:58
Deano59leftyfb: Failed to create symlink to vmlinuz-5.11.18-v8: Operation not permitted at /usr/bin/linux-update-symlinks line 64.17:59
leftyfbIntelCore: what error are you getting when you run gnome-software %U ?17:59
IntelCore and 6 not upgraded.17:59
IntelCorenothing..no error, and no o desktopopens t17:59
IntelCorelike it stoned18:00
leftyfbDeano59: yeah, this is a bit of a mess. According to what you said, wireguard is pulling in x86 kernels as deps.18:00
Deano59yep, sucks.18:00
IntelCoreit says 6 not upgraded..when i try re-install..18:00
Deano59I need WG for my vpn too.18:00
IntelCoreis already the newest version (16.01+16.04.20160420)18:01
leftyfbDeano59: on 20.04 on my pi4, installing wireguard does not pull in anything other than wireguard and wireguard-tools18:01
leftyfbDeano59: something isn't right with your install, or with 21.0418:02
IntelCoreoh, terminal says lots of files to auto-remove18:02
IntelCoresudo apt autoremove18:02
IntelCorethat rite?18:02
TJ-leftyfb: aren't those just the userspace tools though? since wireguard is now in the kernel tree the dkms package is no longer used18:03
leftyfbTJ-: sure, but why does Deano59 have x86 kernels installed and deps for wireguard on their pi4 running 21.04?18:03
TJ-leftyfb: are they amd64 packages? or the aarch64 builts of the -generic et., packagse?18:04
leftyfbgood point I guess18:05
TJ-just checked, so we know. wireguard entered mainline at v5.618:05
leftyfbeither way, why are they deps of the wireguard package for Deano59's install of 21.04 and not on my 20.04?18:05
TJ-looking at previous comments/pastes now - haven't been keeping up!18:06
leftyfbDeano59: I would try to remove those 2 packages and then reinstall wireguard and see if they get pulled back in18:07
leftyfbDeano59: I would remove --purge all 3 packages18:07
IntelCorebamf-2.index up now18:07
leftyfbDeano59: sudo apt remove --purge linux-image-5.11.0-16-generic linux-image-virtual-hwe-20.04-edge wireguard    # this is assuming what you said about rebuilding not taking long is still true. You might have to reconfigure wireguard from scratch18:08
leftyfbDeano59: not having linux-images that aren't -raspi should be the solution, not ignoring broken updates18:10
TJ-Deano59: is that an ubuntu-core install for sure?18:10
IntelCoreDo need to check if this is installed, how?18:11
IntelCoregnome-software 3.28.1-0ubuntu4.18.04.15 (main)18:11
IntelCoreit is for 20.0418:11
leftyfbDeano59: it's not ubuntu-core/snappy. It's aarch64 ubuntu18:11
leftyfbDeano59: ubuntu server to be specific18:11
TJ-leftyfb: OK, so different sets of packages and easier to figure out!18:11
leftyfbTJ-: technically, it's only snap packages. No apt18:12
TJ-leftyfb: indeed; I had the idea the 2 may have been mixed!18:13
leftyfbTJ-: nope, there is no apt/dpkg on snappy/ubuntu-core18:13
TJ-What is it with Canonical hiding easy finding of links to source / manifests for stuff like that too?18:13
IntelCoreReinstallation of software-center is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.18:15
IntelCoreyup my gnome software center is !poof18:16
IntelCoreI need to do this > sudo apt clean18:19
IntelCorewhat do i tell it to clean tho?18:19
AtizHi! In both Ubuntu 20.04.02 and Linux Mint 20.1  I get the same issue.  Both the live-cds and the install of Mint randombly thinks my desktop has a LAPTOP screen (1024x768, only option, 76Hz(!)), does not install the nvidia-drivers (or when they are installed, forgets them and can't install them til after reboot).18:20
AtizThis does not happen in Linux Mint 19.3.18:21
AtizIs any ubuntu-savy person able to help with this?18:21
IntelCore6 packages can be upgraded.18:22
AtizOr rather, Linux debian/ubuntu/kernel savy.18:22
IntelCoreSetting up gnome-software-plugin-snap (3.36.1-0ubuntu0.20.04.0)18:24
IntelCorebut still App icon is saying (no)18:24
TJ-leftyfb: you know you suggested Deano59  remove linux-image-5.11.0-16-generic ? that is installed by the installer! From the file list of the install image "/pool/main/l/linux-meta/linux-generic_5." http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily-live/current/hirsute-live-server-arm64.list18:24
IntelCoregnome-software %U18:25
leftyfbTJ-: 2021 May 08 13:49:41 <Deano59>Linux PiDesktop 5.11.18-v8 #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri May 7 12:39:21 BST 2021 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux18:25
leftyfbthey're not running that kernel18:25
TJ-leftyfb: I know, that was pulled in via the -hwe-edge package and you had him remove that :)18:26
TJ-leftyfb: I'm just concerned there is no over-arching unversioned package to ensure kernel upgrades are installed18:26
leftyfbTJ-: linux-image-virtual-hwe-20.04-edge is also on .1618:27
IntelCorewell.. it would not open. Fro. So, I find it on Menu and, it opened..finally. After it was removed and the snap was installed.m top bar18:27
cc77Anyone else having problems with the nl mirror? apt-get will not work with them.18:28
cc77In kubuntu it doesn' t work.18:28
IntelCoreye. I am using gnome flashback. and desktop has top bar18:28
leftyfbTJ-: the pi kernel image packages end in -raspi. Anything else isn't a kernel that is going to boot on the pi18:29
IntelCoreunity has bottom bar?18:29
IntelCoreso i have top and bottom bars18:29
tmm88with nl ubuntu mirror?18:29
tmm88have you tried sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade?18:29
IntelCoreghostly  guru?18:29
leftyfbTJ-: to be clear, there's been no confirmation that Deano59 removed anything yet.18:30
IntelCorei dont want 21.0418:30
tmm8820.04 please18:30
IntelCorei keep LTS18:30
tmm88it's generally a good idea to keep long term support18:31
tmm88but if you try to edit your mirrors list18:31
IntelCorethat NL  will if u put certs back18:31
tmm88you have to run sudo apt update18:31
tmm88and sudo apt upgrade18:31
cc77tmm88: yeah with that mirror on kubuntu and I tried update and upgrade and that doesn' t work. When I go into sources.list and remove all the nl' s and so working with general mirror it works fine.18:32
tmm88then move to germany18:32
tmm88or any other near country18:32
leftyfbcc77: feel free to report mirror issues in #ubuntu-mirrors18:32
tmm88belgium switzerland whatver18:32
leftyfbtmm88: that's not helpful18:32
cc77ok leftyfb18:32
IntelCoreslow Snap18:33
tmm88leftyfb: sorry for that regard18:33
cc77tmm88: I know how to fix it. I just want to know if it' s just me or if the mirror is down for others also.18:33
leftyfbcc77: your best bet is to report in #ubuntu-mirrors and wait for a response. We cannot do anything about mirrors here18:34
TJ-leftyfb: I know... I'm trying to make sense of where the manifest/lists are for those images. *Just* found the info I was after:  "linux-image-raspi" @ http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/hirsute/release/ubuntu-21.04-preinstalled-server-arm64+raspi.manifest18:34
TJ-so "linux-raspi" is the version-neutral virtual that keeps it up to date18:35
TJ-and finally  (!!) " /lib/modules/5.11.0-1007-raspi/kernel/drivers/net/wireguard/wireguard.ko" in linux-modules-5.11.0-1007-raspi18:36
leftyfbTJ-: ok, so that confirms we are built into the default raspi kernel. We still don't know why they've got the non-raspi kernels installed or why removing them removed wireguard (or so they say). Regardless, they're not responding anymore so I'm not going to worry about it till they do18:37
TJ-leftyfb: I'm more concerned with sharing the understanding of what is going on there. I suspect the "wireguard" package sohuld not have pulled in wireguard-dkms since that is an alternate depends with "wireguard-modules" which I suspect (but haven't confirmed as yet) may be a Provides: of linux-modules-$version-raspi18:39
leftyfbWe haven’t determined wireguard-dkms is installed18:40
TJ-leftyfb: indeed, but 'wireguard' shouldn't be removed no matter18:40
leftyfbOn my 20.04, -dkms does not pull in non-raspi kernels18:40
leftyfbI think some piece of information is being left out or is incorrect18:41
=== Cyrinux33 is now known as Cyrinux3
AtizOk. I'll give up for today...18:47
IntelCoredoes snap store give snap, and software center give program?18:58
IntelCorecas, i don't snap much18:58
FreeBDSMhello, I have an lvm-less partitioning. I have a disk with big ext4 and a small root partition. I'd like to shrink said ext4 to grow root partition. I googled this solution: https://access.redhat.com/articles/1196333 is step 4 really necessary?18:58
VvdBergheverything from redhat went to /dev/null when IBM took over control18:59
leftyfbIntelCore: please stop with the random comments19:00
leftyfbVvdBergh: how big is your boot?19:00
IntelCoreok. is it redhat?19:00
VvdBergh@leftyfb I have a /boot of 2592 MiB19:01
leftyfbVvdBergh: that is plenty. Remove some of your old kernels19:02
leftyfbIf you still need help with it, use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition/ResizingPartition19:02
EriC^^FreeBDSM: can you share a pastebin of 'sudo parted -ls' output?19:03
IntelCoremight help VvdBergh19:03
VvdBergh@leftyfb help with what? I did not ask a question yet19:03
leftyfbUgh, sorry, wrong person19:03
VvdBerghI only send redhat back to /dev/null :)19:04
FreeBDSMEriC^^: this mounted all disks :(19:04
EriC^^FreeBDSM: typically you're going to have to use something that can move the whole fs backwards or forward to use the space that gets unallocated after you shrink the fs19:04
leftyfbFreeBDSM: ls -l /boot/ | nc termbin.com 999919:05
EriC^^FreeBDSM: it should show the partition tables of all disks, no mounting19:05
FreeBDSMEriC^^: but it did both19:05
FreeBDSMEriC^^: I don't have enough free space to move the whole fs. But said fs I'd like to shrink has a lot of free space19:06
leftyfbFreeBDSM: can you paste the link from the above command?19:06
VvdBerghwhy does the topic of the channel state that Ubuntu 16.04 is supported while it actually is supported via payed extended support at this time?19:06
FreeBDSMEriC^^: relevant disk is this: https://paste.sh/yqH3XSGG#XCc7GDijQ67wGXomh862kYgu19:06
EriC^^FreeBDSM: parted for sure doesnt mount anything, but i think you need to use something like gparted to shrink one and move and expand the other19:07
EriC^^FreeBDSM: ok, so you want to shrink the home partition and add the space to the root fs?19:07
leftyfbFreeBDSM: ls -l /boot/ | nc termbin.com 999919:07
VvdBergh@EriC^^  @FreeBDSM that is right. Best practice is to use a Gparted Live session with your drives not mounted while resizing partitions19:08
leftyfbEriC^^: I do not feel increasing the space is is the solution. It’s only going to postpone needing to do it again if they don’t get their system cleaned up and setup properly19:08
FreeBDSMleftyfb: https://paste.sh/pfAItetk#Ce0pEzQPxpCGZ6j7fZmNnUKS19:08
FreeBDSMEriC^^: no, I want to shrink mediaNbackups partition to grow xubuntu-root19:09
FreeBDSMleftyfb: what's improper about my setup?19:10
EriC^^leftyfb: that's a good point19:10
leftyfbOh. My bad, I originally misread root as boot19:10
EriC^^although i wonder if he has a bad log running, or nothing out of the ordinary, root is kind of small at 30gb19:11
leftyfbFreeBDSM: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition/ResizingPartition19:11
leftyfbUse a live cd/usb and gparted19:11
SimplarHello! Does Ubuntu 21.04 have the problem with RST like 20.04/20.10 had?19:12
EriC^^FreeBDSM: gparted for sure, shrink the ext4 and move home and media, and expand root19:12
Deano59leftyfb, you're right! just went through an install of ubuntu 21.04 server and the problem doesn't happen. :/19:12
leftyfbDeano59: did you wipe the old install.19:13
EriC^^FreeBDSM: if you want, maybe it's worth looking into why root is so full, it could just be a bad log or such19:13
FreeBDSMEriC^^: no, it's docker images19:13
=== tnewman4 is now known as tnewman
FreeBDSMand, well, I just have a lot of software19:14
FreeBDSMusing live usb sounds so 200019:14
leftyfbFreeBDSM: that is your easiest and safest way19:14
FreeBDSMthere is nothing ever easy or safe about working with partitions with data19:16
leftyfbFreeBDSM: backups are assumed otherwise the data is not important19:16
FreeBDSMrelying on restoring from backup means not knowing what you do19:17
TJ-just for completion: linux-image-generic Provides: wireguard-modules19:17
FreeBDSMtrue, because if you knew what you do - you knew your wouldn't need a backup for this operation19:18
leftyfbTJ-: that doesn’t explain the -virtual image19:18
FreeBDSM(though you need backups just generally)19:18
TJ-leftyfb: I left that behind ages ago, just wanted to finish off the explanation for wireguard on post v5.6 kernels19:20
FreeBDSMshould have gone with LVM, it looks easier to manage, because with it I can simply not care which partition is where, just have some free space in vg and extend whatever LV I want using that free space whenever I like, live without rebooting and/or booting into live cd/usb19:20
Deano59nope, it's on a different SSD - why leftyfb ?19:27
leftyfbDeano59: SSD?19:28
leftyfbDeano59: I'd be interested in looking at: apt-cache policy wireguard wireguard-dkms wireguard-tools linux-image-5.11.0-16-generic linux-image-virtual-hwe-20.04-edge19:31
V|Ahai all19:31
Hestonhey guys, is there still an issue with memtest86 on newer versions of ubuntu? I'm getting freezes with 21.04 on two different systems19:31
V|Ahow would i go about refreshing my GPU driver im using ubuntu-studio19:31
Hestonwhereas older versions run fine19:31
V|Awhen i instaleld it i was astounded to see everything just work snappy AF out of the box19:31
V|Abecause gpu is same vendor just different model i just naively assumed that on boot up it would run as good again19:32
V|AHeston the memtest included with my distro, didnt work for shits19:32
V|Ai had to install the new verison19:33
V|Ai think includedwith mine is 5 or 5.3 or something and if not mistaken i downloaded something 919:33
HestonV|A, yeah there was a known issue since ubuntu 19 or 2019:33
V|AHeston mine?19:33
V|Aor memtest19:33
Hestonthey include memtest86 5.0119:34
V|Athe channel for my distro didnt like me once19:34
V|Ayea i suggested them to include something working instead19:34
V|Abut they just kindly asked me to say "its thank you not thx"19:34
V|Aand when i friendly rejected that was that == kban19:34
Hestonim guessing your distro is built off debian or ubuntu since that's where it's originating from19:35
V|Aoff ? i dont understand19:37
V|Aoh yea right19:37
V|Ayes ofc its debian i was told ubuntu is debian19:37
V|Aso yea its built off ubuntu19:37
V|Abut generally love it19:37
payal__help: The initramfs will attempt to resume from /dev/sdb7 which is my swap partition ...from where i can change UUID of the same19:38
leftyfbV|A: which distro are you running?19:38
leftyfbV|A: oh, nm, you said ubuntu-studio19:39
V|Ayea i have no clue how to geet GPu drivers working19:39
V|Ado i boot with the disk again?19:39
V|Athe search for additional drivers doesnt display anything19:39
leftyfbV|A: then there are none available, none that are officially supported here anyway19:40
FreeBDSMI have windows installed on another disk (ssd), can I convert it into a virtual HDD within from ubuntu so that I could run it as a VM?19:43
FreeBDSMif this plan succeeds - I could then partition that ssd and maybe even install newer version of ubuntu there and just migrate there19:43
V|Amy that would be a pickle19:44
FreeBDSMwell, not sure yet if I want newer version, because afaik ubuntu degraded19:44
V|Aa very sour pickl19:44
V|Ai just try the update route ...19:44
FreeBDSMnah, that'd probably break a lot of stuff, it's linux afterall19:44
FreeBDSMthe OS of tomorrow19:45
V|Aits running 1280x768 im almost conviced something that makes it run a tiny bit better is out there19:45
cbreakit is possible19:45
V|Aclean install also doesnt take long19:45
leftyfbFreeBDSM: please stop with those comments.19:46
cbreakI think I dded the contents of my windows SSD to my linux machine via ssh, and then did something I forgot, to use it in virtual machine manager19:46
V|Ame setting up the software take longer :/19:46
FreeBDSMleftyfb: huh?19:46
cbreakFreeBDSM: you should use ZFS19:46
V|Ai think i have made notes how i can get what i need with a handful of lines19:46
FreeBDSMcbreak: zfs is too complex for me and also it's mostly for bsds19:46
cbreakFreeBDSM: no19:46
HestonV|A, https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-the-nvidia-drivers-on-ubuntu-20-04-focal-fossa-linux19:47
V|Ai have a radeon19:47
cbreakzfs is fairly cross platform19:47
V|Abut thx Heston19:47
cbreakand it's not that hard to use...19:47
cbreakFreeBDSM: and it will prevent your system from degrading19:47
cbreakor at least it'll tell you, even if you don't have redundancy19:47
leftyfbFreeBDSM: this is a support channel. Keep the negative remarks about “Linux” and the distro you are running to yourself19:47
cbreakFreeBDSM: of course, it doesn't replace backups19:48
FreeBDSMcbreak: it is very different from other systems to the point that it's scary. It requires a lot of RAM. The bigger your ZFS the more RAM you need.19:48
cbreaknot really19:48
FreeBDSMleftyfb: they aren't negative or positive remarks, they are valid points for not updating (which was suggested to me)19:48
HestonV|A, which card and what version of ubuntu?19:48
V|Ai think 20.04 and a 6900xt19:49
leftyfbFreeBDSM: they are negative. Please stop19:49
V|Ai see amd has linux drivers all well19:49
FreeBDSMI love linux and all, but it's still an OS of tomorrow, I just don't lie to myself about it.19:49
V|Aamsure its gonna work, just going through stupid interwebs with broken links ..19:49
leftyfb!ot | FreeBDSM19:49
ubottuFreeBDSM: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:49
FreeBDSMleftyfb: I need support. I am at the point where I have multiple possible ways to go, so I need to assess them all.19:50
V|Aleftyfb to be honest i read almost everything FreeBDSM write absolutely neutral19:50
V|Abut ur asking nice so idk what its about19:50
FreeBDSMV|A: that's not nice, he's a mod and he wants to kick & ban me, he just wants me to cross some red line to make it seem 'justified'19:51
FreeBDSMI don't know why though19:51
leftyfbFreeBDSM: since you’re talking about a docker container, https://stackoverflow.com/a/3248833319:52
V|Afound the drivers again19:52
V|Ahow to install that tar.xz or what was the ending dang19:52
HestonV|A, https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-amdgpu-unified-linux-20-45  apparently you can download the driver there and it has installation instructions19:53
leftyfbFreeBDSM: feel free to rant all you want in #ubuntu-offtopic. This is a support channel. Whether or not I’m a mod doesn’t matter.19:53
FreeBDSMleftyfb: I don't have problems with docker, I don't want to limit it. I just made a mistake thinking 30gb for root partition would be enough. I did another mistake installing Ubuntu NOT on LVM.19:54
FreeBDSMand now I'm stuck. I have lots of free space but it's all useless :(19:54
V|A<3 Heston. im a knob and dont know how i install the files19:55
V|Aits downloading19:55
leftyfbFreeBDSM: then if it’s a bare metal install, use a live usb using the instructions you’ve been given. That is your best option. Good luck19:55
V|Aim really convinced it bootet quicker. could a faulty gpu, that went through testing with unconclusive results, account for that?19:56
V|Ajust theorizing i dont know whats tested in the boot sequence19:56
HestonV|A, yeah just read the /doc/index.html in the tar you just downloaded19:57
HestonV|A, actually there's a newer one at https://www.amd.com/en/support/graphics/amd-radeon-6000-series/amd-radeon-6900-series/amd-radeon-rx-6900-xt20:00
V|Ai have install scripts20:01
V|Ajust looked like there were 2 of them20:01
V|Ainstallgpu and installgpupro sort of20:01
V|Aok doc index hmhm noted thanks sir20:02
FreeBDSMleftyfb: that's a possible plan, but I don't want to make new mistakes, so I need to assess it first. Someone here suggested to go with ZFS. I also mentioned that I might be in need of somehow moving to a more recent version of Ubuntu (I'm currently stuck on 18.04) and thus it might be better to just kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Since I know updating major version would break a lot - I might just go with a fresh install. This operation is20:03
FreeBDSMbetter be done onto a separate disk, but then I'd need to free up some disk (I have free disk space, but not free disks), and thus it's another problem. Nothing ever is plain and simple.20:03
V|Aanyone having an idea if i want the amdgpu or amdgpu pro version?20:04
V|Adont wanna read through a ton of doc before coming to the conclusion that limitation isnt helping20:04
V|Ajust went with the first thing20:05
V|Ai realize this card has so much power i wont be touching the limit for a while i think20:05
Hestoni would only use pro if the first doesn't work. pro includes some proprietary stuff20:06
V|AAH NO UH AH  problems i have held broken packages20:06
* V|A cries20:06
V|Athank you Heston <320:07
V|Athis is the shit u know whwne u have experience20:07
V|Ai expect similar errors however20:07
V|Adang now it says is already installld or not correctly pls cotntinue with ...20:09
V|Agoing to mess with windows for a change20:10
leftyfbFreeBDSM: upgrading between LTS releases does not “break a lot”20:14
=== rany55 is now known as rany5
V|Aanyone have an idea on stability of KFC vs KDE as gui on linux20:36
V|Awell ubuntu20:36
V|Ai found kfc to be better on every aspect20:37
V|Ahaha derp + bien sry im foolin20:37
V|Ayeeee shibboleth  :D20:37
V|Ai mean debian20:37
V|Ai found KFC notably better in every aspect20:38
Maikwhy not name it that right way...20:38
V|Aand i know its called different but i can remember KFC much better20:38
V|Aits puts a smile on some ppl20:38
Maikif you want to bash another OS please do so elsewhere20:38
V|Ano mate i love ubuntu20:38
V|Ai am not being negative20:38
V|Asry maybe i shouldjust try to be les humorous on support channels20:39
Maikwould be the best20:39
V|Axfce is better20:39
V|Abut if someone tells me the other might have stability improvements20:39
V|Athe best is often a matter of opinion20:39
MaikV|A if you don't have any support questions either move to #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic20:40
V|Aahh ic20:42
V|Aim not aware of all the subchannels20:42
Maiki doubt that since you been around here a couple of times before20:46
Maikbut ok20:46
V|Aquestion, is there an option to reset/reinstall the whole OS20:47
V|Ainteresting how assumptuous people are maik20:47
V|Aloike form itself, i do not have the correct boot medium currently20:49
dev4449Hi. Good day. My system( dual boot windows 10 and ubuntu 20.04) had an issue, grub wasn't appearing after I shutdown windows 10 once. I was suggested to disable 'fast startup' on windows, I did it, but it didn't fix the problem, I actually changed the order of boot in BIOS to first ubuntu, then windows, that fixed the problem, now if I  shutdown20:49
dev4449windows, everything's working fine. My system is now working fine and I'm in Ubuntu now, is there anything else I should do, or be worried about?20:49
tomreyndev4449: windows doesn't exactly ensure that other operating systems will continue to work in a multi-boot setup. in other words, it's possible that it may reconfigure your system to boot to windows' boot loader again when it rolls out another update.20:51
dev4449tomreyn: Oh, okay, so for now the system is okay?20:52
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tomreyndev4449: there's not really a fix for this unless your firmware can prevent boot loader changes or you place the boot loaders on read-only media. the better approach, in my opinion, is to run one OS bare metal and any other virtualized.20:53
tomreyni could only comment on "for now the system is okay?" based on what you said above, where you're basicallysaying that it's now doing what you wanted it to.20:53
dev4449tomreyn: Yeah, now the grub menu shows up and both windows and ubuntu work fine, even after shutting down windows everything is okay. I can't actually have only linux or windows on my machine, due to my work.20:55
tomreynV|A: not really, no. you should always keep a ready-made ubuntu live / installer for the same (or upgrade target release) handy20:55
tomreyndev4449: even if one onf them runs in a VM?20:56
TJ-dev4449: thanks for telling us the issue - we should have thought that it had simply changed the default boot entry! But, as you said/implied iWindows was booted immediately that is usually a sign that Windows fast start is operational20:56
TJ-dev4449: we could have checked/changed that using "efibootmgr"20:56
dev4449TJ-: I only changed the order in BIO.20:57
dev4449tomreyn: Yes. I'd rather have both windows and linux natively.20:58
TJ-dev4449: one tip here - there should be a key you can press at boot-time that'll bring up the firmware's manual boot selector, where you can choose which OS or device you wish to boot from20:58
dev4449TJ-: That's exactly what came to my mind at that time. maybe if windows rolls out an update that changed my boot stuff I use that trick.20:59
dev4449Seems dual booting has it's own drawbacks.20:59
TJ-dev4449: we had the impression firmware was skipping the boot entries due to fast start20:59
TJ-dev4449: it's much better with UEFI than it ever was with BIOS!21:00
dev4449TJ-: By BIOS, I meant the firmware settings menu that we enter before the operating system boots.21:00
dev4449Both windows 10, and ubuntu are installed in UEFI on my machine.21:01
=== Cyrinux330138 is now known as Cyrinux33013
V|Aty tomreyn!!!!!21:02
tomreynyou're welcome21:05
dev4449Thanks channel21:07
V|Ais useful advice. i already planned making a acollection of bootmediums on sd card, but $$. but specifically having a bootmeadium at hand for a single target sounds smart21:07
V|Aim assuming ubuntu offers repait options21:07
tomreynthere's !recovery - but it won't help much if you don't know how to recover, or what needs to be recovered.21:09
V|Aahh lovely to know. expected things to go "smoothly" as on windblows.21:10
tomreynjust have current backups of your data (and maybe your configuration) and be ready to reinstall at any time, manually or fully automated.21:11
mathstufhi, i have finally managed to install the dbgsym symbols for qt5 after weeding out old, outdated guides online21:13
mathstufhowever, the sources still elude me21:14
mathstufapt-get source just extracted them into a local directory21:14
mathstufwhich seems...less than useful21:14
tomreynmathstuf: then don'T apt-get source them, use the binary packages.21:15
mathstufyeah, im using the system packages21:15
mathstufbut gdb isnt finding sources21:15
mathstufhas line numbers from dbgsym packages21:15
mathstufbut doesnt know whats on each line21:15
tomreynmaybe you're still missing some debug symbols?21:16
TJ-mathstuf: are you installing the -dbgsym packages for the binary packages you wish to debug?21:16
mathstufyes, gdb has *something*21:16
mathstuf0x00007ffff686eec2 in initFontUnlocked () at kernel/qguiapplication.cpp:24921:16
mathstuf249     kernel/qguiapplication.cpp: No such file or directory.21:16
mathstuf(gdb) list21:16
mathstuf244     in kernel/qguiapplication.cpp21:16
tomreyn!paste | mathstuf21:17
ubottumathstuf: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:17
mathstufah, sorry21:17
tomreynwhich *-dbgsym packages did you install?21:18
mathstuflibqt5gui5-dbgsym:amd64              5.12.8+dfsg-0ubuntu121:18
TJ-mathstuf: OK, you've got symbols (they're installed where gbd knows to look for them). but you need to pass gdb a -d|--directory= argument for EACH directory where source code exists21:18
mathstufnothing found `libqt5base5-dbgsym`, so thats as close as i could get21:18
mathstufhrm, thats...inconvenient21:19
mathstuf(very used to fedora where this all Just Works)21:20
mathstufok, `directory /path/to/apt-get/source/extraction/subdir` worked inside gdb21:23
V|Awhat does "commin interrupt no irq vector for handler mean" i get that on uefi22:04
V|Amebe not on bios havent tried install processes r different22:04
V|Alol installer got stuck. what should i select as mountpoint and filesystem?22:13
V|Ai recall ppl not being happy about exfat. if thers something better ill probably take that22:13
V|Ai chose its merely on being aware that ots compatible between linux and windblows22:14
jeremy31V|A:  you need a mountpoint for / and the filesystem could be ext422:16
Bashing-omV|A: For ubuntu I suggest the file system as "ext4" - unless you have an over-riding reason for another file system - and mount point is "/".22:16
V|Ahaha. i just went with this ZFS or smthn22:28
V|Aty tho <322:28
V|Ajust thought y not try another option, it might help troubleshoot eh22:28
V|Agood to know ppl support exfat22:29
V|Ayes jeremy31 i think i do a have a general lack of knowledge regarding mountpoints22:29
V|Aso i didnt ask abut knowledge just whats probably better to choose when installing22:30
jeremy31V|A: I think exfat is just need for EFI System Partition22:30
V|Aim not sure what changed, but this install i was not asked about mountpoints? lul22:30
V|Adamn. it says downloading language packs i hate that how could you22:30
V|Aany DEVS IN HERE???"?"22:31
V|Awhy how .. why22:31
jeremy31V|A: I doubt it22:31
V|Ai selected my language AND MY LOCATION SEPERATELY22:31
V|Ayet you clown force my machine to download language packs ( i assume )based on my location22:31
V|Athats ... not .. helping22:31
jeremy31V|A: I install without internet connection22:32
V|Ajeremy31 i agre 200% always did and wanna22:32
V|Abut i just  try various other ways for now for the sake of empirical knowledge for troubleshooting on this22:33
V|Acould this be "upgrades" on languagepacks?22:33
V|Aon windows odd shit happens. i select english OS language, YET many items of the system ONLY EVER display in german based on the tiezone i selected , truly a cancer22:34
jeremy31V|A: It could be and I think they get removed later anyhow.  I quit installing with internet connection after some grub issues caused by updates22:34
V|Agood to know jeremy31 thanks!!! i never installed with internet ;)) ever. never.22:34
V|Ai do now to see if the outcome might be different on a big scale22:35
InteloSeveas: Still around?23:03
createchangeHey there! Looking for assistance with Multipass on a Mac. I have an instance that refuses to start, with the following error: start failed: The following errors occurred:23:31
createchangegraylog2: timed out waiting for response". This instance has previously been running - this is not a launch of a new instance. I have other previously created instances that do start, so this is the outlier in that regard.23:31
createchangeI am user the hyperkit driver, and modifying that to virualbox makes the specific instance no longer appear.23:31
createchangeAfter starting the instance times out, the instance is left in state: "Unknown"23:32
leftyfbcreatechange: what version of ubuntu?23:33
createchangemulitpass version: multipass  1.6.2+mac23:33
leftyfbcreatechange: oh, your issue is with multipass for mac. Not the client OS23:33
leftyfbcreatechange: sorry, not an ubuntu issue23:34
createchangeleftyfb, you're right - my mistake. Thanks!23:37
tomreyncreatechange: type this at the start of a line:  /join #multipass23:38
tomreynno leading spaces23:38
tomreynor try here https://discourse.ubuntu.com/c/multipass/2123:38
createchangeWay ahead of you :)  I tried using the discourse page, but appear unable to start a topic.23:38
guagua_Invitacion a la Fiesta por la nueva version de SMail version 0.4.5 Beta, que ya cuenta con soporte de grupos; en servidor irc: reisub.nsupdate.info port: 6666 canal #smail23:55
Bashing-om!sp | guagua_23:58
Bashing-om!es | guagua_23:59
ubottuguagua_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:59

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