
OvenWerksmaybe save a copy of .config/jack/conf.xml using the old version too so it can be compared. They should be the same00:00
OvenWerksEickmeyer: I wonder of setting in and out latency to 0 does something.00:04
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Well, I know for a fact my 4-in/4-out USB audio interface, despite being set as USB master, wasn't even in the patchbay.00:05
EickmeyerI'm using it right now with
OvenWerksEickmeyer: the only thing I added to the jack command was  extra input or output latency. It is possible I got that wrong. It is possible jack doesn't like 0 and would prefer unset... so an if != 0: would fix it. Maybe the value would need to include the buffer length00:24
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Well, the problem is that, despite my USB audio interface being set as master, my internal audio card (which can't do low latency) was being used, which explains all the Xruns.00:25
OvenWerksEickmeyer: right from boot?.. oh, I can think of where to look I think. Meanwhile, can you try setting usbdev to none and then selecting your device again? or have you tried that?00:27
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Yeah, tried that, didn't work.00:28
OvenWerksok, convert then00:28
OvenWerkssorry not convert then00:28
EickmeyerTried deleting ~/.config/autojack, same issue in that it wouldn't use my external interface.00:29
OvenWerksI would expect that00:32
* OvenWerks wonders it worked at all... even 2.1... well maybe not00:41
OvenWerksEickmeyer: problem found, there seems to be more than one thing to think about. Fix will be later.00:42
EickmeyerOvenWerks: ack00:43
MauroGaspari[m]Hey guys,  have you noticed any issue with 21.04 with interface volumes in qasmixer? Since a few days it appears every time I reboot, my output volumes get split from single volume bar to 2, and one gets to zero volume. Joining channels and dragging volume up fixes the issue but it comes back again after reboot.02:51
MauroGaspari[m]Not a big deal, just happy to help investigate if you think it's something useful02:52
OvenWerksMauroGaspari[m]: not sure what to make of it. So far as I know pulse is the only application that plays with alsa levels03:02
OvenWerksanother possibility is the file alsa saves to on shutdown is not right somehow.03:03
MauroGaspari[m]<OvenWerks "Mauro Gaspari: not sure what to "> Audio on linux never gets boring 😅03:22
MauroGaspari[m]<OvenWerks "another possibility is the file "> I will cross check with my laptop and see if i can find out more about it 03:24

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