[11:16] hi de hi [11:16] hi [11:29] another quiet sunday ahead [11:30] mhm [12:42] \o [12:43] seems i got a bit too much sun yesterday, i am now a pink lobster [12:48] at least with social distancing no one can get close to slap your sun burn :-P [12:55] we didn't have any sun yesterday [12:56] heavy rain forecast for today, hasn't arrived yet [12:58] oh there's none of that over here, life as normal [13:42] morning [13:42] hey [13:43] \o [13:52] some of these registrar control panels seem to require some serious puzzle solving power to work out the sequence of events to get basic tasks completed [14:09] really gloomy day here, so it might be MikroTik investigation time [14:09] i am mostly laying in bed and feeling meh [14:10] i've been finding getting back on my bike to get to jobs and soaking up some sun has really helped my mood [20:33] why's town so busy, why are there fireworks in the harbour? [20:34] oooh - it's the 76th Liberation Day: https://liberationday.gg/ === RikMills is now known as Rikmills1 === Rikmills1 is now known as RikMills === acheronuk_ is now known as RikMills [21:28] interesting, the French are kicking off against Jersey regarding fishing waters [22:34] you should send them an email and see if they can deliver you a ups while they're heading to and from the islands :-P [22:35] it's more dire than that... as you may know Guernsey and Jersey get their power from a big undersea cable link from Normandy [22:35] the French are threatening to turn it off xD [22:36] i've heard. and there's talk of cutting the power. will be interesting to see if they do that. might tick off the germans as they also get a lot of power from france [22:37] not the sort of people to be keen on getting something from someone who might try and hold it over you some way down the road