
Trying2Sending this out into the UbuntuStudio Ether since there's no email and dont do social platforms that require login to message. I'd like to be able to give back to the project however I dont contribute to the fiat criminal banking cartels and their system. Is there any official Monero or Pirate private crypto address's people can freely, directly,03:24
Trying2privately and securely? If there was I'd love to contribute, I  know there would be many others who are also unable to contribute due to the ethical reasons involved with regulated fiat "fake" currencies.03:24
Trying2Thank you for your time and attention.03:24
Trying2Ps Wownero is another private currency that protects payers and receivers funds and universal rights...03:25
=== morfeo is now known as Guest32502
Guest32502Ciao a tutti10:24
kveremitzLOL tell me of a monetary system that is completely immune to laundering and corruption...14:15
=== RikMills is now known as Rikmills1
=== Rikmills1 is now known as RikMills
=== acheronuk is now known as Guest60431
=== acheronuk_ is now known as RikMills

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