
luc4Hello! When git bisecting the kernel for the rpi, can I only replace the vmlinuz file in /boot? Or do I also have to rebuild the initrd?09:10
ograthe kernel deb usually does this automatically ...10:30
ogra(the deb has a postinst trigger that calls update-initramfs)10:31
luc4ogra: I see, the problem is that I don’t know how to generate a deb from a commit in the kernel10:31
luc4ogra: when I crossbuild, all I get is vmlinuz10:32
ograCROSS_COMPILE= and ARCH= are respected when building a deb ...10:33
luc4ogra: that procedure seems to assume the debian/ directory is present. But I see it is only present in some commits, not in others.10:34
ograit is definitely in all our trees10:34
luc4ogra: I’m git bisecting, and I found myself in commits where no debian/ directory was present.10:36
luc4ogra: what I saw is that the directory seems to be added when a new release is started, is this possible?10:36
ograwell, not sure what tree you are bisecting against (and i'm not any expert in bisecting) but you should definitely always have a debian dir in any ubuntu trees10:38
ograperhaps better ask in #ubuntu-kernel10:38
luc4ogra: https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux-raspi/+git/hirsute/tree/?id=84faf29b2d529a10cd71e609ddb237a5af8551a410:40
ograas i said, better ask in #ubuntu-kernel ...10:42
luc4ogra: ok, thanks10:43
ograthough that commit you have there is totally not for RPi's at all ...10:43
luc4ogra: I see, but bisection brings me there.10:43
ograit's adevicetree change for some exotic stm 96boards device10:44
luc4ogra: I understand that commit is not relevant for me, but previous commits are.10:44
ogra(not sure why that would even end up in linux-raspi at all ... so you definitely need someone from the kernel team to answer that)10:44
luc4ogra: isn’t that the rpi kernel?10:45
ogralinux-raspi is the pi kernel. yeah ... but that seems to be some upstream pull-in thing10:45
luc4ogra: oh, maybe I found the wrong git?10:46
ograthey tend to sync changes from upstream ... and that might be why there is no debian dir in the upstream tree you compare10:46
ograbut again, only someone from the kernel team can answer that10:46
luc4ogra: ok, I’ll try to ask there then, thanks10:46
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