
BrainstormUpdates for Bangladesh: +1514 cases (now 775027), +38 deaths (now 11972) since 22 hours ago11:06
pavlushka%cases Bangladesh19:46
Brainstormpavlushka: In Bangladesh, there have been 775027 confirmed cases (0.5% of the population) and 11972 deaths (1.5% of cases) as of 8 hours ago. 5.6 million tests were performed (13.7% positive). See https://offloop.net/covid19/?default=Bangladesh for time series data.19:46
u-la-la[ COVID-19 Interactive Infection Graph ] - offloop.net19:46
pavlushkaso not worked19:46
pavlushka.block add nick Brainstorm 19:50
pavlushka%cases India19:50
Brainstormpavlushka: In India, there have been 22.6 million confirmed cases (1.7% of the population) and 245887 deaths (1.1% of cases) as of 3 hours ago. 303.8 million tests were performed (7.5% positive). Fatality can be broadly expected to lie between 0.2% (assuming prevalence as in tests) and less than 1.3% (considering only deaths and recoveries). See https://offloop.net/covid19/?default=India for time series data.19:50
u-la-la[ COVID-19 Interactive Infection Graph ] - offloop.net19:50
pavlushka.blocks add nick Brainstorm 19:50
u-la-lapavlushka: Successfully added block: Brainstorm19:50
pavlushka%cases India19:51
Brainstormpavlushka: In India, there have been 22.6 million confirmed cases (1.7% of the population) and 245887 deaths (1.1% of cases) as of 3 hours ago. 303.8 million tests were performed (7.5% positive). Fatality can be broadly expected to lie between 0.2% (assuming prevalence as in tests) and less than 1.3% (considering only deaths and recoveries). See https://offloop.net/covid19/?default=India for time series data.19:51

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