
RikMillstjaalton: thank you for the libdrm fix and sync :)07:59
tjaaltonRikMills: np, forgot to sync it earlier07:59
xnoxsil2100: juliank: Laney: Can I somehow make the autopkgtest that we trigger from systemd github to be somehow more of a github action? and like download/unpack/show the results summary too? cause at the moment it's just a status thing and is kind of odd.10:18
Laneyxnox: It depends what you mean by somehow10:23
LaneyIf you mean do work to make it happen, then yes. If you mean can be done with what we have currently, then no10:24
LaneyI think it should be more like "@autopkgtest run-tests" kind of thing10:24
xnoxLaney:  i like the "@autopkgtest run-tests" aka similar to how snapcore build-action is.10:27
xnoxLaney:  at the moment looking at even simple https://github.com/marketplace/actions/http-request-action and then followed by poll/collect results.10:27
Laneywhat's wrong with using statuses?10:29
Laneythey're the right way to represent the results of CI runs I think10:29
xnoxLaney:  hm. Somehow i thought statues thingies are legacy, and that it should all be github actions in the brave new world.11:26
xnoxaka kind of like snapd spread tests that do fork off to google cloud, but then collect all the results in place.11:27
Laneyxnox: AFAIK statuses are the API to make those cross / tick / running lists, don't think that's a legacy thing, it's integrated with PR landing for example11:31
Laneyas for how they are requested to be run, I think that's up to the project11:31
Laneywe just have a stupid 'post a run in progress for any PR opening / push' for autopkgtest11:32
Laneybut it could be like post as response to a comment or action or something smarter11:32
xnoxfair enough.11:33
xnoxI'll try to move systemd from bionic to focal11:33
xnoxit's overdue.11:33
Laneyxnox: https://github.com/ostreedev/ostree/pull/235011:36
Laneysee the CI stuff on that, that's what would be nice for usu to have11:36
ddstreetxnox yes the move from b->f was held up by lp: #1895132 but that's released now, however there are still some failures running the tests with focal12:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1895132 in linux (Ubuntu Bionic) "s390x broken with unknown syscall number on kernels < 5.8" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189513212:34
xnoxddstreet:  i see =(13:25
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
eoli3n_any plan about a rolling release for server ?14:23
blazerolling release for server is an extraordinary idea ngl14:27
ograeoli3n_, https://ubuntu.com/core is a rolling release server14:28
eoli3n_"Ubuntu Core is Ubuntu for IoT and embedded environments"14:29
ogra(can even roll in both directions)14:29
eoli3n_blaze is that sarcasm ? :)14:29
eoli3n_i think it is a good idea, yes14:30
ograwell, it exists already ...14:30
xnoxeoli3n_:  well, you can use "devel" in your sources.list and yes, that is rolling.... =)14:38
ograagainst the wall ...14:39
ogra(not really something to use in production)14:40
rbasakIs there a quick way to ask "which of the binaries provided by source package X is installed"?14:46
rbasakI can do grep-dctrl magic.14:46
rbasakBut it seems to be a common thing I want, so wondering if there's an easier way already.14:47
rbasakI want this for upgrade/downgrade purposes for tracking down a regression.14:47
ogradpkg --get-selections ?14:48
ograhmm, that wont show versions ... perhaps not then14:48
rbasakI don't need versions really14:49
rbasakJust the list of binary packages complementary to the one I want to upgrade/downgrade14:49
ograten it might work .. try it 🙂14:49
rbasak"grep-status -SnsPackage systemd" maybe14:50
rbasakNeed an -X in there too14:52
cjwatsonAlternatively if you have the .debs downloaded then you could use debi -u14:58
santa_tjaalton, RikMills: plasma-desktop started to build again today, thank you both for the great work :)19:44

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