
lotuspsychjegood morning01:55
ducassegood morning06:22
lordievaderGood morning07:32
=== PowaBanga_ is now known as PowaBanga
MetamorphosisI wonder if the majority of users still  need an email-client to come preinstalled with their Linux distro.15:20
daftykinsthere are those who live in the past, or those for whom working when offline is important... but i think the majority use webmail interfaces these days15:27
daftykinssadly the tendency for even the IT-unskilled to be drawn toward proprietary software often means that people who should use webmail request full MS Office licenses in order to be able to see the familiar blue of Outlook ¬_¬15:28
daftykinseven when they themselves cannot use 99% of its' features15:28
daftykinsdecades ago i used to offer Thunderbird, but it's such a chore to get peoples data into and out of - such as if they damage their system, that i consider it a mistake now15:29
MetamorphosisTrue that daftykins. It makes me wonder why are linux distros like Ubuntu/Kubuntu offer these preinstalled and make their iso as well as user's installed system heavier.15:40
daftykinswell everyone has the choice of what they preinstall, i think people go a little too far when it comes to thinking they'll somehow speed up their machine by removing some software - yes it could add up to constantly update what you don't use if you have a data cap with your ISP, but for the vast majority it won't mean much15:41
leftyfbI love my thunderbird15:44
leftyfbit's also good if you have a bunch of email accounts to check and for archival purposes15:45
Metamorphosisthunderbird doesn't work correctly with MS exchange or outlook.com15:45
leftyfbMetamorphosis: incorrect15:45
MetamorphosisWell, I can't get it to work tbh.15:46
daftykinsif it's your workplace and you're not in IT, then 9 times out of 10 you shouldn't be trying to configure it without permission fwiw15:47
leftyfbMetamorphosis: I'm using it for my email tied o "outlook.com" and for an exchange-host email service both via imap15:47
leftyfbI have in the past also tied directly to an exchange server, but that did temporarily break at one point and even though they fixed it, I never saw a need to go back15:48
leftyfbI'm not saying it's for everyone, but I'm using it for 8 different email accounts on 5 of the most popular email services without issue. It fits my needs perfectly15:51
lotuspsychjegeary is also popular on ubuntu, but not sure how it handles exchange15:52
leftyfbMetamorphosis: for outlook.com accounts: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/thunderbird-and-hotmail15:52
MetamorphosisI am using a third party client called "BlueMail"15:52
MetamorphosisI believe it is proprietary15:52
MetamorphosisBut it is the nicest client I've seen15:52
UssatI have always found, outlook, works really well w/exchange15:53
leftyfbMetamorphosis: for office365 (cloud-hosted exchange): https://uit.stanford.edu/service/office365/configure/thunderbird-oauth215:53
daftykinsnow called Microsoft365 because rebranding keeps us on our toes (:16:00
Walex2daftykins: I think that the most rebranded thing in the IT world is what used to be called "passport" or "live" etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.16:48
Bashing-omUWN: Issue 682 is on the streets: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue682 :D20:06

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