
callmepkgood morning02:33
dufluHi callmepk 02:46
callmepkhi duflu02:46
jibelGood morning all05:47
didrocksgood morning05:48
dufluHi jibel and didrocks 05:54
didrockshey duflu & jibel 05:55
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers05:59
jibelSalut didrocks oSoMoN duflu callmepk 05:59
oSoMoNsalut jibel 05:59
didrockssalut oSoMoN 06:00
oSoMoNsalut didrocks 06:00
dufluMorning oSoMoN 06:01
oSoMoNhey duflu 06:03
callmepkhi jibel didrocks oSoMoN 06:34
oSoMoNhey callmepk 06:34
didrockshey callmepk!06:47
dufluIs salsa rejecting all pushes right now, or just mine?06:48
seb128goood morning desktopers07:08
callmepkmorning seb128 07:08
seb128hey callmepk, how are you?07:08
didrockssalut seb128, ça va ?07:09
callmepkpretty good seb128 , how about you?07:09
marcustomlinsonmorning callmepk duflu jibel didrocks oSoMoN seb12807:14
seb128hey didrocks, callmepk, marcustomlinson , how is it going?07:14
seb128callmepk, i'm alright thanks! got a sleep and it's sunny today ;)07:14
didrockshey marcustomlinson07:14
didrocksseb128: ça va :)07:15
ricotzgood morning everyone07:15
marcustomlinsonhey ricotz07:15
jibelGood morning marcustomlinson 07:15
jibelhi seb128 07:15
seb128lut jibel 07:16
seb128hey ricotz 07:16
marcustomlinsonhi Nafallo07:17
callmepkhi marcustomlinson ricotz Nafallo 07:17
Nafallooh wow. it's predicted to stop raining for a bit tomorrow afternoon :-P07:19
marcustomlinsonseb128: doing ok thanks07:21
dufluHi seb128. marcustomlinson, Nafallo 07:27
marcustomlinsonhey Laney08:06
duflu o/08:06
oSoMoNhey seb128, marcustomlinson, ricotz, Nafallo, Laney 08:11
Laneyhey marcustomlinson duflu oSoMoN!08:34
GunnarHjduflu: I can sponsor "ding". Is that patch replacement not important enough for hirsute?09:07
dufluGunnarHj, I explained it in git which I could not push :) I just said we shouldn't switch to a patch that hasn't been accepted upstream yet09:08
dufluSo reverted it09:08
dufluSwitching patches does not solve any bug reported in Ubuntu (yet)09:08
dufluIt might later09:09
GunnarHjduflu: Understand. I'll upload to the queue (and make an own attempt with the repo).09:09
* duflu begins migrating to impish in the meantime09:09
dufluGunnarHj, I have a nice git history if you can wait. But it doesn't really matter if you sync to git with a single commit09:10
GunnarHjduflu: Ok, then I'd better wait. No reason to duplicate work.09:10
dufluGunnarHj, push just worked!09:11
GunnarHjduflu: Done. Can you unsubscribe ubuntu-sponsors? (I can't for some reason.)09:33
lunagoodmorning desktoppers09:44
dufluMorning luna 09:53
dufluGunnarHj, done. And I'm working on dinner now so catch you later 09:53
oSoMoNgood morning luna 09:53
=== didrocks999 is now known as didrocks
=== ItzSwirlz_ is now known as ItzSwirlz

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