
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> hi10:08
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> is there any way to enable numlock automatic in tty?10:09
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NumLock10:09
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> according to this I have to set that in rc.local (re @Michaël: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NumLock)10:09
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> but i cannot find that file using find command10:10
lubot[telegram] <aptghetto> numlockx works only with the X server.10:38
lubot[telegram] <aptghetto> If you don't have the X server running, it  does not work.10:38
lubot[telegram] <aptghetto> But LXQt has its own setting somewhere hidden in the keyboard settings and you don't need numlockx.10:38
lubot[telegram] <aptghetto> And pages which mention rc.local are very outdated10:39
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> so how do I enable numluck in tty by default?11:33
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> i think i have x server because I have a nvidia gpu11:33
Kimmie11Guys i need help, i have NUC8i3BEH, when i used 3 or more same switch running 16.04 and 18 LTS it freeze, i tried intel_idle.max_cstate=1 i915_dc=0 still same, but when only 1 nuc deployed it runs good. Any idea that could help?12:45
guivercBoth Lubuntu 16.04 LTS & Lubuntu 18.04 LTS are EOL & thus unsupported by Lubuntu.  The oldest supported release of Lubuntu is now 20.04   https://lubuntu.me/bionic-eol/12:47
Kimmie11Saaad, anyway thanks!12:49
guivercyou can use `ubuntu-support-status` to confirm support on a package basis for both boxes; 16.04 LTS is EOL, only ESM support exists for it now12:51
=== lol_ is now known as minilistra
lubot[telegram] <Mr.> Hi19:20
lubot[telegram] <Mr.> I'm facing the error E: unable to fetch archives , Maybe run apt -get update or  try  with -- fix- missing?19:22
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> in a terminal put19:27
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> sudo apt --fix-broken19:27
lubot[telegram] <Mr.> Q terminal right19:27
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> yes19:27
lubot[telegram] <Mr.> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/8e4a4fcc/file_2559.jpg19:29
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> do you have a working internet connection?19:30
lubot[telegram] <Mr.> I'm connected to a wifi19:30
lubot[telegram] <Mr.> Should I change it to mobile data hotspot connection19:31
lubot[telegram] <Mr.> This wifi is only stable when I download some stuff19:31
lubot[telegram] <Mr.> Now I'm connected to mobile data19:32
lubot[telegram] <Mr.> It's showing the same19:33
lubot[telegram] <Mr.> Actually I was installing steam19:34
lubot[telegram] <Mr.> To play games19:34
lubot[telegram] <Mr.> Hey, can we play games without steam19:35
lubot[telegram] <Mr.> Is steam necessary19:35
lubot[telegram] <Mr.> Say something19:37
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest33821

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