
=== launchd is now known as exambro
=== exambro is now known as launchd
Maiksomeone please for once take care of Deano59 i really had enough of his immature, trolling behaviour all the time, even if it's in the offtopic channel14:46
Maiknow he's provoking me again in #ubuntu-discuss, aka stalking14:47
hggdhMaik: one important aspect of using IRC is to *not* respond to obvious taunts.14:58
Maikhggdh: you're right, i am just tired and got annoyed by the fact he highlighted me for no reason at all14:59
Maikwhen i asked him to not do so he kept going on14:59
Maikso i got a but fed up about it14:59
hggdhyou need to learn to *not* accept taunts. If you do not answer, things do not escalate.15:00
Maiki'll keep that in mind, thanks15:00
Maiki have him on ignore for now by the way15:01
EickmeyerMaik: To be fair, it looks like he didn't highlight you for no reason. He was answering the question you had presented ("Working from home today?"). It came late enough to appear out of context.15:53
EickmeyerAfter that, yes, he did troll.15:53
Eickmeyerhggdh: ^15:54
MaikEickmeyer: no, he highlight me with this nonsense: [12:58:26] <Deano59> I heard Maik can fix it. :P15:55
Maikthus, for NO reason15:55
EickmeyerAh, I see. Didn't see that one.15:56
Maiknp, all good15:56
MaikEickmeyer: but nonetheless, he keeps at it and i had enough of him. It's not only me who feels that way. There are at least 10 more people who find his behaviour off and annoying.15:58
EickmeyerMaik: Fair. I believe hggdh will be handling the situation from here on.15:58
Maikif it continues and things don't change i simply drop my ubuntu membership, leave and move on. I know i wasn't fair but i can't stand his immature coptcat/troll behaviour anymore.16:00
Maikthen he crawls into a victim role too16:00
Maikand he's 31?16:00
Maiksound more like a 16 year old to me sometimes16:01
EickmeyerMaik: I understand your frustration, but we can't be ranting in here. We'll leave it to hggdh or others to handle.16:01
Maiksorry b ut i had to get this off my chest$16:01
Maiki leave it at that, next time i'm gone, simple as that16:02
hggdhMaik: this is your decision to make, but I do not see the need to.16:03
Maikafter months of this over again, i wonder why no one has been really taken care of him16:15
launchdi've not actually seen any of this but my guess would be that they're not actually violating any rules16:16
Maiktrolling behaviour is trolling behaviour and that is what Deano does16:16
Maikit's not only me who thinks about it that way16:17
hggdhMaik: stop. This is not the channel. Go to #ubuntu-ops for that16:17
launchdthat is what you *think* he does. honestly, if it bothers you that much, just /ignore them.16:17
launchdbut i'm not really in a position to argue about this.16:17
Maiklaunchd: you know ignore doesn't work16:17
Maikand it's not a solution to the behaviour he is pulling of16:18
launchdi'm still not arguing. please listen to what others in this channel have asked you to do.16:18
Maikwhy should i always listen and do? After all these months Deano is the one that should be taken care off. I'm not always going to say "Yes and amen" to evrything that's been said.16:21
Maiki had enough for today. The solution would have been if Deano got kicked out months ago.16:21
Maikyeah, sigh... just because i say MY opinion...16:22
hggdhMaik: YOU accept the taunts. YOU escalate back. And -- the moment you escalate back -- you lose reason16:22
launchdMaik: ranting about it will not help your case at all. you should just completely ignore deano or leave the channels they hang in.16:22

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