
=== jamesxubuntu is now known as ChrisxHandsome
ChrisxHandsomeWhat's up /b/ros05:05
bittin-MGNOME och KDE har online konferans om Linux program07:21
bittin-M * https://linuxappsummit.org/07:21
memphistohi, i'm using libreoffice as snap and accessing csv file on remote host (fish::// from krusader) but it libre office complains about permisions09:03
memphisto"access to /home/..../.cache/koexec/krun/......csv was denied"09:03
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> Hello guys11:40
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> My laptop detects WiFi but never connects11:41
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> Always asking for pwd11:41
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> While it's correct but it keeps asking11:41
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> For it11:41
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> Dunno why it's the only WiFi conn that doesn't connect11:41
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> I dunno what to do11:41
=== ceibal is now known as ceibal__
BluesKajHowdy all12:13
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
=== ghostcube__ is now known as ghostcube
=== rishabh is now known as ri5h46h
ri5h46hBluesKaj : Hello :)13:26
BluesKajhi ri5h46h13:34
ri5h46hafter removing and adding a new panel, the kickoff menu doesn't appear on pressing the super key 🤔13:54
Maikri5h46h: 21.04?13:54
ri5h46hyes, I am using 21.0413:55
Maikcreate a shortcut with Alt+F1 and see if it's working again13:55
Maikit's not named kickoff anymore by the way iirc13:56
ri5h46hall right, I will do this now.13:56
Maikreport a bug on that one too please13:56
Maikno matte what, pressing the superkey should always work OOTB13:57
ri5h46hMaik : sure, this has been a issue since kubuntu 20.10 days, but there it used to work again automatically again.13:58
Maikdid Alt+F1 fix it?13:58
ri5h46hthanks, Alt + F1 fixed it 👍14:00
Maikgreat :)14:01
Maiki might switch to KDE Plasma too soon14:01
Maikcurrently on Ubuntu itself14:02
ri5h46hoh, I thought you might be using Kubuntu.14:02
Maikno, not yet. But it try it out via a live session to keep a bit up to date with the releases14:02
Maiki know about most of the Desktops that are out there, Gnome, KDE Plasma, Xfce, Mate, Cinnamon14:04
Maikhave tried them all ;)14:04
ri5h46hgreat, i have gnome, plasma and xfce all three installedbut on arch.14:05
IrcsomeBot<bittin1> is there any way to install the KDE betas in Kubuntu ?15:11
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> @bittin1, I will be building the Plasma 5.22 bet in a PPA once it is released, so in a day or 2 people should be able to test15:14
IrcsomeBot<bittin1> @RikMills, ah alright, thanks was thinking of helping out with testing15:15
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Yep. That is the idea of building it. The more people test, the better the actual final release will be :)15:16
IrcsomeBot<micha51> (Photo, 955x405) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/yBgySgKc/file_43836.jpg17:06
IrcsomeBot<micha51> I would have expected it to flow through the last sink (WF1000XM3)17:06
IrcsomeBot<micha51> I also tried playing with the obvious settings with no luck17:07
tottleI built a new machine (not mobo, CPU, etc) and the integrated network card didn't have driver support, so I installed kubuntu 21.04 which did come with that support. That fixed the LAN card issue, but when installing kubuntu if I check the "install 3rd party proprietary drivers" kubuntu won't boot AT ALL. So, I just didn't check that and now it17:16
tottleboots and everything seems okay. Unfortunately, I wonder if I'm gonna want to eventually install some of those drivers. Thoughts?17:16
tottle*new* mobo, CPU, etc.17:17
tottleIf I check "Install third-party software for graphics and Wi-Fi hardware and additional media formats" when installing kubuntu from the iso kubuntu *will not boot*. Why is this?17:20
=== emer is now known as Guest29020

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