[10:47] [telegram] hi all; how much diff. installing kwin on lubuntu? [10:47] [telegram] i mean ram usage. [10:49] [telegram] It is more. I don't have the numbers handy but 100-200 Mb or so maybe. [10:50] [telegram] thank u sir. is there any project like lxqt window manager? [10:51] [telegram] You are welcome. There is no window manager project for LXQt. LXQt is window manager agnostic. [10:51] [telegram] thanks again. [10:51] [telegram] Most welcome. === Anon is now known as Guest4506 [18:00] [telegram] Guys ,how to enable network icon in task bar [18:02] [telegram] In terminal I'm getting network manager service not found [18:02] [telegram] Pls help me [18:04] [telegram] Is there a network manager for lubuntu [18:05] [telegram] I believe nmtray is how you manage it in Lubuntu out of the box. I have a customization script that yanks that out and puts in standard Network Manager but I can check in a bit (in the middle of FT job stuff) [18:06] [telegram] After typing nm-tray [18:06] [telegram] When I exit the terminal it goes off [18:10] [telegram] Any other suggestions? [18:42] [telegram] how come it's gone? [18:42] [telegram] I never installed Lubuntu without it? [18:50] [telegram] https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/3/3.1/3.1.5/nm-tray.html [18:52] [telegram] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkManager [21:19] hi guys [21:20] when i try to apply a theme in "look and feel", it doesnt update everything [21:20] some places are untouched [21:20] how can I evenly apply a theme in lubuntu? [21:45] hello world [23:33] [telegram] Hello user, matrix give you a warm welcome. (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) hello world)