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zopaHello.  I have a Ubuntu package that relies heavily on mysql-server.  I released a small update and during dist-upgrade mysql-server-5.7 is installed at the same time as my package.  My package fails because it can't connect to the mysql server during the upgrade process.  I have to wait for mysql-server to finish installing and upgrading then run apt-get dist-upgrade again.00:53
zopaMy only thought is I have mysql-server set as a recommend, not required....00:54
zopabut this is the first time I've ever seen this.00:54
zopalog -https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/dddYrX2pxP/01:01
sarnoldzopa: are you the author of this package?01:03
zopaI'm one of the maintainers, yes01:03
zopaI've not ran into this problem before, and it seems to be tied to mysql-server stopping during upgrade and my package upgrading at the same time01:05
zopamy scripts are https://github.com/bluecherrydvr/bluecherry-apps/tree/master/debian01:05
zopas/my scripts/the build scripts01:05
zopaI will return in a few minutes01:05
sarnoldzopa: I'm not sure there's anything that can be done at the debian packaging level to address this. The pre-depends field is close, but "even if the depended-on package(s) are only in the “Unpacked” or the “Half-Configured” state, provided that they have been configured correctly at some point in the past"01:11
sarnoldzopa: https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html01:11
sarnoldzopa: I was hoping that would require the pre-depended package to be fully installed, but no luck :(01:12
zopasarnold: okay, I was afraid of that :(01:24
TJ-zopa: the mechanism for that is deb-triggers, where you could declare an 'interest' in a file path created by mysql when it is running. E.g. /run/mysql.pid maybe02:21
zopaI don't reallly understand, do you happen to have a link for more information on deb-triggers or a proper way to detect this?02:27
TJ-zopa: https://sources.debian.org/src/dpkg/1.20.9/doc/triggers.txt/02:32
sarnoldI can't make heads or tails of that :)02:36
sarnoldbut it's used to rebuild manpages, it should be good so long as you don't wind up with looping triggers02:37
TJ-I'd think you're add a debian/yourpackage.trigger with "interest /run/mysqld/mysqld.pid" and in your .postinst script factor your mysql-dependent code into a function. Conditionally call that in your "configure" stanza, and add a "trigger" stanza that calls the function unconditionally. Make your function set a tell-tale so it is idempotent02:40
TJ-I got the pid path from the mysql systemd service file02:40
TJ-trigger file spec http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/en/man5/deb-triggers.5.html02:44
zopaokay thank you02:48
unixbsdthere is a bug in live-boot, ubuntu/debian cannot mount a UFS2 once initrd image launched. the ufs2 mount is looking for a modules, but live-boot hasnt it into the modules. Please fix the bug, kindly.05:21
unixbsd Apparently, this ufs handling capability comes at a later stage of the booting process.05:27
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Laney@pilot in15:17
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Laney@pilot out15:17
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Laneyjust testing!15:17
tewardvorlon: slightly confused, is the core issue in that devel thread network-online.target or that it needs to restart services that need it at net failures/reconnects?19:30
vorlonteward: the core issue is network-online.target, xnox is practicing his sealioning19:31
tewardok well i think quoting from freedesktop is relevant:  > network-online.target is a target that actively waits until the nework is "up", where the definition of "up" is defined by the network management software.19:31
tewardso however networkd/networkmanager/etc report "up" needs standardized I think19:32
vorlonyes, which is what I am proposing19:32
tewardok thats what i wasnt clear about, thanks.19:32
tewardvorlon: I'm assuming that the standard would need defined at the systemd network for "what defines 'up' which all network management utilities should compare on"?19:33
vorlonsorry, I can't parse that19:34
tewardyeah neither can I on my phone 1 moment19:34
tewardwill retype19:34
tewardso the core problem is the target doesn't have a 'standard' for how network management tools should define "online", then?19:37
tewardand if that is the case, then should that standard be defined as part of systemd's specs/rules19:37
vorlonI think so, yes19:37
vorlonso, we should try to get a standard accepted upstream by systemd19:38
vorlonbut barring that, we should still solve the problem in Ubuntu19:38
vorlon(like, if systemd upstream wants a different standard, we should consider following that rather than using our own definition; but if systemd doesn't want to standardize, Ubuntu still should)19:38
tewardvorlon: i think if we can agree on a distropatch mechanism we can force something like NM does for wifi with its connection checks.19:48
tewardwhich, right now, I believe defaults to http://connectivity-check.ubuntu.com/ - its primary goal is for portal checking (captive portal and such) but you could use a similar mechanism to make sure you get a response that is 200 or 204 or such.19:50
tewardprimary problem being that that URL is designed for captive portal and NM uses X-NetworkManager-Status headers from the response to determine if it's online19:50
tewardbut you could probably use a similar detection mechanism to *force* it to verify we're online.  Would require systemd-networkd and network manager and such to be configured accordingly19:50
teward(and in NM, you can disable the check which would break this)19:51
rbasakteward: Internet connectivity is somewhat separate19:51
tewardrbasak: i think then we have to define "what do we define as 'online'?" which goes back to defining a standard19:52
tewardrbasak: default behavior I THINK would be we could ping the gateway to ID an interface that is online, but again some networks disallow that as well.  THe core problem then, as observed is, "what defines online?"19:52
tewardhammer down a check mechanism for *that definition*19:52
tewardand then move from that19:52
tewardrbasak: key problem is, nothing reports the same way :p19:53
tewardand I can think of a hundred network configuration ways you could break any check we could write :P19:53
teward(external from the system in question using network-online.target I mean)19:53
rbasakFrom my perspective, the problem we need to solve is what to tell users when their service fails to start because some network-level ordering thing mismatched their expectations.19:53
rbasakBecause they come and tell us that our packaging is missing After=network-online.target.19:53
tewardrbasak: TBH I'm going to go right back to the 'nginx' case where the request was to change its unit like that.19:54
tewardand that "we can't reliably define what 'online' is and that's entirely dependent on your systems' net manager'19:54
tewardwhich is why we rejected that request19:54
tewardif we're going to consider proposing a way to determine 'online' then we have to make it a sane default that we could expect would be anywhere.19:54
tewardthe remaining other option is to reject the request for any such case about "missing this target" with the aforementioned statement.19:55
tewardbecause, really, we can't ID how each network management utility is going to report "online" or not19:55
rbasakSome users expect that if they configure a service that introduces a dependency on network availability, that the packaging already ships After=network-online.target. That's what it comes down to.19:55
rbasakShould they be expected to also adjust the systemd service unit when they configure their service to depend on the network, or not?19:55
rbasakEg. user configures ssh to bind to a specific address19:56
tewardi think that brings another discussion because a lot of those services use network.target not network-online.target19:56
teward(read: nginx, apache, etc.)19:56
rbasakOr in the nfs-utils case, DNS is required for that service to work.19:56
tewardrbasak: you mean *functioning* DNS19:56
tewardnot just "DNS is configured"?19:56
rbasakBut it's the _user_ that configured their service like that; it wasn't from default packaging.19:57
rbasakYou end up with circular/contradictory requests too.19:57
rbasakOne user has bind configured to use mysql so needs mysql started before "DNS".19:57
tewardrbasak: then I think going back to the way we argued nginx might be suitable: "You're looking for a non-default configuration that we can't reliably support for all cases"19:57
tewardi hate being the negative person in this case19:57
rbasakAnother user has mysql configured to bind to a particular address so needs "network" before mysql19:57
rbasakRight so my view is that configuring a service also requires other adjustments, and that's part of being a sysadmin (on server)19:58
tewardbut from my perspective I'd rather be told that "You're doing a nonstandard setup so you are going to have problems, but these are user-configuration problems and things you need to research how to resolve, it's not going to be standard in the packaging."19:58
rbasakeg. use a non-standard path for your data directory: also adjust AppArmor. Configure a service to need network: also adjust systemd. etc.19:58
tewardrbasak: then we probably should have a canned response for any of these cases.20:01
teward"This is a special configuration that is non-standard.  Your custom use cases will NOT line up with the way the original packaging was built/designed, and we are not going to adjust the packaging in this way to adapt for your configuration cases because you happened to require this behavior and loading chain of conditions.  For SystemD units, adjust your units accordingly on your end with overrides."20:02
tewardor something along those lines20:02
tewardtheir next question is "how do i do that"... or in the case of 50 disgruntled Ask Ubuntu users who met my boot this morning, whine, complain, rant, and be disruptive :P20:02
tewardit *sounds* like many of these are requiring DNS to be up and functional20:03
tewardtherefore we could do a DNS lookup for some 'safe' URL i.e. connectivity-check.ubuntu.com.  if your DNS is up, then resolved returns a response.  otherwise, you're broken.20:03
teward(again, Network Manager at work xD)20:04
tewardbut same point there, DNS or otherwise, if we build some type of standard then *everything* (nmtray, network-manager, networkd, ${insert-alternative-mechanism-here}, etc.) has to obey and implement the checks.20:04
teward(back in a bit, chiropractor)20:05

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