=== kubuntu is now known as Guest66193 [07:19] Hi === andrea is now known as Guest5741 [12:09] Hi! I'm having problems With Ubuntu/Kubuntu with my Geforce 310M... Kubunt is using NOUVEAU driver and the S.O. is very laggy when using any OPENGL as compositor. Can i share this doubt here? I've already tryed tons of command lines and read a lot on web, but nothing can solve it... [12:09] Howdy all === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [12:55] hey [13:12] hi folks [13:12] just a heads up [13:13] Qt5.12.8 packages in 20.04 are broken [13:13] .prl files are missing for some of the modules [13:14] as result, using that distribution to build anything that make use of those modules fail === ninja_ is now known as sharpninja === sharpninja is now known as thesharpninja [14:11] Olaa [14:11] Ola [14:11] Pra q serve o Konversation? É só um chat? [14:40] RikMills: Does akonadi still have conflicts with MySQL? === jeremy is now known as Guest58238 === lex is now known as Guest91080 === Guest91080 is now known as lex === aht is now known as ahq [16:39] Hi! I installed Ubuntu 16.04 and I want to install cuda8. I used the .Deb file for that purpose but after dpkg it says it can't locate the package cuda ! I tried to use the run file instead but I get the error the kernel path not found expressionless [19:26] I just upgraded from kubuntu 20.10 to 21.04. All of my icons are now black squares. Any ideas on how to fix? === patryk is now known as patryk__ === patryk__ is now known as patryk [20:08] nvm, fixed via https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php/78099-All-icons-missing-from-all-KDE-dialogs-applications-like-Firefox-are-fine [20:52] How's it going y'all? [21:34] Hello guys. Dose anyone know software like scrcpy can monitor and control android phone but have option to transfare audio from phone to system [23:44] @erfan_sta, Uhm, syncthing?