
slyonfiesh: well.. I guess you could still use a systemd drop-in config override to (re-)set whatever setting is needed to make systemd-networkd work for your usecase09:55
slyone.g.: /etc/systemd/network/netplan-eth0.network.d/override.conf09:56
slyonc.f.: https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.network.html09:57
fieshslyon: that's a nice suggestion... this selectively overrides settings that netplan set differently or didn't touch?10:01
slyonyes, exactly10:01
fieshslyon: I'm somewhat confused I'm the only one running into this issue to be honest.  like a server with static devices shouldn't lose its routes when a cable is unplugged and replugged one would think10:01
fieshbut from what I can gather, that's exactly what happens, and it's only deactivated for bridge devices by the pull request I linked above10:02
slyonyeah... what version of systemd are you using? I remember there was some issue wrt carrier loss... lets see if I can digg that up10:03
slyonok.. that should contain all available fixes10:05
slyonWould you mind filing a bug about this on Launchpad? Especially if you find a override-setting fixing the problem for you? https://bugs.launchpad.net/netplan/+filebug10:07
slyonor even better, use: 'ubuntu-bug netplan.io'10:07
fieshoh yes, I'll do that... didn't know about the tool10:09
slyonthank you!10:10
fieshit'll take me a bit since I only want to experiment witht the overrides when the system isn't actively used10:10
fieshthanks for your help!10:10
slyonsure, take your time!10:10
fiesh(and I need to be there in person in case network connectivity drops)10:10
fieshI also hope netplan will support tc-cake (or just tc in general) since it's the most amazing thing since bread10:16
fieshwith it, you can eat your cake and have it too10:17
slyonyeah.. there are many features still missing in netplan unfortunately. You can check if there is a tc/tc-cake feature request (wishlist bug) already on https://bugs.launchpad.net/netplan/ and file one if it does not yet exist.10:19
fieshgood idea, i'll put it on my todo list once this works and I know that I don't have to switch away from netplan ;)10:22
lukasmcool :)10:22
fieshtc-cake is nothing short of magic, latency just ceases to exist10:22

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