
mborzeckimardy: hey06:20
mborzeckimardy: anything i can help you with today? :)06:20
mardymborzecki: yeah, I'm about to push a fix for the unit tests, but I can't really say that I like how the code in that commit looks like :-) But I'll ping you soon06:24
mborzeckimardy: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10266 to this pr?06:25
mupPR #10266: wrappers/services.go: do not restart disabled or inactive services <Created by mardy> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10266>06:25
mardymborzecki: yes, please see the last commit I just pushed06:28
mborzeckimardy: hmm, fwiw there's `systemctl try-restart` which seems to be doing what we want, but i'm not sure how far back it is supported (eg. on 14.04?)06:30
mborzeckimardy: posted some comments in the PR06:59
mardypstolowski: hi!07:08
mardymborzecki: thanks, I applied some changes, and added a couple of questions to your comments :-)07:08
mborzeckipstolowski: hey07:16
mborzeckimardy: yeah, sorry missed that, perhaps adding a little comment in the test would be helpful so that we don't have to wonder for too long when one revisits the test in a longer while07:16
threshhi.  I'm having "Unexpected error when obtaining your account information" when trying to snapcraft login via my CI pipelines, any idea what that means?08:09
pstolowskithresh: temporary store issues maybe (looks ok right now per https://status.snapcraft.io)? or is it a permanent failure?08:12
threshpstolowski, looks like it's been happening consistently for a few days now.  I guess it's time to refresh the tokens...08:14
pstolowskithresh: i see, or ask on the forum08:15
threshindeed, it was probably an expired login information08:26
pstolowskiok, good you sorted that out08:26
mborzeckimore selinux fun, ehh09:13
mborzeckiheh, filed https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=196057609:36
mborzeckilooks like we shoudl tweak the tests a bit to make it less painful09:36
pstolowskimborzecki: nice bug report / analysis09:43
zygaigor's LAS talk is coming up soon on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJeANBfLVHQ10:28
zygamborzecki zbyszek replied quickly10:30
mborzeckizyga: yeah, sounds like a weekend project for me ;)10:36
zygamborzecki s/weekend/workday/ but yeah :10:36
mborzeckizyga: not sure about workday, the snapd todo queue is long10:37
mborzeckimardy: btw. we try not to force push to a branch once there have been some comments added to already present code10:43
mborzeckimardy: also that means for branches taking a while to land, merging master into the branch is preferred to rebasing (unless nobody reviewed it yet, then rebase is ok)10:45
mborzeckigithub made some improvemens to the ui for presenting diffs when rebase occured, but it's still not quite there yet10:45
mardymborzecki: ah, I see. I was using gitlab before, and there things work quite nicely10:47
mborzeckiyeah, gitlab has it's own set of ui quirks ;)10:49
pstolowskimardy: you'll need to run gofmt -w -s .. over the files you touched in your snap restart PR; the catch though is you need to use gofmt from go-1.10 (because this is the version we use in our tests, newer version may produce different formatting)10:59
zygaIgor is live now11:01
zygaat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJeANBfLVHQ11:01
mborzeckizyga: cool, thanks for the link11:03
pstolowskimardy: a few comments to your PR11:20
mardypstolowski: thanks! Is there a way to locally run the code formatter on the spread tests?11:30
mborzeckimardy: which formatter? gofmt?11:30
mborzeckimardy: if it's about go code formatting, you can just run gofmt commnad (or gofmt -w <file> which will reformat and write the file)11:32
mborzeckimardy: if you're using emacs then you can use hooks 😛 no clue about other editors though11:33
mborzeckis/editors/operating systems with text editing capabilities/11:33
mardymborzecki: no, I was wondering about bash formatting (the spread tests)11:44
mborzeckiah, then we have no rules, i know there are some tools but haven't tried anything11:45
zygathere's shfmt but I haven't used it myself11:45
mardymborzecki: it's about https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10266#discussion_r63244359011:46
mupPR #10266: wrappers/services.go: do not restart disabled or inactive services <Created by mardy> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10266>11:46
mardymborzecki: will I be able to squash the commits before the merge? Just trying to understand how I should format the fixup commits now12:04
mborzeckimardy: i see, you can run spread-shellcheck tests/main/services-restart and it will do the right checks12:05
mardyah, but I don't have my spread account yet12:08
pstolowskimardy: yes, you can git rebase -i master at any time (and force-push), or squash-merge when merging12:13
pstolowskibut we generally only squash-merge when needed for easy cherry picking12:14
mborzeckimardy: do no't need spread account for that, spread-shellcheck is just a thin wrapper around shellcheck that extract the 'shell' bits from spread task definitions and feeds them to shellcheck to verify correctness12:16
mardymborzecki: where do I find it?12:19
mborzeckimardy: it's at the root of snapd tree12:19
mborzeckimardy: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/spread-shellcheck12:20
mborzeckimardy: then run `./spread-shellcheck tests/main/services-restart`12:20
mardyoh :-) I ran a `git grep` and didn't find anything! With git sometimes I forget that I can just run `ls` :-)12:28
mupPR snapcraft#3523 opened: autotools v2 plugin: adding cross compilation support <Created by kubiko> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3523>12:34
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pstolowskimborzecki: do you know any reason we don't fail unit tests if dbus-launch is missing? seems a bit risky, we wouldn't even notice13:18
mborzeckipstolowski: hm the packaging runs unit tests (not our but downstream) and dbus-launch may not be there (or be runnable)13:20
mborzeckiat least the packaging for EPEL7 or amazon linux may be tricky in that regard13:20
mborzeckicachio_: can you check whether there are any images avialble for opensuse 15.3?13:48
mborzeckithe release is due in june, it'd be great to have it part of the spread suite by that time13:50
cachio_mborzecki, let me check13:50
mborzeckihmm hmm we set snap-setup on 2 tasks during install, but the first one is prerequisites13:52
cachio_mborzecki, there are images for 15.1 and 15.213:52
mborzeckicachio_: ah ok, thanks for checking!13:52
cachio_also no images here https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Cloud:/Images:/13:53
cachio_mborzecki, as debian 9 is required15:32
cachio_it is not possible to merge the fedora-34 pr15:33
cachio_we need mvo15:33
cachio_to remove debian-9 as required15:33
cachio_or perhaps force marge it15:33
cachio_mborzecki, could you please +1 to #1024917:14
mupPR #10249: tests: adding support for fedora-34 <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10249>17:14
mupBug #10249: gpm: FTBFS in sarge: Documentation fails to build because of mismatched parentheses <gpm (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <gpm (Debian):Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/10249>17:14
* cachio_ afk20:15
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