
callmepkgood morning01:31
dufluMorning callmepk 01:51
callmepkmorning duflu 02:25
jameshmorning callmepk, duflu 02:30
dufluHi jamesh 02:30
callmepkhi jamesh 02:44
didrocksgood morning !06:07
dufluMorning didrocks 06:30
didrockshey duflu 06:31
didrockshey bittin 06:35
dufluHi bittin 07:11
Laney\o \o08:01
didrocksmorning Laney 08:04
Laneyhey didrocks 08:30
dufluHi Laney08:34
luna__cool did not know you could have many different versions of the same snap installed11:25
jameshonly if you turn on the experimental feature11:25
jameshand there's no guarantee that every snap will function correctly in that mode11:26
luna__ah alright 11:28
luna__then i know, listening to Igor at LAS 2021 Online11:28
jameshe.g. if an app is using GApplication/GtkApplication to implement single instance via ownership of a D-Bus name, it's likely that you won't be able to run both versions simultaneously11:29
luna__did hear some of it last year however when i was helping voluenteer/host this talk in November 202011:30
luna__jamesh: alright thats good to know :) 11:30
jameshlaunching the second might just open a window from the first11:30
luna__Igors example was VLC 3 and VLC 411:30
luna__but good to know its not working with everything11:30
jameshIt does a good job of keeping the resources managed by snapd separate, but there can be other system state outside of snapd's control.11:32
jameshLaney: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/making-snapds-generated-desktop-files-usable-from-within-a-snap/2441312:19
=== luna__ is now known as luna-
hellsworthgood morning desktopers14:47
didrocks999hey hellsworth 14:48
hellsworthhiya didrocks999 !14:48
Laneyhey hellsworth 14:53
hellswortho/ Laney 14:53
Laneyhappy Friday to you14:53
KGB-0orca signed tags cfa8276 Iain Lane ubuntu/40.0-1ubuntu1 * orca Debian release 40.0-1ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/32LLN16:56
KGB-0orca ubuntu/master d599f7c Iain Lane * pushed 223 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/qKWV16:56
KGB-0orca ubuntu/master 3ec04e1 Joanmarie Diggs README.md configure.ac * Post-release version bump * https://deb.li/3FCa216:56
KGB-0orca ubuntu/master 4292093 Samuel Thibault (79 files in 6 dirs) * New upstream version 40~rc * https://deb.li/38mVg16:56
KGB-0orca ubuntu/master 08c007b Samuel Thibault (79 files in 6 dirs) * Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/40_rc' * https://deb.li/HGkG16:56
KGB-0orca ubuntu/master b60a0e0 Samuel Thibault debian/changelog * New upstream beta release * https://deb.li/3R4qM16:57
KGB-0orca ubuntu/master 4cbdb43 Marek Černocký help/cs/cs.po * Updated Czech help translation * https://deb.li/a7Ji16:57

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