[00:52] anyone experienced slow ubuntu software? ubuntu 20.04 [00:53] it'd be worth checking to see if the software is a snap or not [00:53] check snap list and see if anything there looks like the ubuntu software center [00:55] sarnold no, i have snapd, snap-store, firefox, chromium, etc ... [00:55] ^ "recent users dont care about command line apt snap commands" [00:56] :-P [00:56] isapgswell: i think sarnold was suggesting you run "snap list" [00:56] tomreyn lol [00:56] their patience snapd [00:56] * daftykins ducks [00:56] tomreyn i ran snap list [00:57] on terminal [00:57] ... "and see if anything there looks like the ubuntu software center" [00:57] snap-store may well be that [00:58] tomreyn yes only snap-sore, no ubuntu software center output [00:58] sorry isapgswell, you did run "snap list" and were discussing tis output, i was sitting on my brains there. [00:58] tomreyn ok [00:59] yay [00:59] i am using nvidia ondemand profile [00:59] isapgswell: check "snap info snap-store" [00:59] that feels a lot like it's what you're interecting with -- if you've got a firefox snap and chromium snap, how does it compare against hose programs? [01:00] https://snapcraft.io/docs/installing-snap-store-app has a screenshot [01:00] sarnold it lags when i click on category button and wait to exhibit the apps [01:02] tomreyn snap-store already installed [01:02] tomreyn using almost 300MB [01:02] tomreyn ram [01:02] i'll tell you when i'll start being impressed [01:04] i'm a bit impressed that sarnold doesn't know what the default desktop package manager is on ubuntu these days. :) [01:04] tomreyn: it's had half-dozen names since I joined up, and I haven't seen it myself in eight or nineyears.. [01:05] lucky you! [01:05] right/ :) [01:05] I have trouble believing it would use only 300m [01:06] it's the relevant part of the desktop that makes users prefer badly maintained snaps over properly maintained deb's nowadays [01:07] * Bashing-om has a fair idea of how .debs work - will stick with what works :D [01:07] isapgswell: it's probably worth a bug report; if you run 'ubuntu-bug snap-store' it will probably know how to file a bug in the right place [01:09] sarnold hmm ok [01:10] https://ubuntu.com/blog/better-snap-metadata-handling-coming-your-way-soon is possibly related to that [01:10] snap-store is a snap right? [01:10] if so, that's snapception [01:10] isapgswell: based on what you reported above, snap-store is a snap [01:11] tomreyn yes [01:11] i ran ubuntu-bug snap-store and apport returned, the problem cant be reported [01:12] dpkg -l |grep snap-store returned nothing [01:13] that's right, there is no generic mechanism for bug handling for snaps [01:14] if you'Re lucky, there's a "developer url" in the packages' metadata [01:14] and a "support url" [01:15] tomreyn lol [01:15] remember, sometimes run the command: snap refresh [01:15] https://snapcraft.io/snap-store has a "Contact Canonical" link pointing to https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-store/ [01:15] my firefox opening faster now, but ubuntu software no :( [01:17] my snaps were 45 days outdated [01:18] ubuntu software only update .deb [01:18] maybe is that the point [01:18] snaps are refreshed automatically ever few days [01:18] snapd has an internal update mechanism [01:18] you can't turn it off, its bloody annoying [01:18] but it should keep things up to date [01:19] unless there's some outage on the central server infra https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-store-desktop/+bug/1904475 [01:19] if they haven't been updated for 45 days, then there's a good chance whoever built the snap just hasn't uploaded a new one for a month or more [01:19] Ubuntu bug 1904475 in snap-store-desktop "Snap Store not loading categories" [High,Incomplete] [01:20] yes [01:21] snap info snap-store return 45 days outdated [01:21] refresh-date: 45 days ago, at 05:12 -03 [01:22] even after i ran snap refresh nothing changed [01:23] here's a bug report for what you meant to repor tiitially https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-store-desktop/+bug/1868765 [01:23] Ubuntu bug 1868765 in snap-store-desktop "snap-store categories take too long to populate" [Undecided,Confirmed] [01:23] tomreyn's a beast :D [01:24] no, no, snap-store is [01:24] lol [01:24] https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-store-desktop/+bug/1879137 is for your second bug report [01:24] Ubuntu bug 1879137 in snap-store-desktop "The snap-store is using hundreds of MiBs of RAM." [Undecided,Confirmed] [01:26] youtube on firefox paging apps faster than snap-store app [01:26] no lag [01:27] tomreyn thanks [01:27] tomreyn: I just subscribed ubuntu-desktop to these things. I wonder if anyone even reads bug reports.. [01:27] about the refresh not working, there are several possible reasons in snapd. maybe snapd just committed suicide on your computer https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1891618 [01:27] Ubuntu bug 1891618 in snapd "Snapd stuck after a request timeout error" [Critical,Confirmed] [01:27] no need to handle bug reports, we'll just write a new app! [01:28] tomreyn: it'll be clean! and fast! and extensible! and maintainable! and it'll use a new modern toolkit! [01:29] :) ok, i'll try to contain this part of myself now [01:29] good luck :) [01:30] tomreyn maybe a fork [01:31] got to go, thank all of you [01:31] bye [01:55] good morning [06:35] morning [06:39] good morning [13:04] This is concerning: https://p.haavard.me/407 (re: future of Freenode) [13:06] Hardly, no proof of anything, just some tin foil theory [13:07] if youre that concerned, ask in #freenode [13:07] except a link to JonathanD's post on the same subject. I've met him personally and I know he wouldn't take this sort of thing lightly [13:08] though the link to jess's post is gone ... so not sure [13:08] * Ussat passes out more tin === dm2912 is now known as dm2912-away [13:30] ok, talked with JonathanD. Looks like these were written in preparation for something that has yet to happen. So at the moment we're still in good hands [13:38] tnx leftyfb [13:54] we are? :P