[03:46] classicsnail, bradm: okay for us to put AARNet back online for au.archive.u.c ? [03:46] it was taken out per uRT#36139 [11:18] hloeung: it should be fine to return [11:18] the storage has been stable for 8 days, and I realise I'm probably giving myself bad luck here, but go for it === jk0ne changed the topic of #ubuntu-mirrors to: For help, please use RT or mention jk0ne || Known issues: - || Documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors || Although we idle here, please mail requests to RT: mirrors@ubuntu.com === jk0ne changed the topic of #ubuntu-mirrors to: For help, please use RT || Known issues: - || Documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors || Although we idle here, please mail requests to RT: mirrors@ubuntu.com