
zxm-pi_allo allo10:14
daftykins\o hi all13:50
daftykinsthe three musketeers are back in formation \o/13:57
daftykinsooh the UAP-AC-LITE APs from Ubiquiti have WPA3 firmware available13:58
diddledanWPA3?! :-o13:59
diddledanI wonder if that means my AC-LR Pro has it, too13:59
daftykinshey hey Neil from RMC just replied \o/13:59
diddledanis this private comms or on the comments section of a video?14:00
daftykinshe's accepted my offer to send the Psion and accessories over and so has given me his address by email14:01
diddledanI look forward to the video featuring "things a friend of mine sent"14:01
daftykinscould be a long time but fingers crossed he'd be interesting, mmm14:02
daftykinsdoesn't seem to mention the decision regarding fixing her up though, may have to double check14:02
diddledanhis renovation work on the new(ish) cave is impressive work14:02
daftykinsi mean he does do the refurbs on the channel of course, so maybe he'd want to fix it himself14:02
daftykinsmmm, very neat space14:02
diddledanit's a beautiful building, too14:03
daftykinsi think he just started that trend of wanting postcards from places people send things in from, so i will have to look for a nice Guernsey one out in the local shops :D14:10
daftykinswould be rude not to include some local fudge, too14:11
zxm-pi_he has the technology, he can rebuild it :-)14:28
diddledan6 million dollars is a bit expensive tho14:33
zxm-pi_for a psion, no, totally worth it!. ::hugs 3mx::14:35
daftykinsprobably going to be a fair few quid on postage just to get it over to him, plus tax hassles :|14:37
zxm-pi_feeling especially smug today with my psion when irish health care system has just been hammered by ransomware and back to paper and pencil14:37
daftykinsugh not another one14:37
daftykinstruly disgusting that i should pay money to the UK gov solely for an item going over to become an exhibit in this case14:39
diddledancan't you declare it as a gift?14:40
daftykinsnah, that hasn't been a strategy for decades14:40
zxm-pi_it's desktop calculator circa 1990s :-P14:40
diddledanhmm. put its value at £0.01?14:40
daftykinsbut then if they mess up in shipping you get no compensation see, that's the gamble14:41
daftykinsso you're either honest and get slapped for tax... or you cross your fingers14:41
diddledanhmm, looks like gifts are quite restricted now, as you say: https://www.gov.uk/goods-sent-from-abroad/gifts14:42
diddledanalso, £39 max: VAT is charged on all goods (except for gifts worth £39 or less)14:43
daftykinsyip, seeing the same statements on guernseypost.com14:43
diddledando you get stung with import customs (excise) in addition to VAT?14:44
daftykinsdon't think i've ever bought anything that has14:44
diddledanmight be worth waiting till you are next over on the mainland for work and carry it over the border for postage here14:44
daftykinsunlikely i'll be coming over tbh, although i could check and see if someone else is14:45
daftykinsit's a bit of an ask though, heh14:45
diddledandid ya'll see the mac mini got an upgrade the other day? they've shoved a 10Gbit ethernet in it now14:50
diddledan$100 to upgrade by the looks14:52
daftykinsheh yeah, so weird the way they position those things14:52
diddledanwhich looks like it means £100 to upgrade. gotta love the Apple-USD-to-GBP conversion14:52
daftykinsnice, neighbour's son just started doing some power tool work on the walls at the back of their place14:55
diddledanoh joy14:55
diddledanthat's one thing I hate ;-p14:56
daftykinsthere's so much all around me at the moment, huge towering scaffolds above and below me on the lane my place is on14:56
daftykinshah the clowns, they must have made a mess over the wall onto my decking so he climbed over and used some kinda blower to let it all slip between the boards and hide the evidence15:10
zxm-pi_odd, surely the perfect time for that is 9am on a sunday morning :-P15:45
daftykinsthat's when the pressure washing contractor dude likes to visit a nearby office :|15:46
daftykinsmore LGR Blerb fun!15:47
zxm-pi_a guy i worked with kept a 8" tv under his desk for big sports games on during work hours. they used to be so handy. now you have an app on your phone you hope will run fast enough20:10
daftykinsi used to have a little casio portable TV, 1.x" display20:34
daftykinsi could make it show old games consoles by just touching the antenna connections xD20:34
zxm-pi_1" display... perfect for watching tv shows on the road.  honestly officer it couldn't distract a fly :-P20:38
daftykinsi should have mounted it to the bars of my bikes!20:39
zxm-pi_my brother had a bike fm radio from late 70s. something like this http://www.palmbeachbiketours.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/archer-am-bike-radio-back.jpg20:41
zxm-pi_so you cycle along and annoy everyone :-P20:42
daftykinsthe faster paced version of the modern equivalent where it's the shrill chirp of bad music coming from a phone, or people wandering around in a call on speaker!20:43
zxm-pi_the people who walk along with phone in front of their face like they're blowing on tea in a saucer :-P20:44
diddledansomeone nearby is listening to Whitney Houston's I will always love you20:45
zxm-pi_there are worse songs20:53
daftykinsmy my, ol' RMC's mill is not where i imagined, may be kinda neat in some distant future to check it out in person once he opens things up20:56
daftykinspretty reachable for a wild diddledan too :O20:57
zxm-pi_outside, in natural daylight, diddledan? :-P20:57
daftykinswell, we can dream20:57
diddledandangerous thinking there20:58
daftykinsall we have to do is lure him with talk of beer and vintage Apple kit, possibly20:58
daftykinsbut then shauno tried the same once and you didn't make it eh? ;)20:58
* daftykins remembers all20:59
ballThere's no radio on my bike but I probably annoy car people just by being out there.21:37
zxm-pi_hazelnut chocolate, sounds yum21:40
lunathere is Solo too21:41
penguin42ah, they have the Kvikk Lunsj that defeated Kit Kat21:44
lunapenguin42: they have a lot of things from Sweden, Norway and Denmark21:45
penguin42luna: I remember seeing some of those I think in Netto when they had stores over here21:46
penguin42luna: the chocolte turtles ring a bell21:46
lunadid not know Netto had UK stores21:46
penguin42luna: For a few years and then they gave up21:46
lunai see21:46
penguin42https://www.scandikitchen.co.uk/product/toms-chocofant-130g/  seems relevant21:48
ballI wonder whether they have Lingenberries.22:36

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