
cmaloneyJoDee got a full-time offer from OCC.15:03
greg-gcmaloney: whoa! nice! (I presume)15:25
greg-gcmaloney: benefits and all that?15:25
cmaloneyBelieve so15:30
greg-gvery good15:38
cmaloneyHoping it all pans out16:00
greg-ggood people deserve good things16:05
cmaloneyWhy did you have to add that? Now I have impostor syndrome. :)16:09
greg-gyou two are good people, so shush!16:12
greg-ggood people (according to greg's assessment) deserve good things16:12
greg-g<insert good-guy-greg meme here>16:12
cmaloneyThank you. :)16:14
_stink_cmaloney: that's so awesome.  way overdue i'm sure.19:37
_stink_tell her i say congrats!19:37
cmaloney_stink_: You probably know better than anyone here the fun of having to wait for someone to retire to even have a shot at fulltime19:40
cmaloneyoh yes20:08

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