[00:02] oehman: I am [00:29] why not ubuntu software uses swap? [00:29] here is too slow when click on category [00:32] loading image apps and description is too slow [00:32] do you have spinning metal, ssd, or nvme drives? [00:34] sarnold m2 ssd [00:35] sarnold any hint? [00:38] isapgswell: how much ram does this system have, which ubuntu release and desktop variant (default = gnome3) are you running? [00:39] what amkes you say that the system does not use swap? [00:40] oh you're saying that the "ubuntu software" application does not repond to user input as swiftly as you expect. [00:40] that's probably not realted to swapping,t hough [00:42] tomreyn yes, ubuntu software do not respond to user input as swiftly as i expect [00:42] tomreyn too slow after i click on category for example [00:43] tomreyn 32GB ram, ubuntu 20.04.2 gnome shell [00:45] tomreyn 240Mbps link connection [00:45] isapgswell: i have very little experience with this software, can't really comment. if you can get used to it, working with "apt" (and "snap", if you want) in a terminal can be a lot faster. [00:46] tomreyn yes [00:46] i think "ubuntu software" is a snap itself, though, which could have an impact on how fast it feels. [00:47] is it? if so that's probably related [00:47] tomreyn i think you're right. in my opinion for the begginner users it's relevant [00:48] tomrey recent users dont care about command line apt snap commands [00:49] tomreyn and ubuntu's purpose is user friendly [00:50] isapgswell: i'm not an ubuntu developer, there's no use in discussing this with me. there's #ubuntu-discuss for discussions [00:51] (but don't expect discussions had there to carry into ubuntu development either) [00:53] tomreyn ok === ghoti is now known as ghoti_ === ghoti_ is now known as ghoti [02:02] so, I just set up a fresh ubuntu linode [02:02] first admin task was to enable the firewall [02:03] yet, remotely, nmap shows port 53 open [02:03] and using dig, the linode returns DNS requests [02:03] how is port 53 open on a fresh ubuntu install with ufw enabled and no other changes? [02:08] what server was installed on it to answer? [02:09] not sure I understand your phrasing [02:09] the remote server was ubuntu 20.04 [02:09] the local machine is also ubuntu [02:11] chances are this is a multi chain setup [02:11] i.e. docker or similar [02:12] ok but what does that mean in terms of port 53? [02:12] i think ufw only blocks on the INPUT chain [02:12] + output if you change its policy on that [02:13] bumblefuzz: there's something like a dozen different DNS servers for authoritative, recursive, forwarders, stub, etc. I'm curious which one was on the system and answering queries [02:13] but input on port 53 is what should be blocked by UFW...unless I open it [02:13] i.e. if you have forward chains, or yet more separate chains, then your rules take no effect [02:13] ...on those [02:13] `netstat -nlp | grep 53` only shows systemd [02:14] this is a stock ubuntu linode with ufw enabled, nothing else [02:14] port 53 shouldn't be open [02:14] and it's not only open, it's responding to DNS requests [02:14] can you show sudo iptables -L [02:16] and tell us how you're testing [02:17] nmap remote_ip [02:17] and dig @remote_ip www.somesite.com [02:17] I can't copy the pastebinit links [02:17] dunno how to get this over to you guys [02:18] one sec... lemme get a VPN installed and ssh in [02:22] Hi! I have had multiple 21.04 system crashes with a browser that worked perfectly with 20.10 [02:22] Gool Gorrilla, terrible Hippo !! [02:25] DumbLDoor: omg I just now got your nickname.. [02:26] @tomreyn https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KrGH4ZdcRg/ [02:27] sarnold: cool [02:27] amosbird_: well, I talked with DumbLDoor for who knows how long a few days ago and never caught on.. heh [02:30] there's nothing here that indicates port 53 should be open [02:31] Sarnold: ? [02:32] ! [02:32] Anyone else uses Palemoon browser? [02:37] bumblefuzz: i can't tell from this output, sorry. [02:41] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kMnzMZmj6C/ [02:41] ss shows port 53 only listening on localhost [02:41] so, why is it accessible from the internet [02:41] ? [02:42] ufw shows it's closed [02:42] ipv6? [02:42] how can I check that? [02:42] specify the ipv6 address rather than the ipv4 address (or FQDN) when testing [02:42] and these addresses are [02:42] that's ipv4 [02:42] yeah, it doesn't have an ipv6 address [02:43] linode only gives of an ipv4 [02:43] gives me* [02:43] bumblefuzz: I thought linode are IPv6-enabled too... [02:43] bumblefuzz: check 'ip -6 addr' and 'ip -6 ro' ... [02:44] NB: ignore fe80: (link-local) addresses in the ip -6 addr list [02:45] you're correct [02:45] about your ss output: is the local address, but it shows the service does listen to connections from anywhere. [02:45] how do I disable ipv6 to check if that's it? [02:46] your nmap output should actually tell the ip address that it connected to [02:46] well, "connect" is the wrong term, it's not tcp. the port it sent traffic to and received a response from. [02:49] you can choose not to configure a routable ipv6 address on the wan interface, that should suffice, no need to diable ipv6 support in general. [02:50] that step is done for me [02:50] I can only act retroactively on ipv6 [03:00] yeah, ipv6 is disabled and port 53 is still wide open and accepting DNS requests [03:14] I can't find any reason this should be accepting port 53 traffic [03:27] weird happenings...i installed 2 ubuntu 20.04 vms at the same time, one the alias for ll works, one it does not. i have made 0 changes to the file. any reason why this could be happening? [03:33] if re source bashrc or do an alias in the commandline it works [03:33] but as soon as i log out and back in again, it doesnot work anymore [03:34] i also notice the colors don't work until i after i resource as well [03:38] leftyfb: I want to trace first that what went wrong? [06:35] morning [06:52] HI Guys.. I was on here yesterday morning with the problem of my laptop failing to boot to the desktop. After spending a while trying to boot back into my desktop I gave up & opted for a reinstall. I reinstalled xubuntu 20.04.2 but again kept getting stuck at the same place & couldn't access the desktop. Reinstalled yet again using xubuntu 18.04.5 & now I can access the desktop & do a bunch of things (all-be-it with a go [06:52] en tearing). [06:52] My problem now is that whenever I install nvidia drivers my laptop will fail to boot or will boot, but will lock up at lightdm. Sometimes It'll let me login to the desktop & then decide to lockup several seconds later. [06:52] I booted into recovery mode & ran "sudo apt-get remove --purge '^nvidia-.*'" to remove all nvidia drivers & then rebooted using noveau drivers. To install drivers I go to Settings >> Additional Drivers >> http://i.imgur.com/HkgwelX.png [06:52] Could someone please help me becuase I'm not that great when it comes to debugging or fixing things & I would love to get my graphics card working again. [06:59] furycd001: if you don't get a response, try a little later as there are few people here now. i'm no guru on nvidia drivers, so don't think i can help [07:00] Ok thank you for the heads up. I don't actually have a lot of time later today so I might have to wait until monday :/ [07:02] furycd001: what does 'ubuntu-drivers list' say? [07:04] It shows this >> https://termbin.com/z9u5 [07:06] do you remember which version you installed previously? [07:06] EriC^^: you got any ideas? [07:07] I tried the 460 because it has tested beside it & I also tried 390.... [07:07] you could try a later version from the graphics drivers ppa [07:07] the 390 would slowly let me boot to the desktop but would crash like 20seconds later. The 460 would just lock up on boot or at lightdm.... [07:08] no idea here ducasse [07:08] Hmmm do you think a driver from ppa would work ?? [07:08] what does 'sudo ubuntu-drivers devices' show for recommended driver? [07:08] maybe, could be worth a shot [07:09] it shows this >> https://termbin.com/d65k [07:10] does nouveau work? [07:11] Yes I'm currently booted to the desktop using nouveau. [07:11] There's a ton of screen tearing though when moving windows about or watching videos. [07:12] When I try a nvidia driver & it doesn't work I boot into recovery mode & run "sudo apt-get remove --purge '^nvidia-.*" using the root console.... [07:17] i think i'd try the ppa [07:17] Ok I'll give that a try and see what happens. Do you have a link for the ppa ?? [07:18] https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa [07:18] Thank you :) [07:19] yw, i just hope it helps. [07:19] I hope so too [07:23] furycd001: let us know how it goes [07:24] Yes I will be straight back here once I get back to my desktop.... === denningsrogue688 is now known as denningsrogue68 [07:45] Ok so I installed the latest driver from the ppa which is 465 & rebooted twice to a black screen with a solid cursor in the top left of the screen. Back on nouveau again to access the desktop.... [07:47] well, that sucks [07:47] Yep ;( [07:48] On monday I done a fresh 20.04.5 install. Worked fine until yesterday morning whenever my system just randomly locked up. Couldn't get 20.04 [07:48] to install so I went with 18.04.5 [07:49] Trying to figure out mkfs.f2fs options for 20.04. fsfs.h refers to compression, but I get an error when I try to make the FS with '-O compression' [07:49] I'm kinda thinking my graphics card might be faulty ?? [07:50] Headers for FSFS are in: /usr/src/linux-hwe-5.8-headers-5.8.0-53/include/trace/events/f2fs.h [07:52] 'man mkfs.f2fs' merely says, "specify a feature list in order f2fs filesystem will supports. e.g "encry-pt" and so on." [sic] [07:52] 'man mount' has no reference to f2fs [07:53] Everywhere I look, f2fs in 5.8 kernel is supposed to have lzo, lz4, zstd and lzo-rle [07:58] Every way I try, I get "Error: Wrong features" [08:11] hey i recently moved from mac to ubuntu as my daily driver. i'm trying to figure out how i can set it up so i get an 'are you sure' prompt when i use my ssh key that's been added with: ssh-add -c [08:13] huwjr: I've never used ssh before, but you could probably write a simple bash script that uses the read command. Here's an example >> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/226703/how-do-i-prompt-for-yes-no-cancel-input-in-a-linux-shell-script .... [08:13] I think you could just do zenity --question "Sure?" && ssh [08:17] it's a built in ssh feature that i just need the prompt from [08:18] i need it to happen passively when something tries to use my key, not just when i actively run a command [08:19] Ahhh right ok gotcha.... [08:20] Then you want inotify or incron or somesuch to be triggered when the key file is accessed. [08:26] it's not a file when it's added to the agent, it's either a random socket file or in ram (i'm not actually sure tbh) [08:26] Ah. I.c. [08:28] the point is it allows me to type my long password once and then control whether it's usable with a yes/no answer [08:41] Hello. I'm experiencing the same problem after the upgrade too: some dock icons will stay on the dock after closing the window, and will not vanish, despite not being in Favourites. Some windows also won't show up in the Dock. I am running 21.04 (Hirsute) vanilla Ubuntu now, but the problem persisted after upgrading. [09:13] greetings, what is the mc shortcut to go to line end? alt-b is for line beginning. [09:15] isomari, mc? [09:15] midnight commander [09:55] Hey guys.. I finally made it to a desktop using nvidia drivers :) [09:55] Ok so I removed the ppa & installed the standard tested nvidia-driver-460 & have been able to boot to my desktop using kernel 5.4.0-42-generic. [09:56] I uninstalled kernel linux-image-5.4.0-73-generic using apt-get purge & I can now boot straight to my desktop without having to fiddle with grub. [09:56] Screen tearing is still a thing though & I've tried to fix it using this post >> https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2365449&p=13663158&viewfull=1#post13663158 [09:56] but.. I receive this error in my terminal.... [09:56] > cat: /sys/module/nvidia_drm/parameters/modeset: No such file or directory [09:57] Any ideas :? === PowerTower_121 is now known as PowerTower_120 === [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius [10:17] brb.... [10:18] I'm trying to map Super-right and Super-left to specific commands, but they don't seem to work. Under keyboard shortcuts there's nothing else that maps to these. [10:19] are there other places where these might be mapped to something? And how could I track what happens when I hit that keyboard combo? [10:30] * enyc meows [10:31] torbjorn: i'm not expret on that stutaino but i would say -- ubuntu version and desktop type may be significant info to include in your query [10:31] torbjorn: i'm wondering if, for example, keyboard layout has a 'super key' set at all, etc. === burrr is now known as Burrr [10:45] I'm installing from source. when running ./config I get "package lua was not found in the pkg-config search path" what package do they mean. when I search ubuntu packages I get lua-ansicolor which is for printing to the consol and lua-apr for a language and others. which should I install? [11:00] enyc: I think I'm using Gnome 3, but I' not sure how to tell. I installed ubuntu without really making a concious choice on the matter. Also I have mapped the key with a windows logo on it to other shortcuts, which do work, using the label "Super" to set them up [11:01] I have the outline of a cat on my desktop, which stares at something to the left of my screen, and there's a left bar where running applications appear, and there's a top bar that has datetime in the middle, sys tray on the right, and "Activities" on the left corner [11:03] Where I would expect to see "Gnome Desktop" something.. something.. in programs (settings for example), I consistently see "Ubuntu Desktop" instead, but I'm pretty sure this is gnome [11:04] This is Focal Fossa (20.04) [11:04] And it most likely runs GNOME 3 [11:04] would it vary for recent ubuntu releases? [11:05] Yes [11:05] Submit a screenshot of this https://i.imgur.com/wpSmoej.png [11:05] This is a tab in settings (gnome-control-center) [11:06] ah yes, there's the About I was looking for, thanks, just had to scroll below view, its gnome. [11:07] https://pasteboard.co/K1Qmqxg.png [11:10] Yes, it is GNOME 3 [11:10] I come from Fedora, typically running other-than-gnome DE's , but the Super key is becoming less and less available there too, though I have been able to use Super-left, Super-right (and also Super-space), none of which have responded to me in gnome 3 (yet!) [11:12] So you are trying to remap Super+Left and Super+Right to do stuff? This is a WM builtin, so you would either have to work around it, or use X remappers. [11:12] what are they builtins for? [11:12] (They are normally bound to window tiling) [11:13] those are remappable though, in the same shortcut-setup interface [11:13] (I have remapped them to new, working, key comboes) [11:16] Super-space, which I didn't really ask about, but would also like, I had to clear in a dconf menu, it is setup to toggle input sources I think, or keyboard language in effect [11:16] Watching Igors snap talk at LAS 2021 [11:16] however 6 minutes behind as i listened to #ubuntu-podcast [11:18] Aand you're mapping them at the same interface like this: https://i.imgur.com/WrCaq29.png [11:19] And you double-checked that you have disabled the original thingos [11:19] not here luna__ [11:20] Hi, someone encountering this? ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'uaclient' in package ubuntu-advantage-tools while apt upgrading pretty standard 18.04 [11:20] #ubuntu-discuss is probably the best place for this luna__ [11:22] azidhaka, Where are you getting it exactly? after sudo apt upgrade? [11:23] agvantibo: yep [11:23] !info ubuntu-advantage-tools [11:23] ubuntu-advantage-tools (source: ubuntu-advantage-tools): management tools for Ubuntu Advantage. In component main, is important. Version 27.0.2~20.04.1 (focal), package size 754 kB, installed size 2494 kB === denningsrogue685 is now known as denningsrogue68 [11:23] cannot uninstall, reinstall or purge it due to this error [11:25] This is probably the post-DPKG script playing up [11:25] agvantibo: yes, looking at it, but it's quite long and it is unclear which python app is printing this [11:26] now, try sudo apt autoclean; sudo apt autoremove; [11:26] and post the output here [11:27] agvantibo: forget it, i'm stupid :) i had a python venv activated while upgrading :D [11:27] I am genuinely concerned that the wallpaper in 21.04 looks like testicles [11:27] Hope you've solved it now [11:27] agvantibo: yes, thank you [11:27] please only support issues here Liowenex [11:27] i also see balls, but most people been saying it looks like hairy milkers, am i gay [11:28] I'm glad I am not the only one [11:28] Liowenex #ubuntu-discuss exists and ubuntu-offtopic does so too [11:28] Nichi same [11:28] sorry :-D === isolier4 is now known as isolier [11:29] No offense taken, but some people may get... Uncomfortable [11:34] What's the safe way to extract a rootfs without running tar as root?; what's the reverse fakeroot? [11:34] I do know that I need to be vary about setuid, so I would mount said rootfs as noexec [11:35] something that prevents you from writting to "/"(so giving tar capabilities isn't the answer) [11:41] agvantibo: yes, like so. Super-left and -right at least aren't doing what they used to. They seem to do nothing now, even with activated new commands to run [11:41] ah I should try actions that I know work. [11:45] oh shit that works. it was my action that was at fault, not gnome's ability to map it. [11:46] which leads to the next question.. how do I make it run a perl script that is in my $PATH if I open a gnome-terminal? [11:54] where might errors from keyboard shortcuts be logged? there is no ~/.xsessionerrors [12:03] ~/perl5/bin isn't in $PATH. error was all mine from the get go, thanks for help [12:09] Howdy all === ghoti_ is now known as ghoti [12:26] i just started a, "sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdLETTER bs=10M" on a 30G usb 3 on a 3.0 hub, got a 64 bit phenom and 16G ram ssd, how long is this likely to take (speculate a range please anyone)? [12:27] it wont ctrl+C (cancel) and i dont want to brick the usb, bt its been a while and forgot to pass "status=progress" [12:31] jumperpin: you can do "sudo pkill -USR1 ^dd" to get the progress [12:31] (from another terminal) [12:33] ;) ty it just finished then but much appreciated. most def need that command in my back pocket for rouge processes [12:33] ;) [12:58] Morning peeps. [13:12] hi folks [13:12] is qt5 packages maintained by canonical or by debian? [13:17] Hi, how would you connect to a Wi-Fi connection using a screen reader on Xfce? I'm not finding a way to reach the nm-applet icon [13:25] Hi. How to setup (where) sending email notifications for unattended-upgrades package on Ubuntu 18? mailx installed via s-nail package. Or how to test that it actually uses mailx to send... === luna__ is now known as luna- [14:28] (A) Extract linux-source-5.11.0.tar.bz2 (B) cp /boot/config-5.11.0-17-generic .config (C) make prepare (D) diff /boot/config-5.11.0-17-generic .config (Result) CONFIG_PAHOLE_HAS_SPLIT_BTF and CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_BTF_MODULES are set in /boot/config-5.11.0-17-generic but not .config. Why? === thegodsq- is now known as thegodsquirrel === ace_me1 is now known as ace_me [15:39] does anyone know where the conntrack information is located on ubuntu 20.04? [15:40] there's no /proc/net/nf_conntrack on my device or /proc/net/ip_conntrack [15:41] nucc1: it's a module, is it loaded? lsmod | grep conntrack [15:42] tomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JNyKGxKvWT/ [15:43] seems to be loaded. this is my router, so i imagine it would be broken if this module wasn't loaded [15:45] hmm, same here, on 5.4.0-72-generic [15:45] i think the data goes somewhere else and perhaps nobody has remembered to document this... or i'm not looking hard enough :) [15:46] maybe you need to enable accounting [15:47] i have just installed the package "conntrack", and it is able to find and display the info i want, so the data must be there [15:47] i think i'll have to figure out a way to get the data from conntrack though. [15:48] i'm trying to setup a scheme that would packet-sniff all the traffic for a host on my LAN as well as all the NATed traffic on the WAN port [15:48] doesn't seem like there's an easy way to do this, so i'm looking at writing a script that would periodically check the conntrack table and run a new tcpdump instance for any new hosts that the LAN host connects to [15:49] ultimate aim is to figure out why i'm getting packet loss on my otherwise clean network. [15:50] i can't say for sure if the packets are getting dropped by QOS or not. [15:50] I can't imagine that the QOS will drop packets in a way that results in the connection failing as a result of too many missed ACKs [15:50] you could check the source code. or, if this utility reads it from a FSO, strace should tell. [15:51] yea, i need to git-clone it. [15:51] sadly there's no tarball download like github does [15:52] grrrr. i don't have Virt feature enabled on my CPU.... i need to reboot and get into bios. [15:52] (sigh). [16:17] looks like it uses https://netfilter.org/projects/libnetfilter_conntrack/index.html [16:17] the /proc method is now legacy [16:19] @tomreyn [16:22] Hello, can I install ubuntu 21.04 if I only have a 2 Gb USB stick? [16:22] I believe I'd need a <2Gb iso file but I don't know if there is any [16:24] Antoine_: https://ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads [16:24] the network installer might be feasible [16:25] hi. in what environment do apt postinstall scripts run? i have a postinst failure i think related to PATH containing /usr/local/bin [16:27] nucc1: Hmm, it's not as easy. I also have an external hard drive but I can't wipe it. Is it feasible in a partition of the hard drive? [16:28] hi all; I've updated from ubuntu server 18 to 20 .....now, the mysql is broken ....tried a lot of commands . . nothing is working . . .. [16:48] Ports open? [16:49] Can you login to sql server as root? [16:49] Is it running? [16:49] I dont think so ... [16:50] Job for mysql.service failed because the control process exited with error code. [16:50] See "systemctl status mysql.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details. [16:50] how do I tell netstat to only show parent processes not child ones when I'm doing "netstat -plant"? [16:51] @parapan https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42317139/job-for-mysqld-service-failed-see-systemctl-status-mysqld-service [16:52] is it expected that an LTS Ubuntu point release; e.g. 18.04.2, not change to say 18.04.5 after running an apt upgrade against an up to date repo mirror? Does the contents of /etc/os-release ever change after the initial OS install? [16:53] Sir_Burns: went through some of the answers .....no luck ... [16:53] it seems my .pid and .sock files are missing .... [16:54] Where can I get a flash .so? All websites I found tell me to install flashplugin-installer, which doesn't actually create any files [16:57] Antoine_ i don't understand you. the network installer is small, but it requires that the machine have internet access during installation. [16:57] so you should be able to flash it onto your usb stick and install it. The details of the installation don't depend on the installation media. [16:58] does anyone know how to fix this impasse I have? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RZGzddHBjX/ [17:00] Dear Ubuntu users, I would like to kindly ask, how is it possible to play the game Roblox under Linux, Ubuntu ? === bildramer1 is now known as bildramer [17:09] nucc1: possibly "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade && sudo apt --fix-broken install" [17:10] nucc1: Ah, I was reading the instructions there: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/netbooting-the-live-server-installer/14510 [17:10] And there seemed to be many steps [17:11] If I can just flash the "mini.iso" image and boot normally, that's fine :) [17:12] Antoine_ you don't need to netboot as far as I remember. just boot it like normal, and make sure the machine is connected to internet. [17:12] TJ-: let me try those. [17:12] nucc1: Ok ok, great! [17:12] Antoine_ https://www.answertopia.com/ubuntu/installing-ubuntu-with-the-network-installer/ [17:13] yea, netbooting is for people who need to install like 200 machines at once or something [17:15] TJ-: i get error "E: Command line option --fix-broken-install is not understood in combination with the other options [17:15] " === satanist is now known as pcworld === pcworld is now known as satanist [17:20] nucc1, not --fix-broken-install but --fix-broken instal [17:21] nucc1, sorry, not --fix-broken-install but --fix-broken instal l [17:30] hi [17:31] I run "cfdisk /dev/sdb" and it says: [17:31] Select label type: gpt, dos, sgi, sun [17:31] so which type do I choose ? [17:32] I want to create 4 primary partitions with extfs on it [17:34] I just checked other disks I had, HDD and flash drive they have "dos" so I will use "dos" here too [17:34] !partitioning | JustLandedOnMars [17:34] JustLandedOnMars: For help with partitioning a new install see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition | For partitioning programs, see !GParted (recommended) or !PartitionManager. Other partitioning topics include !fstab, !home, and !swap [17:34] right [17:34] I know how to partition [17:35] its just this time I run fresh "cfdisk" and it asked me to chose one of these types, that is first time [17:35] other than that I did partitioned before [17:35] yes, right, its not what I expected just link to external resource, but thanks anyway [17:36] I thought maybe some "human interaction" [17:42] what switches would I need for lsof to list processes and ports bound to them but not child processes? [17:44] ioria: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2sPq7RGnGy/ --- this was a pristine install of ubuntu server a month or so ago :) [17:49] JustLandedOnMars: you want either gpt or dos (AKA mbr). dos is the classic partition table, nowadays you may want to prefer gpt. [17:51] nucc1: show us "pastebinit <( cat /etc/apt/sources.list{.d/*} ; lsb_release -a ; uname -a ) " [17:54] TJ-: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4f6ry5Swyq/ [17:55] nothing in my sources.list.d [17:55] but i can share my sources.list if you want. [17:55] TJ-, this is like neofetch but with extra steps [17:55] nucc1: that command I gave you would do that [17:55] TJ-: i think there's a comma missing [17:55] tomreyn: there is? [17:56] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ckDhfjyhJM/ [17:56] tomreyn: there is! [17:56] tomreyn: good eye ... that's normally my job :) [17:57] TJ-: yes, you're normally better on that than i am :) [17:58] tomreyn: tired eyes 28-hour stint! [17:59] ooof [17:59] nucc1: OK, let's clear the error directly since it'll be much faster than trying to figure out WHY this has broken. "sudo apt install libc6-dev build-essential" [18:01] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Xfcp6FMfZs/ [18:01] usually this occurs because an already-installed package conflicts with one being requested, or as in this case, is a dependency required by the package(s) being installed [18:02] nucc1: you DID do "sudo apt update" and that did complete successfully fetching the most recent package lists? [18:03] TJ-: sure I did: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zhYccq9t8R/ [18:05] nucc1: strange. Looking on a 20.04 system here, it upgraded all the libc6* packages on 21st April from 2.31-0ubuntu9.2 to 2.31-0ubuntu9.3 [18:06] this looks like the problem where a bad libc6 version was installed and backed out. if one happened to upgrade while the bad package was they got it [18:06] nucc1: OK, one step further. "sudo apt install libc6 libc6-dev build-essential" [18:06] I have the bad 9.3 package (but the bug doesn't affect me, forget what it was) [18:07] rfm: yes it does [18:07] TJ-: still same complaint about libc6 [18:07] nucc1: hmmm, this is starting to annoy me. Warn your PC it's about to get a slap! [18:08] I think the thing to do here is downgrade libc6 to 2.31-0ubuntu9.2 (the current highest version in the repos) [18:08] well, sadly, this is my router :) [18:08] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rZcYFypJ3H/ [18:08] nucc1: "apt-cache policy libc6 libc6-dev" [18:08] nucc1: pastebin please? [18:09] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/drNRSnfbxw/ [18:10] nucc1: wooah! and ouch! /me goes to do some research [18:11] thanks TJ- , hope my router is not fubar :) [18:12] nucc1: I have libc6-dev 2.31-0ubuntu9.3 installed here BUT my policy shows only 9.2 available. I suspect this will be the bug rfm referred to and that package was tempirarily pulled from the archive [18:12] yea, must be. [18:12] my bad luck though, because i sometimes go weeks before i run updates :) [18:13] Yes Deleted on 2021-05-03 by Iain Lane [18:13] Causing crashes, saved in silo 4547, LP: #1926355 [18:13] Launchpad bug 1926355 in snap-core20 "Snap applications segfault with new core20 (rev: 1015+)" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1926355 [18:13] so i won't have experienced the bug, cos i got no snaps [18:13] Oh great - rest of the distro is broken because of snaps! [18:13] tell me about it :) [18:13] nucc1: OK, so 'lets get you the package manually [18:14] i really wish packages.ubuntu.com had a search field :) [18:15] nucc1: "pushd /tmp; wget https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/4507-deletedppa/+build/21332538/+files/libc6-dev_2.31-0ubuntu9.3_amd64.deb; sudo dpkg -i libc6-dev_2.31-0ubuntu9.3_amd64.deb; sudo apt --fix-broken install; popd " [18:17] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/p5gkSKMJyW/ [18:17] i guess i should say "Y" ? [18:20] hang on [18:20] oops :p [18:21] we need to fetch another package; I didn't check the dependency. No problem if you have though [18:21] yea, i have [18:21] nucc1: "wget https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/4507-deletedppa/+build/21332538/+files/libc-dev-bin_2.31-0ubuntu9.3_amd64.deb; sudo dpkg -i libc-dev-bin_2.31-0ubuntu9.3_amd64.deb; sudo apt --fix-broken install" [18:22] nucc1: actually hang on! [18:22] awww :d [18:22] no errors reported [18:22] nucc1: Your last pastebin seems to show the first package was removed !! so we need to insert both first [18:22] still have the dependency issue though [18:23] okay [18:23] nucc1: "sudo dpkg -i /tmp/libc6-dev_2.31-0ubuntu9.3_amd64.deb; sudo apt --fix-broken install" [18:24] nucc1: in theory that show not now force a package removal/downgrade [18:24] s/show/should [18:24] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sN3SV9RSv5/ [18:24] looks fixed :) [18:25] thanks a lot. i could never have figured this out :) [18:25] thank %^&*&! [18:25] nucc1: now you can bet to what it was you actually intended to do! [18:26] fair point, but i think i'd have given up and planned for another clean install :p [18:27] which is painful, because i haven't actually written scripts to deploy the router configuration... which is something i should do [18:27] so the build is painstakingly manual [18:28] right, what i set to do is its own challenge :) [18:28] he he [18:28] trying to figure out how to get conntrack information from a program using libnetfilter_conntrack :) [18:29] the first example in their source tree i built isn't running :d [18:29] the build-essential package was so i can compile the program directly where it's gonna run === kevr` is now known as kevr [19:35] does ubuntu have nonfree software in its repos by default? [19:44] bleb, depends on your defiiniton of non-free but there is some software with various restricted licenses in the "restricted" and "multiverse" sections. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories has some explanation [19:55] nucc1: Aaah ok I see. That's exactly what I need, thanks a lot! === blackest_mamba_ is now known as blackest_mamba [20:58] so, I've suddenly lost all audio [20:58] I've made no changes [20:58] WTF? [21:11] hi, im on 21.04. is there a way, maybe with gnome tweaks, to have a program always start on all workspaces? thanks! === BromaxSux1 is now known as BromaxSux [21:35] dirgeable: depends on the window manager/GNOME shell [21:35] dirgeable: perhaps have a look at "devilspie2", that can provide some enhancement. [21:37] dirgeable: but note that Xorg and Weston/Wayland are different. [21:58] hi, i just did a clean format and now i'm copying my files back from my external backup hd [21:59] but now they don't belong to my new user [21:59] is there any way to batch switch user? [21:59] *batch switch file owner [22:00] cronopio: sudo chown -R ${USER}: /path/to/filesdir [22:02] oh, thanks! [22:02] but say my user is cronopio, should i write ${cronopio}? [22:11] (nevermind, it worked, thanks again) [22:12] wait, no, it didn't work recursively [22:17] but now it worked using the form user:group instead of ${user}: [22:18] cronopio: it's literally ${USER}: not to be replaced or anything [22:18] glad it worked though [22:21] aaaah [23:05] Is there to a way to have the dock hide when not in use. I have tried tweaks, exstensions, just perfection, and dconf editor. Right now it hides when an app touches it but comes right back. I want it to hide unless I click activities. [23:40] kathadris: shuold be extension for that what is gnome shell vesion [23:41] 3.38 [23:47] kathadris: dash to dock extension i think got option to autohide dock