[10:43] We don't have micro release exception, so we either need to create LP bugs for every bug since 1.8.14 or cherry pick that fix. [10:44] Don't think those exist anymore. [10:44] !mre [10:44] Micro Release Exceptions are approved by the Ubuntu Technical Board on a per-package basis for packages that cannot be acceptably handled through the Stable Release Update (!sru) process. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates/MicroReleaseExceptions for more information. [10:44] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#New_upstream_microreleases [10:45] Xfce doesn't meet these criteria [10:46] here is the patch if it wants to be cherry picked https://gitlab.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/-/commit/1b85b96ebf7cb9bf6a3ddf1acee7643643fdf92d [10:46] Commit 1b85b96 in xfce/thunar "Dont execute files, passed via command line due to security risks" [10:47] was hoping that translation updates since 1.8.14 could also get it for 20.04 users [10:47] CVE-2021-32563 [10:47] An issue was discovered in Thunar before 4.16.7 and 4.17.x before 4.17.2. When called with a regular file as a command-line argument, it delegates to a different program (based on the file type) without user confirmation. This could be used to achieve code execution. [10:48] s/get it/get in/ [11:16] bluesabre: could this be xubuntu specific as others cant repo on none xubuntu distros - https://gitlab.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-session/-/issues/106 [11:16] Issue 106 in xfce/xfce4-session "Triggering application on suspend does not work" [Opened] [11:18] It could be. ochosi might be a good candidate to verify... he may have written that code