
xu-help87whi i'm coming from windows where super opens menu so i follwed instructions here https://www.phpdeveloper.org.uk/opening-start-menu-with-the-windows-key-in-xubuntu/ but now super+E opens start menu and file explorer when i just want explorer :)10:31
MariaDiaz54Whatever I install, either 20.10 or 21.04 (currently 21.04), it doesn't boot after it shows the following: Started File System Check Daemon to report status. What shall I do and what's happening?10:49
diogenes_MariaDiaz54, as soon as you see that message press ctrl+d10:53
MariaDiaz54Nothing happens. This message appears only when I either press Esc, or boot in recovery mode10:56
diogenes_MariaDiaz54, ok as soon as you see the grub menu press e and tell me when you're there.10:57
MariaDiaz54I'm there, what shall I do?10:58
diogenes_do you see a long sequence of text right?10:58
MariaDiaz54Yeah, pretty sure10:58
diogenes_now with the keyboard arrow down key move the cursor down untill you see a line which starts wich linux10:59
xu-help87whi following doc at https://docs.xubuntu.org/2010/user/C/guide-default-apps.html but get error "unable to locate package xubuntu-restricted-extras"11:01
diogenes_!info ubuntu-restricted-extras11:02
ubottuubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used media codecs and fonts for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 67 (hirsute), package size 3 kB, installed size 14 kB11:02
diogenes_xu-help87w, see there ^^^11:02
MariaDiaz54Uh-huh, there's the following: linux /boot/vmlinuz-5.11.0-17-generic root=UUID=19b2e7c6-084f-4ffd-aecb-53854\6ea9510 ro  quiet splash $vt_handoff11:03
diogenes_MariaDiaz54, now move the cursor with arrow to the right, right after this line: root=UUID=19b2e7c6-084f-4ffd-aecb-53854\6ea9510 add fsck.mode=skip11:03
diogenes_so in the end it looks like:11:04
diogenes_linux /boot/vmlinuz-5.11.0-17-generic root=UUID=19b2e7c6-084f-4ffd-aecb-53854\6ea9510 fsck.mode=skip ro  quiet splash $vt_handoff11:04
diogenes_tell me when done11:04
xu-help87wsorry what is !info ? are you saying do "sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras" instead of "sudo apt install xubuntu-restricted-extras"11:07
MariaDiaz54Hmm, it's done but there's the same result. Maybe I did it wrong. Just pressed F10 to boot after I typed fsck.mode=skip as you described11:08
xu-help87walso found package called xubuntu-restricted-addons I just want to play mp3s :)11:08
diogenes_MariaDiaz54, but does it boot ok from the live USB?11:09
MariaDiaz54Yeah, it does absolutely fine11:09
diogenes_MariaDiaz54, ok at grub menu press advanced and choose a different kernel, the one that starts with 5.4, the very first one.11:10
diogenes_because currently you have 5.1111:10
MariaDiaz54You know what, I did the same thing for the recovery mode and it has booted at last. Also, I don't have 5.4 kernel installed11:13
diogenes_MariaDiaz54, so it finally booted?11:14
MariaDiaz54Yeah. But… then… the question is how to boot normally without recovery mode. Why using the same parameter doesn't work hmm11:15
diogenes_MariaDiaz54, i'd suggest you check your filesystem for errors and.11:15
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot11:15
MariaDiaz54There were some choices in the recovery mode, one of them was to check the filesystem. Is that thing also appropriate?11:17
diogenes_i suggest while you are now logged in to do that and see the outcome.11:18
diogenes_how old is the HDD or SSD?11:18
MariaDiaz54Ah, okay, I'll try. I don't know how old it is, because it's a used netbook. Maybe it's really that much old. I always installed mini.iso because that worked (until now I didn't understand why it didn't boot all the time, now I see it was the filesystem check which stucked)11:20
diogenes_it's not the fylesystem check but actually the sign that HDD might die anytime soon.11:21
MariaDiaz54It's sad indeed. I can't replace the old HDD with a new SSD myself, but I also can't give my netbook to some guys that could also break it or could ask for large amount money to replace it. Notebooks… uh. Is there an easy way to solve it lol11:27
diogenes_MariaDiaz54, ok give me your address i'll come over and fix it for you :)11:28
diogenes_as an alternative you can buy a superfast USB Drive and install Xubuntu on it and use it with persistance and be happy and joyful.11:29
MariaDiaz54Well, you know what, I've thought of that, but for some reason for a mistake thought the netbook wouldn't boot without a working HDD. Thank you for the idea11:31
diogenes_MariaDiaz54, of course it'll boot without HDD and you're welcome.11:32
MariaDiaz54I did 'sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now', now it's stuck after 'Reached target Local Encrypted Volumes'11:33
diogenes_MariaDiaz54, omg, did you use encryption?11:34
diogenes_then indeed something is very wrng with the HDD if it's even an HDD because many netbooks have the emmc memory a tylko of SD memory storage instead of an actual HDD and that sucks, what model is your netbook?11:35
MariaDiaz54Asus EeePc 1001P11:36
rud0lfdiogenes_: are you polish btw?11:36
rud0lfsorry for interrupting11:36
diogenes_rud0lf, nie jestem polak ale znam polski :)11:36
rud0lfi see11:36
MariaDiaz54So, when I used mini.iso, it just ignored all this wrongness of the HDD, right? And now it is warning and not letting to work lol11:38
diogenes_MariaDiaz54, so the good news is that your netbook actually has an HDD, the bad news is that it's more than 10 years old.11:40
diogenes_MariaDiaz54, with that in mind i'd suggest you using something like antiX linux.11:40
diogenes_at least until you replace the HDD.11:41
MariaDiaz54Haha, I can also put an SD into my netbook. Can an SD be a little bit faster than my HDD?11:41
diogenes_MariaDiaz54, if you put an SSD then chances are your netbook will run faster than when it was brand new.11:42
MariaDiaz54I thought of buying an SSD to put it through USB, but it is absolutely useless, because there's no USB 3.0, only USB 2.0. It isn't gonna be faster than HDD11:42
diogenes_MariaDiaz54, my advice is that you don't do that yourself.11:43
MariaDiaz54Uh, there's no other person that would be interested in doing it; I suppose it is time to buy a cheap PC instead of a cheap notebook11:48
diogenes_i bet there are some Linux fans nearby who could help you for free, you just need to search for them.11:50
MariaDiaz54You're right, now I don't live in kind of a village, now it's a mega-large city. Thank you again11:51
diogenes_no problem11:51
MariaDiaz54The point is I actually want to be able to do everything myself. That's why I'm asking questions and trying to solve things than to ask 'do everything for me, I'll say thanks or pay' hahaha :D11:52
diogenes_that's a good approach!11:54
Anna_47Hi. I can't use the live cd because of the resolution. My laptop's monitor is dead. I have plugged an external monitor, which is really really old and supports only 800x600. When I start the live cd all it shows is blurriness. I don't know whether it fails to recognize the external monitor or it doesn't support the 800x600. I know there is a14:07
Anna_47command which changes the resolution but the terminal doesn't seem to be able to open from the very start, naturally. Any suggestions?14:07
diogenes_Anna_47, https://linuxhint.com/set_screen_resolution_linux_kernel_boot/14:08
Anna_47That seems complicated. To be honest, I'm not sure the terminal does not work. I pressed F12 because that is the button needed on Ubuntu MATE, but maybe xubuntu live cd needs another button to be pressed?14:26
diogenes_Anna_47, it depends on the PC model, you need to open the boot manager menu and choose the USB to boot from, it differs on the PCs it's f2, f4, f9, f1214:28
diogenes_on others it's even esc or del14:28
Anna_47I know how to boot from external device. The live xubuntu starts but then I can't see clearly so I could choose to try it or install it and how. Is there a way to open the terminal/console of xubuntu from the live cd before the OS gets installed?14:35
Anna_47I was wondering whether I could use the command "xrandr -s 800x600" while still on the first screen of the live xubuntu where I can see nothing.14:40
Anna_47Is it [ windows button + T ] ?14:47

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