[00:19] What's this new System Monitor? I can't seem to find it. [00:22] Nevermind, I found it. "plasma-systemmonitor" [00:24] In krunner, system m is enough to bring it up. I understand it is very customizable. [00:25] I just didn't have it installed. [00:26] I did not recall explicitly installing it. I think it just came with II. [00:26] Probably. I jumped the gun installing 5.22 beta, so I probably just missed the version that depended or recommended or whatever. [00:31] curl -s http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/impish-desktop-amd64.manifest | grep monitor [00:31] plasma-systemmonitor 5.21.5-0ubuntu1 [00:35] 5.21.90 is here: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/beta?field.series_filter=impish [07:47] mparillo: I guess you mean ksysguard was autoremovable [09:01] https://kubuntu.org/news/plasma-5-22-beta-available-for-testing/ [09:54] Yes, whenever I run apt full-upgrade from the command line I always && autoremove -y [09:54] Usually that is only old kernels, but I admit once it got me into trouble. [10:56] 5.22 Beta News item posted to Facebook. [11:22] mparillo: thanks [11:52] https://www.reddit.com/r/kde/comments/ncrfak/this_week_in_kde_the_plasma_522_beta_is_here/gy78e0a?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 [12:07] nice :) [12:24] Howdy folks