
lotuspsychjegood morning03:32
ducassegood morning06:17
tomreyn<TJ-> from now on I'm going to ask for output from some cryptic command that reveals the distro and cannot easily be spoofed!14:22
tomreynthat'll be the one question you never get an answer on. ;)14:22
TJ-hehehe well that is the point really :D14:22
TJ-self deselection14:22
tomreynthen i hope your ability to resist the urge to still support people will be stronger than mine!14:23
tomreynbut i took a siumilar strategy, and it helps prevent such frustration to a degree.14:24
daftykinsnever forget the CentOS guy that let the truth slip by sharing the shell formatting with [ ]14:24
TJ-hehehe yeah14:24
jeremy31apt policy base-files14:25
TJ-nah, it doesn't want to reveal any 'ubuntu' strings :)14:26
TJ-There's a package installed even in minimal with a file that hasn't changed in years; hash that :)14:26
jeremy31but Mint and Kali have their own versions of base-files14:26
TJ-jeremy31: yeah I know; my point was if someone doesn't see an ubuntu string in a result they may just clue in and report one from Ubuntu14:31
TJ-whereas a hash would take more time to collect/generate in most cases :)14:32
jeremy31use apt policy base-files | nc termbin.com 999914:32
tomreynlet's add a computationally expensive hash mechanism to the execution only if it turns out not to be ubuntu!!!11114:42
TJ-great idea tomreyn14:44
isapgswelldid anyone try nvidia ondemand profile?23:44
isapgswellexternal monitor connected into nvidia23:44

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