
lucassecAlguem teria algum pdf ou documento sobre linux, gostaria de entender mais sobre00:05
xu-irc4wbuenas alguno despierto tengo una duda respecto a la instalacion09:02
xu-irc4wtengo un pc con windows q el ordenador me va lento voy a cambiar a xubuntu pero quiero saber el tema de los drives los reconocera automaticamente o tendre que instalarlos09:03
xu-irc4wdesde algun repositorio , el tema es que mis pc sus drivers no soy comunes en linux09:04
tomreyn!es | xu-irc4w09:40
ubottuxu-irc4w: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.09:40
tomreynxu-irc4w: if you also speak english, feel free to ask here09:40
xu-irc4whello all, sorry for my spanish10:57
xu-irc4w254 / 500010:58
xu-irc4wResultados de traducción10:58
xu-irc4wI have a pc with windows that the computer is slow for me I am going to change to xubuntu but I want to know the issue of the drives, will it automatically recognize them or I will have to install them10:58
xu-irc4wfrom some repository, the issue is that my pc's drivers are not common in linux10:58
diogenes_xu-irc4w, boot it live off an USB drive and if it boots and you can connect to internet then all is well.11:00
=== dkessel129811 is now known as dkessel12981
MariaDiazdiogenes_, you probably remember me. I've bought a SD (instead of a USB), installed Xubuntu 21.04 and the same problem remains. 'Started File System Check Daemon to report status.'15:04
diogenes_MariaDiaz, SD card?15:04
MariaDiazyeah. I installed Xubuntu on it15:05
diogenes_sd card is no good, they're even slower than USB drives.15:06
MariaDiazI know :) I've bought that one which is a bit faster than other ones. Also it is not convenient to have an opportunity to break the both USB and its port15:08
MariaDiazSuddenly, unintentionally15:09
diogenes_MariaDiaz, there are tiny thumdrives which are only a few mm outside so they are safe.15:13
tomreyn<diogenes_> MariaDiaz, there are tiny thumb drives which are only a few mm outside so they are safe.15:16
MariaDiazThey must be expensive, I suppose15:17
MariaDiazAlso… I wonder… if removing the HDD will solve the problem or not.15:19
MariaDiazIf it doesn't solve the problem, then what is it15:20
tomreynthose are not expensive at all15:20
diogenes_MariaDiaz, this is what you need: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32345359354.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dC8M2JT15:21
diogenes_3 dollars for 16 GB.15:21
diogenes_i wouldn't recommend to buy with a larger capacity because it will be slower.15:22
diogenes_i'm running Debian with persistence off one of such USBs drives and it runs just fine.15:23
MariaDiazWhat if I buy it and it won't boot again? :D anyway that drive you suggested is cool! I bought mine for 4 dollars, 32 GB15:26
MariaDiazThis time (when it is installed on SD) fsck.mode=skip helped finally. Since I'll have the boot menu setting changed to fsck.mode=skip, I'll probably have no problem anymore. Thanks for all the knowledge and the help!15:56
diogenes_MariaDiaz, you've got a warrior spirit :)15:59
xu-irc12wIs there a way of removing all non-english fonts from the font collection?16:29
tomreynyes, but you'll never find out now.16:45

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