[07:01] Anything in particular that is missing from PipeWire for that purpose? [09:33] AppAraat: it was freewheeling but they implemented that just recenctly [09:34] Not sure what you're referring to, but it was [OvenWerks](https://matrix.to/#/%40freenode_OvenWerks%3Amatrix.org) that claimed that PW wasn't ready for (semi)pro audio use. [09:35] freewheeling is that when you export a song, you can export it in faster (or slower) than realtime [11:23] Oh I see! Didn't know what that was, pretty cool! [11:24] Though why would someone want to export it slower than realtime 🤔 [11:24] Resource usage savings? [11:25] Offline/ freewheeling takes just all the time it needs. [11:25] Let's pretend you have to disable some tracks during producing because your pc can't handle it. [11:26] On export you'd be able to just switch everything on. [11:26] Just like rendering video takes longer than the actual end product video. [11:26] It's not that common in audio I'd guess. [11:27] _vitalium entered the chat_ [11:29] But, I've seen a number of users on the various messaging platforms I'm in that went back to plain jack / pulse bridge after some time with pipewire. Too many bugs without a obvious reason. [11:29] I stayed away. [13:42] * OvenWerks would add that firewire is not supported (using ffado) and bridging to a running jack is not supported [13:59] rgh: The biggest problem is that debian/ubuntu have old versions of PW so it is difficult test properly without going full fedora and all the rest of the mess that includes with flatpack, wacom, etc. [14:25] Sigh [14:25] Pain [14:25] Suffering [14:58] meanwhile, jack just keeps working [15:27] this ^ [22:22] can't that PPA be used for testing the latest PW version though? [22:33] AppAraat[m]: which PPA? do you have a url? [22:33] * OvenWerks can add it to his list [22:35] OvenWerks: I posted it earlier as a Reddit thread: https://old.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/n6qt3d/pipewire_0327_released_launchpad_ppa/ [22:35] Direct link to PPA: https://launchpad.net/~pipewire-debian/+archive/ubuntu/pipewire-upstream [22:36] > This Launchpad PPA will be actively maintained to keep in sync with Upstream. [22:40] even supports 18.04 apparently lol [22:40] I will have to see where my spare partiton is at. might be 21.04 or 21.10. [22:41] * OvenWerks is not on his work machine right now [22:44] one of my problems is that with an alsa device, starting jack will ask pw for that device which PW will release. After jack starts, then PW will make a bridge to that jack with the no of i/o that device has. [22:45] The problem is that if I need a bridge it probably because I want to use a backend that PW doesn't have, dummy, ffado, netjack, etc. [22:46] and therefore PW does not know jack is there, does not know how many i/o the backend supports and therefore does not make a bridge at all. [22:46] Actually it could find out easy enough [22:47] Pulse already does this... or used to at one time. [22:48] Anyway. PW does not (did not?) have any way of manually creating a bridge of n i/o or n in and m out. [22:49] For my use this is a showstopper. [23:02] Hi! Regarding the Ubuntu Studio Installer that installs packages to other Ubuntu flavors, I'm curious as to what it does other than installing packages. Also, does it only use Apt?