
Unit193jphilips: [17:07:46] < Unit193> I don't remember how it ended up in there, it was supposed to be in https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/experimental/+packages07:00
Unit193But added it just in 3 seconds from now.07:00
Unit193Ergh, I never removed that snarky remark from the changelog. >_<07:02
jphilipsnow i have to check the changelog then :D07:02
Unit193Certainly don't do that.07:03
jphilips'unholy CSDs' lol07:04
Unit193Something I thought was funny at 3am. >_>07:05
jphilipsi think you can disable the i386 build of libxfce4ui for 20.04 and 20.10 as they are failing building07:05
Unit193Yeah i386 can be disabled on all the PPAs.07:06
sorinelloHello Unit193. Can youi tell me what is the difference between Xubuntu Minimal and Xubuntu Core ?07:13
Unit193sorinello: End result, hopefully nothing.  Minimal is from the desktop ISO and contains a list of packages to remove after system installation.07:27
sorinelloso it installs and then removes some packages ?07:32
jphilipsyes that is how minimal install works07:39
sorinelloseems a bit counter intuitive to install a package just to remove it right after. but I know that the ubuntu/xubuntu installer is a complex thing07:45
jphilipsi am only guessing, but presume the live ISO environment is dumped directly to the hard disk as is, so there isn't any package installation07:47
bluesabreI think Minimal includes Firefox where Core doesn't, to match the minimal install description hint in Ubiquity.08:59
bluesabrethere might be one or two other additional packages, and then whatever extra packages the minimal install fails to autoremove09:00
jphilipscore also has less startup services from what i remember09:02
jphilipsas less packages are installed by default09:02

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