[00:13] duhh ... https://snapcraft.io/flasharch [01:55] good morning [05:03] heyyy lotuspsychje !!!!!!!!!!! [05:04] lotuspsychje, https://www.loom.com/share/6ee7e9cf0052428499c8aaa594f8d008 [05:04] lotuspsychje, that's the behavior I wanted and finally got!!! [05:06] lotuspsychje, to get that behavior, I installed chrome extension Open GNOME Shell Extensions. Within that extension, I installed Dash to Panel [05:06] lotuspsychje, that did the trick!! I'm so happy!!!!!!!! [05:06] This will increase my productivity by 10% I estimate, if not more. [05:07] It will make coding more enjoyable. A happier coder == a more productive coder. [06:34] good morning [09:20] looks good Samian === eliocamp2 is now known as eliocamp [20:21] UWN: Issue 683 is on the streets: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue683 :D === eliocamp5 is now known as eliocamp