=== Amaranth2 is now known as Amaranth === SFCGoodTimes1 is now known as SFCGoodTimes === NixCipher1 is now known as NixCipher === BrianG61UK__ is now known as BrianG61UK === BenCraft1 is now known as BenCraft === gabkdlly_ is now known as gabkdlly [02:34] * enyc meows === BenCraft7 is now known as BenCraft [03:05] * wyoung throws catnip at enyc [03:37] can I prevent logging into ubuntu server over ssh with only a password and require a key? [03:49] Yes. Set "PasswordAuthentication no" in the server's sshd_config file. Be sure to enroll a key first! [03:49] (Assuming you don't have physical access.) [03:50] I can't for the life of me figure out how to write a post to Ubuntu Discourse. Some help? :) [03:50] thanks! [03:51] Also, make sure "PubKeyAuthentication yes" is set. It might be the default. For more good ideas, go find Mozilla's SSH configuration page. [04:06] hi all, how do i set Escape with alt+backtick? i have this on my xkb key { [ grave, asciitilde ] }; [04:07] it works, but not for alt+` [04:12] signofzeta, that didnt do it. i can stil log in over ssh with a password [04:14] unless i need to restart the server... [04:16] Yes, @MrMobius, you do. [04:16] Try that. [04:16] I also have "AuthenticationMethods publickey" in my sshd_configs. Restart sshd and see if it works before you add that. [04:17] works [04:17] how risky is it to open an ssh port to the outside world on my home router for myself after doing this? [04:18] Fairly safe. I usually disable SSH over IPv4 (AddressFamily inet6) to exclude me from automated scans, but that really doesn't matter one bit. [04:19] As long as you use something secure -- like SSH keys, FIDO2 keys, or Kerberos -- you have nothing to worry about if passwords are disabled. [04:20] fail2ban could help [04:20] ^ forgot about that! [04:25] Some more good settings from Mozilla InfoSec: https://infosec.mozilla.org/guidelines/openssh [05:23] hello [05:24] It looks my ubuntu does not detect my third monitor [05:34] Hihihi [05:47] Hello does anyone know how to connect two external monitors in Ubuntu? [05:47] only second monitor get connected, but not the third one [06:47] hi [06:50] are the parameters/options of /usr/bin/crontab result of compilation? [07:14] heyho === ace_me^^ is now known as ace_me [07:17] morning folks [07:33] I'm having an issue that when connected to a external screen with usb-c, whenever I open the settings app or any other app that tries to detect the resolution, the screen turns off for a few seconds. What could it be? [07:34] that sounds like a driver issue [07:34] which gpu is this? [07:36] MadLamb: is it a TV? [07:36] ducasse, intel uhd g. 620 (KBL GT2) [07:36] jo-erlend, no its a samsung 28" monitor [07:37] Hello, I'm facing an issue while connecting with two external monitors with my Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS Linux O 5.8.0-53-generic #60~20.04.1-Ubuntu === PonyBlocks is now known as PonyGone [07:40] ducasse, issue also happens if I type xrandr on the command line [07:42] https://ibb.co/BgZDzzb https://ibb.co/Df6VZ82 https://ibb.co/4TG78Jr [07:43] Does anyone know what it required to link two external monitor with ubuntu ? [07:52] node1: There is an option for that in Displays in the system settings. Have you tried that? [07:52] jo-erlend, could be related to gdm-x-session. I have bunch of logs for a startupnotificationmonitor.cpp monitor_event_func startup notification initiated/completed [07:53] yes " Setting > Displays" [07:55] But still unable to start two external monitors parallel [07:57] jo-erlend, Please find the details here for system settings https://ibb.co/BgZDzzb [07:58] node1: Click on single display if you want the displays to act as one big display or mirror if you want both to display the same screen. [07:58] node1: sorry. Don't pay any attention to me. I'm really tired right now. :) [07:58] my head is spinning. [07:59] lol [07:59] I want to make these two external monitor to act as single monitor. [07:59] (The night before the constitution day is heavy stuff here in Norway:)) [08:00] Or if it possible to make 3 head. [08:00] oh [08:01] … and it's 10AM :) [08:01] Like my laptop monitor should act as primary screen and other two screen act as second and third screen [08:01] node1: looks to me like you've got it right? What's not working? [08:01] only one monitor works at a time. I can not make it on two external monitor [08:02] node1: Oh, I see. I have no idea. Sorry. [08:02] Either this two external monitor should become one or become 2nd and 3rd monitor [08:03] okay no problem thank you [08:04] node1: You could try Ubuntu Unity live and see if that works. I remember there was a lot of work on multi-monitor on Unity back in the days. [08:04] I mean, just to confirm that it works on a lower level. [08:04] sure. [08:04] node1: have you tried activating them with something like arandr? [08:04] node1: It would've been ten years ago. I just can't remember how I did it. :) [08:05] And obviously, that wasn't usb-c :) [08:06] I don't know what's and how to activate arandr [08:06] node1: 'sudo apt install arandr' [08:07] then just run it [08:07] See i have too many task need to perform so i need this two external screen attached with my laptop. I would be glad if someone help me to configure this two external monitor with my laptop [08:08] Hi! Is anyone here having thermal problems with ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS in a Lenovo Thinkpad L13 ? [08:09] ducasse, How to run it? I have installed it [08:09] arseru_: im not an expert on lts... but what i found was that the default cpu governor is making the cpu much warmer on idler than it needs to be [08:09] node1: try arandr. [08:09] node: type arandr on the terminal [08:09] node1: 'arandr' in a terminal [08:09] arseru_: i use cpu-freq-utils to change the governor at boot times [08:10] Well i can see one HDMI Signal not others [08:10] arseru_: that made my cpu fans dont blow all the time when working. performance is still good enough for me... but i dont need much performance anyways :) [08:10] node1: then you probably have a driver issue [08:10] or bad cable [08:11] node1: Have you used both monitors at the same time with that PC before? [08:11] never it's Lenevo Ideapad 110 [08:11] https://ibb.co/3M76MQz [08:11] USB-C is more than a little weird. Not every port supports the same features. [08:12] node1: can you give me the output of 'xrandr -q | pastebinit'? [08:12] Lenevo products are no visionary, they make product for selling and making money [08:12] node1: if you swap the ports, does the opposite screens work then? [08:13] yes it works when i click on HDMI bi directional button it swap the screen [08:14] https://pastebin.com/raw/GJkVf79Q [08:14] node1: No I meant the cables. I'm wondering if both your USB-C ports supports displays. [08:15] TheBigK: I use cpupower-gui to switch governor settings from 'Powersave' to 'Performance', but I'm guessing that's not what you are talking about? [08:15] yeah, the driver can only see one extra output, and only at 1366x768 [08:15] node1: are they full hd screens? [08:15] I am using HDMI port there is no USB-c port i'm using for connecting monitor. [08:16] ducasse: I'm not sure we have established that it's the drivers. Could be the USB ports, no? [08:16] arseru_: thats what im talking about. if u use performance ur heat consumption will go up and that might cause throttle... [08:16] jo-erlend: he claims to be using hdmi [08:16] node1: oh. So you have two HDMI outputs? [08:16] arseru_: modern laptops these days are sadly designed to thermal throttle [08:16] Yes both of the monitor are Lenevo HD monitors [08:16] node1: which gpu is this? [08:17] See this setup https://ibb.co/Df6VZ82 [08:17] arseru_: i dont think thats a problem limited to ur ubuntu installation. thats hardware design [08:17] Maybe it's switch not splitter [08:17] node1: oh, I'm sorry for my confusion. It was MadLamb who talked about USB-C :) [08:17] I'll go hide now. [08:17] lol [08:18] Maybe i have purchase wrong product or what? [08:18] i think that just switches, node1 [08:18] lspci | grep VGA [08:18] 00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Stoney [Radeon R2/R3/R4/R5 Graphics] (rev c6) [08:19] yes i need splitter to work with these two external monitor [08:19] im eager to see what the future gives us in terms of laptops. It seems like the migration towards ARM in notebooks kinda started kicking of with Apples M1 Chip and in the Microsoft Surface Laptop. Thats going to be also good since linux is running great on ARM [08:19] node1: has your laptop got usb-c? [08:19] But here one question, Does it required GPU to make two external monitor screen attached with Ubuntu ? [08:19] the only thing im rly worried about is in terms of GPU... if apple is again the example... then we gonna have a hard time... xD [08:19] Hello, does anyone use keepassxc on ubuntu 21.04? I can't get the autotype windows to pop up when I do the keyboard shortctut I defined [08:20] How to check and verify? i have laptop with USB-C [08:20] window* [08:20] node1: you'll either look at the ports or check the specs, which model is it? [08:20] USB C is loke [08:20] Like [08:20] Old [08:21] TheBigK: oh, so I should never use Performance then, thanks for the tip XD [08:21] node1: I looked at your picture: https://ibb.co/Df6VZ82 <-- That looks like a switch to me, that would allow you to choose one display to use at a time, not to use both at the same time. [08:22] TheBigK: you said 'i use cpu-freq-utils to change the governor at boot times'. Change how exactly? [08:22] Yes, that's what i'm wondering also, actually i have purchase this product from amazon and they claim it works as switch and splitter both [08:22] https://www.amazon.in/gp/product/B08HWZYWNQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 [08:23] node1: I see, but it would still only give you a copy. So you could use two monitors with the same image. You wouldn't expand your work area. [08:24] node1: it says "Two Monitors Cannot Display Simultaneously" [08:24] ducasse: right. That makes sense. [08:25] ducasse, who says? [08:25] node1: Amazon does. [08:25] node1: BIDIRECTIONAL HDMI SWITCH: 3 Ports, you could connect two HDMI sources to one HDMI display, or connect one HDMI source to toggle between two displays (only one monitor will display at a time). [08:26] jo-erlend, im completely lost [08:26] humm.. so what's the best device or splitter i need for ubuntu for making two external monitor [08:27] node1: if you want two additional screens your best bet is usb-c [08:27] if your laptop supports it [08:27] ok, from where to purchase? [08:28] or else ? [08:28] node1: search for "usb-c to hdmi" There's lots of them. [08:28] or displayport, so you can chain them [08:29] arseru_: u create under /etc/default/cpufrequtils [08:29] a file [08:29] and for me configued this: GOVERNOR="powersave" === Perk5 is now known as Perk [08:32] I'm having an issue that when connected to a external screen with usb-c, whenever I open the settings app or any other app that tries to detect the resolution, the screen turns off for a few seconds. What could it be? [08:33] node1: if you give us the model number we can check if it supports usb-c [08:34] TheBigK: thanks, but cpupower-gui is already showing me that Powersave is the default for mine, so that part seems to be OK :) [08:34] I will try to find a gui sensor that shows me the cpu temp all the time, so I can visually monitor when that happens [08:34] arseru_: u still have throttle problems? [08:35] sensors in bash will tell u temps [08:35] TheBigK: yes, only on videocalls [08:35] considering u have lm-sensors installed [08:35] Yes, but what about something that can be shown in the top bar? [08:36] arseru_: google it... im not using gnome ;) [08:36] ok [08:36] gnome reminds me too much of windows 8... and man i hate windows 8 :D [08:37] its probably an unfair comparison... but i do the rules in my own world :D [08:39] TheBigK: which DE do you use? [08:39] arseru_: i use KDE [08:39] cool [08:41] ok [08:45] My graphic is AMD® Stoney , USB 3.0 Lenevo ideapad 110 [08:46] ducasse, https://www.lenovo.com/in/en/laptops/ideapad/ideapad-100-series/IdeaPad-110-15IBR-/p/88IP1000708 [08:49] no usb-c, it looks like [08:52] You mean type c cable? Like i have one plus mobile which has type C cable and it easily plugin into my laptop [08:53] So what's the solution? for getting two external monitor attached with Ubuntu? [08:54] These two monitor should be separate. I need to just drag my program to work on those workspace. [08:56] hello, where can i get an old kernel version for trusty? 3.18.21 amd64? [08:57] node1: Do you have a type-C plug on your laptop or only type-A? [08:59] node1: Looks kinda like you're out of luck. :( [09:00] might be [09:00] node1: No, actually, there are usb3-to-hdmi adapters. [09:01] node1: I think you're still in the game. :) [09:01] so you want me to connect one monitor with USB port and other with HDMI port? [09:01] node1: that looks like the option you have, yes. [09:02] jo-erlend, Thank you very much. But are you sure? 100% if i purchase a USB to HDMI convertor would solve my problem? [09:03] TheBigK: running sensors-detect and adding 'coretemp' to /etc/modules did the trick and I can now monitor CPU temps, thanks! [09:03] Basicallyh i would like to create 3 work space. 1 laptop screen( 1st work space) , other two external monitor would be 2nd and 3rd work space. [09:03] TheBigK: with https://github.com/alexmurray/indicator-sensors [09:03] node1: Not a 100%, but I think it ought to work. I don't see any reason why it wouldn't. I simply got a bit caught up in the USB-C talk that I forgot about the USB3 HDMI adapters. [09:03] I just wanted to drag my monitoring stuff in other screen and testing in another and development in another [09:04] node1: Yes, I understand. I think that should work. [09:04] http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QnQypCgvgT/ [09:04] YaY !!! [09:04] > gnome-software-plugin-flatpak forcing snapd [09:04] this is not cool at all [09:05] Is there any benchmark that I can run on ubuntu 20.04 LTS to test if the Thinkpad L13 is suited for it? Official lenovo website says 18.04 is the one I should use, so I'm not sure about going back to the previous version [09:05] jo-erlend: it only works if the device supports video over usb, aiui [09:06] something needs to do the image processing [09:06] jo-erlend, Hope this work https://www.flipkart.com/rec-trade-usb-3-0-hdmi-graphic-adapter-converter-hdtv-lcd-pc-laptop-audio-video-cable/p/itmacffcc568459b?pid=USGGY39NTMEGDCUG&lid=LSTUSGGY39NTMEGDCUGJRECQI&marketplace=FLIPKART&cmpid=content_usb-gadget_12825718239_u_8965229628_gmc_pla&tgi=sem,1,G,11214002,u,,,516793455547,,,,c,,,,,,,&ef_id=CjwKCAjwqIiFBhAHEiwANg9szhvm04eesn60XrXWA5a_acHlb10Na35Jdsv3vm0_THeSdMA0bQStrxoCkngQAvD_BwE:G:s&s_kwcid=AL!739!3!5167934 [09:06] 55547!!!u!293946777986!&gclid=CjwKCAjwqIiFBhAHEiwANg9szhvm04eesn60XrXWA5a_acHlb10Na35Jdsv3vm0_THeSdMA0bQStrxoCkngQAvD_BwE [09:07] node1: «Important Note: This Adapter only works on the computer which is running Windows 7/8/10 operation system» [09:08] oh but i run Ubuntu as host machine. [09:08] i think your only option is 1 additional screen over hdmi [09:08] ducasse: Yes, but he already has one HDMI output. [09:09] exactly [09:09] arseru_: dont go back to 18.04 ... that would be a terrible idea [09:09] So he only really needs one. [09:10] arseru_: benchmark... good question... [09:10] for single core u can just run yes > /dev/null [09:11] jo-erlend, Can you please link some site where i can purchase USB3 HDMI adapters. I hope it will work. [09:11] arseru_: u can run sysbench it seems [09:12] sysbench cpu --threads=$numberofthreads run [09:13] node1: Turns out many of them doesn't have good support for Linux. I would be patient and search around. You could ask for it in https://hardwarerecs.stackexchange.com/. Be sure to mention that it must support Linux. [09:13] ok [09:14] hello, where can i get an old kernel version for trusty? 3.18.21 amd64? [09:15] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJua1bBIl6g he did on lenevo hardward on Ubuntu [09:20] node1: Right. So I would explore this site: https://www.displaylink.com/products/find?cat=3&res=1920x1080&num=1&vid_hdmi=1&usba=1 [09:21] TheBigK: thanks again! :) [09:22] arseru_: no worries [09:26] ok [09:30] Anyway let me take a risk. And purchase a USB3 HDMI adapters. [09:33] Looks they don't ship to here [09:34] node1: There's always something, isn't there. Well, you could always just start buying different ones and see if one works. Perhaps you're lucky. [09:34] If you are, please add a recommendation on hardwarerecs. [09:35] yeah let see [09:50] I am trying to use dnsmasq as resolver in Ubuntu 20.04. Entire DNS setting is provided by DHCP but dnsmasq doesn't pick it up. [09:50] /run/dnsmasq/resolv.conf is empty. /etc/dnsmasq.conf is untouched. [09:50] what am I doing wrong here? [09:53] sandman13: I think there may be a conflict with systemd. Can you try changing /etc/systemd/resolved.conf so that DNSStubListener=no? If I remember correctly, there was also something about /etc/resolv.conf. I think I deleted the link and made a resolf.conf file. [09:53] resolv.conf, that is. [09:56] jo-erlend: Do I need to stop systemd-resolved? [09:56] it's stopped at the moment. [09:56] sandman13: Then you don't have to stop it. :) [09:57] Weird thing is, it used to work fine with same configuration in 16.04 [09:57] sandman13:Tell me about it. I've been away from Ubuntu for a few years now and it's like starting from scratch. :) But that's part of the fun. Slightly frustrating at times, though. [09:58] systemd-resolved was stopped on both versions [09:59] systemctl status or journalctl will tell u why its not starting usually [09:59] sandman13: I played with this a couple of months ago and I distictly remember there was a conflict on port 53 that got in the way. Look at your logs. [10:00] TheBigK: dnsmasq's log says that it couldn't find nameservers on /run/dnsmasq/resolv.conf, and systemd-resolved is disabled manually to avoid conflict IIRC [10:04] HI guys.. I've just installed a minimal xubuntu desktop using the mini.iso. I installed the Nvidia 460 tested drivers and now I boot to a black screen with a solid cursor. [10:05] Can someone please help me get back to my desktop using Nvidia drivers without screen tearing. [10:14] furycd001: perhaps first uninstall the drivers? You can do sudo apt remove xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-*. Press ctrl+alt+f3 or something to get a text console to log into. Arch has a great page on troubleshooting Nvidia:https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/NVIDIA/Troubleshooting#Bad_performance_after_installing_a_new_driver_version [10:16] thanks for the link and for the heads up. ctrl+alt+f whatever doesn't work. The system appears to be completely locked. I've [10:16] I've booted into recovery mode to use the root console. [10:17] furycd001: ok, that's just as good. :) [10:18] * jo-erlend is _so_ looking forward to Intel dedicated graphics. [10:21] Ok so driver uninstall worked and I'm back to my desktop :) [10:21] :) [10:21] How do I install Nvidia drivers without ending up unable to boot again.... [10:22] furycd001: I have no idea, my friend. :( Nvidia is sort of a. Well, they make good _hardware_. [10:23] See I always just installed first driver listed that said tested and never had any problems. This is my first reinstall since 2017 [10:23] furycd001: You have xserver-xorg-video-nouveau installed? === mateen1 is now known as mateen [10:24] yep that is what I'm currently using. [10:24] furycd001: which gpu do you have? [10:25] There's a ton of screen tearing though. It's a Nvidia Corporation GM108M [GeForce 940MX] [10:26] which ubuntu version? [10:27] Minimal xubuntu 18.04.5 installed using the mini.iso ruining kernel 4.15.0 [10:28] I tried install 20.04.2 but it was failing to boot straight away after the installation finished so I never got to even see the desktop.... [10:28] furycd001: did you try the Wayland session? [10:29] no I have not. There is no Wayland option on my current installed & with 20.04.2 I never even made it to the login screen.... [10:30] oh... [10:31] I mainly use this laptop for gaming which is why I'd like to get Nvidia stuff working.... [10:31] that's understandable. [10:32] Nvidia needs competition as much as Intel did on the CPU side. [10:33] furycd001: try "sudo apt purge nvidia-*" then "sudo apt install nvidia-kernel-source-440 nvidia-driver-440" [10:34] Trying that now.... [10:36] hello, where can i get an old kernel version for trusty? 3.18.21 amd64? [10:36] I'm gonna reboot now to see if that's worked.... [10:37] killall, Ubuntu 14.04 is EOL and only supported via ESM/Ubuntu Advantage [10:37] guiverc, i ,know but... i still need that kernel version. [10:38] killall: Have you looked in old-releases.ubuntu.com? [10:40] furycd001: I know several people who had issues with the nvidia-driver-460 driver in the repo. I recommend purging everything relating to it and installing nvidia-driver-450 [10:40] killall: no it's still in archive.ubuntu.com. [10:40] 440 driver booted back to a black screen with solid cursor in the top left corner. CTRL+ALT+F whatever doesn't work. [10:43] jo-erlend, i have been there all morning and still not able to found it [10:47] Ok so I booted back to recovery mode and removed all Nvidia stuff again. Going to try 450 driver now.... [10:50] furycd001: did you try to blacklist the nouveau driver? maybe that's the problem [10:51] ummmm no never thought to do that. How do I do that :? [10:51] killall: Was there ever a 3.18 kernel for trusty? [10:51] I do believe so, since i have machines with it [10:52] jo-erlend, if not, which version of ubuntu had it? In the archive of pool i seem to find none [10:56] killall: Did 12.04.5 have it maybe? [10:58] killall: this is weird. :) [10:58] jo-erlend, i know, i know [11:00] killall: anyway, the kernel is here: https://launchpad.net/linux/+milestone/3.18.21 [11:00] jo-erlend, compile is the last last last option since i will never have the same parameters the ubuntu team used (i supose) [11:03] So I blacklisted nouveau and I still boot to a black screen with a solid cursor.... [11:03] killall: have you asked in #Ubuntu kernel? Or you could send an email to kernel-team@lists.ubuntu.com, I presume. [11:04] killall: that was supposed to be #Ubuntu-kernel [11:04] furycd001: did you update-initramfs ? [11:04] yea I did.... [11:05] jo-erlend, thanks ;) [11:05] killall: It's possible you may have used the kernel-team PPA, which has since removed it? [11:08] killall: by the way; if you have it on computers now, you could just copy it, you know. [11:10] I'm totally out of ideas now. I've tried several drivers listed in the driver installation window, I've tried installing drivers from the PPA & I've just tried blacklisting nouveau. Nothing seems to want to work :( [11:10] jo-erlend, yes that is what i am doing :) [11:10] killall: May I ask what's so special about that kernel version? :) [11:14] furycd001: what errors are you getting? does the PPA give a connection timed out ? [11:15] furycd001: Have you tried 21.04? [11:16] no the PPA installs just fine along with drivers. After installing drivers from the PPA I end up back at the same black screen with solid cursor. [11:16] hi [11:17] i just installed guix on top of ubuntu and i'm following a guide on how to setup guix on top of a different distro, but the guide is specific to centOs [11:17] it begins with the shell command [11:17] sudo sed -i 's/root/alice/' /etc/systemd/system/guix-daemon.service [11:17] (where alice is the user) [11:17] Right before I done a this minimal 18.04 install I installed 20.04.2, bit I never even got to the desktop. It straight away booted to the black screen with solid cursor. Never even got as far as the desktop.... [11:18] but i was thinking, shouldn't i replace 's/root/alice' with '/home/alice/' in ubuntu? [11:21] Is there a boot log I can share here that might give someone more information on my problems ?? [11:36] is there app to enlarge fonts, apps, and others, like that "scale and layout options" in windows 10 [11:46] I just tried the 390 driver but ended up at the same black screen :( [12:29] Hi folks === kelalaka- is now known as kelalaka === Fuchs_ is now known as Fuchs === PonyGone is now known as PonyBlocks [13:31] Hi, I have installed an RT (Real Time) Linux patch on my ubuntu VM. But I am unable to access the newly created RT linux kernel. On trying to open it after reboot, the screen goes blank and hangs. How can I uninstall this RT linux kernel so that I can try with a different version? I tried using Linux-purge (https://launchpad.net/linux-purge) but [13:31] that's not listing this faulty kernel for removal. Is there any other way of uninstalling this kernel? [13:32] jo-erlend, that kernel version is working on my old hardware wich i have 500 machines :( [13:35] Hey guys.. I'm back and still trying to install nvidia-drivers. I've tried every a bunch of them along with ones in the PPA, but still every time I get a black screen with solid cursor :( === Cyrinux33013863 is now known as Cyrinux3301386 [13:39] furycd001: secureboot on? [13:40] no I have both secure boot & efi disabled in bios.... [13:40] try to get in with !nomodeset first furycd001 [13:42] I'm currently booted to my desktop using nouveau drivers. Using nouveau is the only way I can successfully boot to lightdm & access my desktop.... [13:42] furycd001: lets see a; ubuntu-drivers list please? [13:44] termbin.com/z927 [13:45] furycd001: 460 is reccomended so it seems [13:45] the 460 driver is what nvidia.com recommends for me to install, but even that fails to boot.... [13:47] furycd001: sudo apt install nvidia-driver-460 and pastebin the whole output, maybe volunteers can see whats going on === Kon- is now known as Kon [13:48] lotuspsychje: the module is loading? and the Xserver doenst start? do you have a xorg.conf.0 pastebin laying around that we can see whats the Xorg doing wrong? [13:48] hold on and I'll check if I have that or not.... [13:51] I can't seem to find xorg.conf.0. Where would it be if I had it ?? [14:01] Here the output of apt install nvidia-driver-460 >> http://termbin.com/z0wr [14:02] I'm having an issue that bluetooth dies and I cant get it back unless I restart [14:02] even service restart doesnt work [14:02] I was checking the syslog kernel: bluetoothd[1266]: segfault at 18 ip 000055aad4a95f56 sp 00007ffd98ceb300 error 4 in bluetoothd[55aad4a86000+9b000] [14:02] looks like sane to me, furycd001 [14:04] yea I can't see any errors or anything unusual like.... [14:05] furycd001: now when rebooting, press F1 to switch to textboot, see if it spits out errors there [14:06] do I press F1 before or during Plymouth showing up on screen ?? [14:07] after POST booting yeah furycd001 [14:08] ok I'll try that now brb.... [14:11] The screen is completely black until a tty briefly shows up on the screen for no more than a split second. I'm back sitting at a solid cursor again.... [14:11] I don't see any text appearing on screen.... [14:12] pretty weird furycd001 [14:12] yea I'm completely stumped.... [14:13] If I press ESC on the screen with the solid cursor I can get the screen to once flicker on and off.... [14:14] furycd001: can you share your dmesg from a tty? [14:15] I cannot get to a tty but I can try from a recovery console here.... [14:17] Usedthe root recovery console to cat dmsg to termbin. Here you go >> https://termbin.com/i2oo [14:19] maybe try the !HWE kernel furycd001 [14:20] hmmm ok that's definitely worth trying since nothing else has worked. How do I install it ?? [14:21] I done an apt-cache search hee but there's a ton of stuff listed.... [14:22] !hwe [14:22] The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [14:23] furycd001: i assume you're on 18.04? [14:23] Thanks looking now... [14:23] yea 18.04.5 minimal xubuntu install [14:24] furycd001: sudo apt install --install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-hwe-18.04 should do the trick [14:25] that's it install now thanks :) === ghoti_ is now known as ghoti === Pricey is now known as PriceChild === PriceChild is now known as Pricey [14:30] Just rebooted and ended up back at the same black screen with solid cursor :( [14:33] I've pretty much tried about everything now & nothing has worked :( [14:34] furycd001: you didnt add a ppa or drivers from nvidia or so? [14:35] I did try that before reinstalling but it didn't work.... [14:36] ioria: can you take a look, his 460 installs fine, but black cursor at boot; https://termbin.com/i2oo [14:36] only nouveau seems to work, both on 4.15 and HWE 18.04 [14:36] The only thing I've done to this fresh install is to install a few apps & then try to install these nvidia-drivers [14:37] I use xdotool to search for Firefox and switch to it using a keyboard shortcut. Since I upgraded to the latest Ubuntu, it no longer is able to find Firefox. I guess this is because of the switch to Wayland. Does anyone know a workaround without switching back to xorg? Basically I just want a keyboard shortcut that focuses on Firefox or raises it if it isn't open. [14:38] lotuspsychje, let's see [14:38] furycd001, cat /proc/cmdline [14:39] foist, i guees you already asked this before [14:39] Here you go >> https://termbin.com/zzk1w [14:40] furycd001, dpkg -l | grep nvidia | nc termbin.com 9999 [14:40] ioria: I did as before, but I don't think I go a clear answer at the time. [14:40] s/as/ask [14:41] Here you go >> https://termbin.com/mo13 [14:42] Someone suggested `wmctrl -xa firefox || firefox` but that opens a new window each time. I want it to focus the existing window, if there is one. [14:42] foist, wmctrl , xdotool etc .etc. do not work (for the most part) on wayland ... i use ydotool but it's adviced to use gdbus or Gjs (java script for gnome) [14:43] furycd001, purge those packages please [14:44] foist, e.g https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NmdgtX75fZ/ ; https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/P9mzT7ZJtJ/ [14:45] purging now.... [14:46] ok that's them purged.... [14:47] furycd001, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/P9mzT7ZJtJ/ | nc termbin.com 9999 [14:47] sorry [14:48] furycd001, sudo updatedb && locate -i xorg.conf | nc termbin.com 9999 [14:48] ioria: I have a question. Most of my mappings did continue to work with wmctrl, just Firefox stopped working. Will gdbus or Gjs work with everything, or do I need to use multiple solutions if I'm staying on Wayland? [14:49] Here you go >> https://termbin.com/7b5b [14:51] furycd001, ubuntu-drivers list | nc termbin.com 9999 [14:53] Here you go >> https://termbin.com/hnhz [14:54] furycd001, and none of those work ? [14:55] I've only tried 460 since install the hwe kernel a few moments ago. I tried the rest earlier before I'd installed the hwe kernel.... [14:55] None of them worked. [14:56] furycd001, env | grep SESSION_TYPE [14:56] When I tried 460 with the hwe kernel the screen flashed once as if it was trying to load lightdm but nothing happened it just went straight back to the black screen and solid cursor. [14:57] furycd001, lightdm ??? [14:57] I'm pretty sure it's lightdm that gets installed with xubuntu. Am I wrong ?? [14:58] XDG_SESSION_TYPE=x12 [14:58] furycd001, yes, xubuntu uses lightdm [14:58] sorry x11 [14:59] I done a netinstall selecting minimal xubuntu, though I was having the problem even on 20.04.2 === mateen1 is now known as mateen [15:02] furycd001, xserver-xorg-hwe-18.04, is installed right ? [15:03] Last Monday my computer locked up when trying to open a new tab in Firefox. I couldn't get back to the desktop & after a day or so of trying I opted to reinstall everything. I installed xubuntu 20.04.2 but straight from the install it booted to the back screen with solid cursor. I never even got to see lightdm let alone the desktop. That is the reason I am running 18.04.5 right now. Yes that is installed.... [15:06] furycd001, did you get any errors when you tried to install nvidia 460 ? [15:07] No there was no errors. The termbin link should be pasted here somewhere.... [15:08] I output the install to termbin for someone to look at...m [15:08] furycd001, dpkg --print-foreign-architectures [15:09] i386 is listed. [15:09] that is probably blister because I have steam installed.... [15:09] listed* [15:10] furycd001, apt-cache policy nvidia-driver-460 | nc termbin.com 9999 [15:11] Here you go >> https://termbin.com/iebq2 [15:13] furycd001, so you installed with mini.iso... and what DE metapackage have you installed ? xfce or xubuntu-desktop ? [15:15] from the list I selected minimal xubuntu or something along those lines. Can't remember exactly.... [15:15] furycd001, dpkg -l | grep xubuntu-desktop [15:16] There is no out for that command.... [15:16] but if I change it to xubuntu I can see that xubuntu-core is listed as a package [15:18] furycd001, i have to be afk for 20 mins; try again to install nvidia 460 from terminal (sudo apt install nvidia-driver-460) and maybe save the log [15:19] I'll install bit now & have it output to termbin again.... [15:19] Thank you so much for all the help so far :) [15:24] can the ssh server be configured to accept client connections where the public key does not match the private? [15:28] ioria: thanks, your pastebins are useful [15:30] My USB stick often mounts as read-only for some reason. Is there an easy fix for this? [15:32] ioria: Here is the driver install output >> https://termbin.com/q7ly . I download and copied over the missing firmware & ran sudo update-initramfs -u [15:34] foist: sudo mount -o remount,rw /path/to/mount [15:35] furycd001, i guess it lokks good [15:35] looks [15:35] yea there's no errors or nothing.... [15:36] now if I reboot I'll lost likely get a black screen and solid cursor.... [15:36] furycd001, lsmod | nc termbin.com 9999 [15:37] EriC^^: how do I get the path? [15:38] Just the /media/user/ folder? [15:39] Here you go >> https://termbin.com/gpav [15:42] furycd001, grep nouveau /etc/modprobe.d/* [15:44] Here you go >> https://termbin.com/5121k [15:46] sorry got disconnected there.... [15:46] furycd001, grep blacklist /etc/modprobe.d/* | grep nvidia [15:47] Here you go >> https://termbin.com/legh [15:47] furycd001, try again please, i got 404 err [15:48] sorry should be https://termbin.com/leqh [15:49] furycd001, sudo mv /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-framebuffer.conf /home/$USER [15:51] done.. [15:51] furycd001, ls /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-installer-disable-nouveau.conf [15:52] no such file or directory [15:53] furycd001, grep blacklist /lib/modprobe.d/* | grep nvidia | nc termbin.com 9999 [15:54] Here you go >> https://termbin.com/5s05 [15:56] furycd001, ls /lib/modprobe.d/blacklist-nvidia.conf [15:57] no such file or directory [15:58] furycd001, sudo mv /lib/modprobe.d/nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf /home/$USER [15:59] done.... [16:00] furycd001, sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-driver-460 [16:00] reinstalled [16:04] furycd001, reboot; if you greeted by a blank screen , try to open a console (tty) and restart lightdm ; if tty not working, boot recovery ,mv again the 2 files from your home, and purge nvidia [16:05] ok I'll try that now. brb.... [16:06] WTF... OMG.. I CAN SEE LIGHTDM AND LOGIN.... [16:07] screen tearing is still present but I was able to login from lightdm :) [16:07] good boy [16:08] ioria you are amazing. Thank you so so much :D [16:08] `sudo mount -o remount,rw /dev/sda` gives me `mount: /dev/sda: mount point not mounted or bad option.` [16:08] furycd001, no problem [16:09] I am literally never reinstalling ever again lol [16:19] Do any of you have a printer that was particularly easy to set up on Ubuntu? My mother has 18.04 and is asking me for advice on printers. [16:25] foist: you have to give it the mountpoint not the device [16:35] ioria: what was his problem exactly? [16:37] foist: yes that's it [16:53] EriC^^: thanks [16:53] foist: no problem [17:00] hello [17:00] how to compile the kernel of ubuntu, for beginner, if we have the config file (from /boot)? [17:05] https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/s390x/ch08s06.html ??[3~ [17:06] shall we use the config file ? [17:06] jason234: why do you need to compile your kernel? [17:06] to learn # [17:07] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/GitKernelBuild [17:07] jason234: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel [17:07] there is as well no informtion that we can use the /boot/config file either.... [17:07] jason234: looks like you have plenty of documentation to get started [17:08] not good one, bad one [17:08] whwta could be the issue for ubuntu not installing, either not showing the drive ("no partition") or when it shows, i cant format it .. "unaple to paretition" .. [17:08] ok got it ! Copy the kernel config file from your existing system to the kernel tree: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/GitKernelBuild [17:08] i tried 21.04 and drive doesnt show, some 18.x and it doesnt want to format [17:09] will try 20.04 now because thats the onlything that seemed to work so far [17:11] is there a good webpage wiki to recompile the kernel from config file) [17:11] ? [17:19] any idea why Ubuntu would hang on a "apt update"? === bildramer1 is now known as bildramer [17:21] I mean, it goes until Hit:9 and hangs [17:27] it seems to have continued after a bit [17:27] lotuspsychje, not loading module [17:28] tnx ioria [17:28] lotuspsychje, ok [17:37] getting this error for the 2nd time on a different distro now, "isolinux.bin missing" whats that about? [17:38] i check the medium, isolinux.bin is in the folder /isolinux/ i dont know if it should be elsewhere no clue at all what that does [18:16] V1A: check your bios for usb flash drive emulation it should be set to hard disk (else it thinks the usb is a floppy [18:26] yea interesting pavlos. it only ever boots when the USB option is set to "force FDD" [18:27] on another tab, the last one (same that offer boot override) i need to set the floppy option to sd/cardreader [18:28] so when i have SDreader == forceFDD and floppydrive==SDreader .. only then does the SDcard boot [18:31] Anyone know why the upgrade path to 21.04 has been locked again? [19:00] Hey my boss is about to give me a windows machine so I can properly access their samba network. I tried to protest, but whatever credentials they gave me prior werent working. For example, I have read access, but I don't have write access. They assured me the windows machine does work, but I want to stay on my ubuntu. Can I get the credentials off of the windows machine and apply it to ubuntu? [19:03] Acts10-13: you have no choice, you are bound to what want your company. this is legal. [19:06] does anybody know what the "Verify Only" on win32 disk imager does? [19:06] Maik: Apparently it's due to LP #1928434 now - another shim bug. [19:06] Launchpad bug 1928434 in shim (Ubuntu) "shim-signed does not boot on EFI 2.40 by Apple" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1928434 [19:11] shailangsa: I think you want #windows for help with Windows applications [19:11] wrong channel [19:11] Acts10-13: same for you. You need to seek support from #windows for how to get data from Windows. Better yet, seek support from your company for work-related credential issues [19:12] leftyfb: Not that type of company. This is boomer tech [19:14] Acts10-13: This is an Ubuntu support channel. If you come across an issue with Ubuntu, feel free to ask for help here. [19:15] Acts: start a windows vm and test if it works . If it does I'm sure you can get it to work with Ubuntu . But this channel can only help with the client part as the server seems to be windows [19:17] Acts10-13: also, just FYI, "Samba" is the linux project to support the SMB/CIFS protocol on linux clients and servers. Your Windows-hosted fileshares are not considered "Samba". [19:22] its crossover. I am just wondering whether the mount command I was using in Ubuntu to mount the shares, can be given the credentials that supposedly "work" properly from this windows machine, so I don't have to actually use windows. [19:24] Acts10-13: typically, yes [19:25] Acts10-13: if you're referring to Code Weavers Crossover, that is a souped up WINE implementation. Nothing to do with SMB/CIFS on Ubuntu at all. [19:25] leftyfb: okay because he was under the impressions that the credentials he gave me, didnt work properly because "Linux". He thinks that the machine that he is about to give me, has the exact same credentials, and that it works. [19:26] leftyfb: No, not crossover,lol, I was just saying, the topic of whether my question is windows or ubuntu, crosses over both topics. [19:27] Acts10-13: your question of how to gather credentials from a Windows client for use on a linux client is 100% a Windows support question [19:27] Anyways, I think that the machine he is about to give me, if it does work, its because he has totally different credentials, and that if I could just find them, I could get it working on ubuntu. === RedNifre_ is now known as RedNifre [19:49] 👋 [19:50] [19:50] Oops. Ignore me. [19:50] any suggestions on how to avoid session loss on battery drain? i posted this with what i'm currently looking at: https://www.reddit.com/r/pop_os/comments/nepmgy/best_way_to_avoid_session_loss_when_battery_dies/ [19:50] i think option 3 would be my best bet but wanted to see what others were using [19:51] Xavierdarkness: ;o) [19:51] kryten: thanks === rany6 is now known as rany [21:16] dear, I installed nvidia 465 driver for rtx 2060, and update grub cmdline with acpi_backlight=vendor and insert the line into 10-nvidia.conf, but still can not adjust bright, now I don't know how to fix it, please help. [21:23] jvava: maybe pastebin the changes you've made, and describe how you're trying to change the backlight brightness? [21:23] jvava: are you sure that it's even supposed to work? [21:24] sarnold, yes, I read someone has successed === Tobbi__ is now known as Tobbi [21:28] https://gist.github.com/dipsywong98/76c3c956916cc18b7125e5a1c1e6d7d5, sarnold [21:30] jvava: this appears to be a year old? [21:31] yes, I am searching for new ones [21:32] jvava: what did *you* do on your computer? :) [21:35] sarnold,I can adjust bright with xrandr, nearly I just do according the above old article [21:38] I even don't know how to check graphics works except I can see something [21:39] need some check instructions [21:46] in dmesg, I saw this, [21:46] ``` [21:46] i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm] Panel advertises DPCD backlight support, but VBT disagrees. If your backlight controls don't work try booting with i915.enable_dpcd_backlight=1. If your machine needs this, please file a _new_ bug report on drm/i915, see https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/intel/-/wikis/How-to-file-i915-bugs for details [21:46] ``` [21:46] that's for an intel graphics card, not nvidia [21:48] if with that card I can adjust brightness, it is ok, my eyes said. [21:48] If I edited grub, ran update-grub, and rebooted, how can I check whcih grub configs were loaded? [21:49] I am using Ubuntu Server without a DE. is there a non GUI based VPM client that I can use to connect to my VPM provider ? [21:50] devslash: VPM? [21:50] What is a VPM? [21:50] yes [21:50] a VPN service [21:50] openvpn perhaps? [21:51] I will not even ask what a DE is [21:51] devslash: sure, you can use openvpn or wireguard stuff by hand, or use nmcli to drive a handful of vpn tools [21:51] desktop environment [21:51] use openvpn in cli to connect t othe vpn rovider, no gui needed [21:51] raub: you can see the kernel command line with /proc/cmdline -- it's not quite what you asked, but it's related.. [21:52] would you guys be able to help me set up openvpn [21:52] is the proper way to configure network interfaces in ubuntu netplan now? [21:52] devslash, yes, step 1 would be to use wireguard instead [21:53] devslash: https://support.strongvpn.com/hc/en-us/articles/360004594693-OpenVPN-Setup-Ubuntu-Linux-Command-Line [21:53] im looking at the wireguard site [21:53] wireguard is kind of the new vpn hotness, even outperforms ipsec [21:54] but i dont undserstand how/where I configure my vpn provider.. [21:54] provider? [21:54] and I dont mean just the username and login info [21:54] sarnold: Thanks. I found out that if I create a separate file in /etc/default/grub.d/, it does not like me to use quotes in GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT [21:54] yes [21:54] ah well if you have some vpn service you are subscribed to then you should follow their instructions [21:54] i cant they only have their own client [21:55] then that's it [21:55] but I cannot use it since my server does not have a GUI [21:55] what do you mean thats it ? [21:55] raub: hmm, I thought mine had quotes in it.. [21:55] are you saying that it can't be done ? [21:55] devslash: if you've chosen a provider that can't support your tools, it's kind of hard to make progress on that, no? [21:56] i dont know if thats the case [21:56] if they don't have a client for linux then short of doing magic stuff then that's the end of the story. What vpn provider is it? [21:56] devslash: tell them that. You need certificates, name of their vpn server, and so on [21:56] I dont think you understand what I am saying... [21:56] raub: from my /etc/default/grub .. GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="root=ZFS=rpool/ROOT/ubuntu quiet splash acpi_osi=! \"acpi_osi=Windows 2015\" LC_TIME=C" [21:56] are you guys familiar with Mullvad VPN ? [21:56] what means by vt.handoff=7 in cmdline [21:57] https://mullvad.net/en/help/install-mullvad-app-linux/ [21:57] there are many types of vpns, they may be doing something semi proprietary [21:57] The website says they offer openvpn and wireguard [21:58] So check their support area how to get the configs [21:58] devslash: get the rpm, unpack it instead of installing it, and suck the config [21:58] devslash: https://mullvad.net/en/help/linux-openvpn-installation/ [21:59] devslash: https://mullvad.net/en/help/tag/other-vpn-software/ [21:59] jvava: vt == Virtual Terminal such that the GUI will activate in TTY #7 . [21:59] Next time at least try to Google. It really took 5 seconds to find that [22:00] ok, thank you [22:00] sarnold: mine looks like this: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=?intel_iommu=on iommu=pt? [22:00] raub: ? [22:00] cat /proc/cmdline gives [22:00] raub: did you use smartquotes instead of ascii quotes? [22:00] ok thanks [22:00] BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-5.4.0-73-generic root=/dev/mapper/testbox-root ro ?intel_iommu=on [22:01] turns out that theyve got a cli client [22:01] there's another questionmark in that one, too [22:01] I am using iterm ina Mac. I hope it is the mac, not the box I ssh into [22:01] (sorry for the repost) is the proper way to configure network interfaces in ubuntu netplan now? I know netplan is just a front end for other network config tools, so I'm a bit confused why there seem to be so many layers of network configuration now. [22:01] back in my day you just put shit into /etc/resolv.conf and it worked, and we liked it that way XD [22:02] !netplan | Entelin [22:02] Entelin: Netplan is a network configuration abstraction renderer which uses YAML descriptions of a network to work with either a NetworkManager or Systemd-networkd "renderer". More information at https://netplan.io/ [22:02] Entelin: oh sorry to miss it, yeah, netplan is used to generate systemd-network configs or ask to use networkmanager to manage things [22:02] sarnold: let me look at it [22:02] devslash: that is what pavlos and I showed [22:02] yes thanks [22:03] so, life is good. Now decide whether openvn or wireguard and go have fun [22:03] sarnold, so netplan is where I should be working, not directly with networkmanager? [22:04] sarnold: you can laugh at my expense. It was smartquotes. I *hate* smartwuotes [22:07] gtg o/ [22:07] raub: yay! :D [22:07] raub: I hate them *so* much [22:07] raub: thanks for reporting back :) [22:08] It reminds me of "helpful" microsoft [22:08] Is there way to make it go away? [22:10] sorry, I don't know much about macs.. I tried os x for a few weeks back when I got a g3 imac, but I couldn't get past the copy-and-paste behaviour [22:11] How can I easily transfer files from kubuntu to windows and vice versa? [22:11] Acts10-13: on the same computer, or across the network? [22:12] Across a network. We share wifi [22:12] tomreyn: ^ [22:12] a windows / CIFS (samba on Kubuntu) share on one of the computers [22:12] I tried installing team viewer, but I need admin or something. My boss gave this to me. [22:20] sarnold: Well, what matters in now I have a happy /proc/cmdline. Thanks! [22:20] raub: yay! :D [22:21] Acts10-13: you can also get winscp/putty for the windows box and then copy files that way [22:37] Quick question, isn't it possible to forward for example Chrome/Firefox over ssh when the remote computer does not have any video card?.... Thought -X with X11 forward would solve this [22:38] swensson68: I haven't used it in a few years but yeah that should work [22:39] if it's chromium / chrome, this might be relevant https://askubuntu.com/questions/1207883/x11-forwarding-google-chrome-and-chromium-browsers-grey-out-other-apps-show-ok [22:39] https://dpaste.org/3bEw Then craching [22:44] raub: Ill take a look. Thanks. [23:26] halp.. upgraded to 20.10 (as a stepping stone to 21.04) and kernel 5.8 will not boot.. hangs on Setting up SMP Configuration [23:26] This is on a new Ryzen 5950X [23:27] So you should still have the old kernel available [23:27] I do.. I'm running on 5.4 at the moment [23:27] If you want to upgrade anyway boot it and update to 21.04 [23:28] well here's the thing.. I had tried installing 5.10 on 20.04 and got the same thing.. so I am wondering what's up at this point [23:30] (and even this issue is several levels deep down the rabbit hole.. this whole thing started when I installed the new mobo/cpu and Vbox stopped being able to run Win10 guests, so they said get a new kernel, and so here I am trying to make that work) [23:30] I guess there's stuff Ryzen needs in 5.10? [23:31] I've seen folks have non-obvious boot errors if they didn't install a linux-modules-extra-* package for their new kernel [23:32] I've seen folks have non-obvious boot errors if they didn't install a linux-modules-extra-* package for their new kernel [23:36] sarnold: that's interesting.. I will try that [23:37] Nope... adding modules-extra for it did not help [23:39] You can try the latest kernel version [23:39] Maybe it is fixed [23:40] I tried the latest 5.10 from the development repo and it did not [23:40] but that was before [23:41] Not sure if isn't still works: https://github.com/pimlie/ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh [23:41] Havent used it in a while [23:41] Manual install: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds [23:42] Give 5.12.4 a try [23:44] yeah I can grab that and see what happens.. worth a try [23:47] need to install a new libc for 5.4.12 [23:48] this is quickly going to go to dependency hell