
tomwardillricotz: builders are back (broken image service in one DC, broken image in another)09:36
ricotztomwardill, great :), thank you09:46
ricotzhi, could someone please take a look at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/697119 ?11:28
cjwatsonricotz: done11:38
ricotzcjwatson, thank you very much11:38
=== Walex is now known as loser_walex
athosI am wondering what the way forward on https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-buildd/+bug/1702130 should look like. This one is about using resolver-ant-tasks for snap builds (I am having issues with how the build handles/uses the proxy)14:07
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1702130 in launchpad-buildd "Build proxy doesn't play nicely with maven-ant-tasks" [High,Triaged]14:07
athosThis was for a cassandra snap. Cassandra recently (on cassandra >= 4) moved away from maven-ant-tasts in favor of resolver-and-tasks, and I am wondering if this would be enought to build a new cassandra snap :)14:09
cjwatsonSo the proxy is just provisioned through the environment14:11
cjwatsonhttp_proxy / https_proxy14:11
cjwatsonAnd it is at least partially being used here14:12
cjwatson[10/May/2021:13:38:53 +0000] "CONNECT repo1.maven.org:443 HTTP/1.1" 200 4335153 "-" "Java/11.0.11"14:12
cjwatson^ that line is logging from the proxy14:12
cjwatsonThis is probably a bug in either the snapcraft integration for resolver-ant-tasks (or similar), or in resolver-ant-tasks itself14:13
cjwatsonEasiest way to tackle this sort of thing tends to be to set up a simple squid proxy or whatever, and a container that only has internet access through the proxy and not directly, and try running the build in that14:14
cjwatsonOddly, for a language that has historically had high adoption in corporate environments, lots of Java code seems to be weirdly bad at handling proxies14:14
cjwatsonBut LP staff are mostly not Java programmers so we really need help from actual Java people to sort this kind of thing out14:15
ograif you just need to transition to a different env var dynamically based on http_proxy being set you can do that easily from inside snapcraft.yaml though ...14:16
cjwatsonWhat does "transition to a different env var" mean here?14:16
ograbug #1886861 has it in the description14:16
ubot5bug 1886861 in Snapcraft "npm install network errors with build.snapcraft.io proxy configuration" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188686114:17
cjwatsonAh right.  This may or may not be the same thing14:17
ograoh, and sergio actually talks about maven in there14:17
cjwatsonI spent *days* going down a rabbit-hole of things I didn't understand at all last time I tried to debug maven-ant-tasks14:17
cjwatsonAnd didn't really get anywhere14:17
cjwatsonSo I'm quite strongly inclined to explain to a Java person (e.g. athos, I hope) how the system works in general and let them figure it out :)14:18
ograwell, it got assigned to chris 🙂14:18
cjwatsonCan we avoid conflating npm and maven though please?14:18
ograprobably just fell off the table because nobody made any noise on it anymore14:18
cjwatsonThe underlying cause is probably completely different14:19
cjwatsonI don't know why Sergio randomly brought up maven in that bug14:19
cjwatsonBut Java and JavaScript are not the same and don't have much to do with each other :)14:20
cjwatsonIt might indeed be that resolver-ant-tasks needs some more environment variables or manually setting some Java properties or ... I don't know14:20
ograand this is even specific to npm ...14:20
ogra(not even javascript, just to enable its scripts to download tarballs)14:22
athoscjwatson: ack; I will get squid in that container and start debugging the issue then (btw, I am not a java person)14:27
cjwatsonOK, I was just hoping :)14:34
cjwatsonsquid would most easily be outside the container FWIW14:34
cjwatsonThat way you can easily prevent everything in the container from any internet access other than squid, and squid can talk freely14:35
cjwatson(easily> with ufw or similar)14:35
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=== loser_walex is now known as Walex

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