
jibelGood morning05:36
dufluMorning jibel 05:37
jibelHi duflu 05:37
callmepkgood afternoon06:40
callmepk and hi jibel duflu 06:40
didrockshey bittin 06:49
callmepkhi bittin didrocks 06:50
jibelSalut callmepk bittin didrocks 06:52
didrockshey callmepk, jibel 06:53
dufluHi callmepk, bittin, didrocks 07:09
didrockshey duflu 07:15
seb128goood morning desktopers07:16
didrockshey seb128 07:17
callmepkhi seb128 07:17
seb128hey didrocks, callmepk, duflu , how are you?07:17
dufluseb128, alright, you?07:17
jibelsalut seb128 07:17
seb128lut jibel 07:18
seb128duflu, not fully awake yet but working on it ;-)07:18
seb128I was up at 6:30 again, just was in busy time until now, I can finally sit down and have a coffee07:18
seb128jamesh, Laney, kenvandine: weekly discourse reminder07:19
jameshseb128: thanks07:19
seb128hey jamesh ;-)07:20
callmepkseb128 still feeling dizzy from the pre-vaccine body checkup... hope you feel more awake with coffee07:20
seb128what sort of checkup do they do exactly?07:21
jameshhi seb128 07:22
didrockshey seb128 07:23
seb128callmepk, you saw my review comments for ubuntu-wsl-integration?07:25
callmepkseb128 Yep, currently working on it according to your review07:27
callmepkAlso seb128 , for the license, the debian/wsl-integration.sh originally come from wslu which is under GPLv3+. Should I use GPLv3 in this case?07:31
seb128callmepk, maybe check with Ken to make sure, you coul still make our source files GPLv3 I think07:37
callmepkGotcha seb128 07:38
Laney moin08:00
didrockshey Laney 08:03
seb128hey Laney, how are you? did you have a great extended weekend? ;-)08:04
Laneyhi didrocks seb128 08:04
Laneywell, first day back inside a pub so that was nice08:05
Laneybut prior to that I got super rained on /o\08:05
Laneyhow's it going there?08:05
seb128doing alright, navigating between sun and rains08:06
seb128today is meetings day here so not that the weather matters much right?08:07
seb128Laney, I tried to set up a dashboard for version, https://ubuntu-release.kpi.ubuntu.com/d/iNTp0ejMk/versions?orgId=1 ... any idea why the legend includes no number? the data seems fine since the graphs are at the right values it seems08:08
LaneyI dunno, and when I go to edit the panel it's blank08:10
seb128by legend I means the mouseover08:10
seb128I probably did something stupid but I don't understand what08:10
dufluHi Laney08:19
marcustomlinsonmorning jibel duflu callmepk bittin didrocks seb128 jamesh Laney08:19
dufluMorning marcustomlinson 08:20
seb128hey marcustomlinson, how is it going today?08:20
didrockshey marcustomlinson 08:24
seb128Laney, k, searching online I think the grafana issue is because those numbers are strings, I will submit a fix to the collector to change them to int08:50
LaneyI should have noticed that, sorry08:51
Laneywe should wipe the data when fixing that08:51
Laneycan we have a test for this ... hmm ...08:53
jibelHi marcustomlinson Laney 08:57
Laneyhey duflu marcustomlinson jibel !09:04
callmepkhi marcustomlinson 09:08
seb128Laney, k, fix up as https://github.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-release-metrics/pull/17 now09:41
ubot3Pull 17 in ubuntu/ubuntu-release-metrics "use int values in the versions collector" [Open]09:41
gitbotubuntu issue (Pull request) 17 in ubuntu-release-metrics "use int values in the versions collector" [Open]09:41
Laneydeleted the old data, looks better now09:47
seb128Laney, excellent! and yeah having some sort of test for type(count) != str would be nice, it's not the first time I do that error :-/09:47
marcustomlinsonseb128: so sorry, I missed your question. going alright today thanks.09:48
seb128marcustomlinson, ;;-)09:48
seb128how does one debug riscv64 issues? we don't have cloud images for that arch right?10:20
Laneywe do, and they work in qemu10:22
Laneywell that's server images not cloud images but10:23
Laneyseb128: 10:23
seb128no openstack canonistack magic there?10:23
seb128alright, thanks!10:24
Laneyhope you enjoy s-l-o-w VMs!10:24
seb128any recommendation on whether I want unmatched or unleashed?10:25
* seb128 just wants to figure out why impish builds fail with ' libgladeui-2-13 : Depends: libgladeui-common (>= 3.38.2-3) but it is not going to be installed'10:26
Laneydon't think it matters10:33
seb128slowwww it is to start indeed :-)10:33
seb128Laney, thanks, as usually great pro tip ;-)10:36
seb128shrug, so the riscv64 issues are because glade is failing tests but built on riscv64 since there are no build tests there :-/11:07
seb128one gicon related failure probably due to the new glib11:07
seb128and one gjs11:07
seb128Trevinho, could you check the glade test failure?11:35
seb128GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 12:53:50.227: g_file_new_for_commandline_arg: assertion 'arg != NULL' failed11:35
seb128the call is coming from libgjs according to gdb11:35
Trevinhoseb128: ok 12:08
seb128Trevinho, thanks12:08
=== xclaesse3 is now known as xclaesse
seb128do we have some preferred utilities to write from scripts to IRC?14:08
seb128seems that's a topic where you have more options than you would like, no obvious choice14:08
hellsworthgood morning desktopers14:27
cpaelzerdidrocks999: seb128: meas -> llvm-12 in compoennt mismatches - is that something you are aware and planning to handle?14:37
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
seb128cpaelzer, we don't maintain llvm afaik14:54
seb128we are not handling that new version, maybe tjaalton is?14:54
jibelGood morning hellsworth15:04
didrocks999seb128:hey hellsworth 15:04
didrocks999oupss, hellsworth :)15:04
marcustomlinsonhey hellsworth15:20
tjaaltoncpaelzer__: the new mesa migrated to llvm-12, yes15:53
Trevinhoseb128: mh, I only see gfile issues in glade, or did I read wrong? at least one failure is related to that on gdb, maybe not finding the prpoer resource (need to check yet the detail)16:56
Trevinhoah ok in the other failure there's some gjs involvement16:59
Trevinhoor well I still htink it's related to not finding the resources17:00
Trevinhobtw... gjs one was easy, but the problematic is the GFileIcon one, don't know enough of it, I guess we should make the loader to use an actual file path or at least a "valid" one18:06
Trevinhobah ok got it18:08
Trevinhowell not the nice solution but folllwing what others did already18:08
seb128Trevinho, hey again, sorry I was at diner. Great that you figured it out and sorry I should have been more explicit which test was failing because of gjs, but thanks for dealing with the other failure as well (I expected that one to be due to the new glib)18:14
Trevinhoseb128: yeah I couldn't figure out what glib change causes it, but well.. 21:17

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