
lotuspsychjegood morning01:56
wyoungGood afternoon!02:22
ducassegood morning05:48
Metamorphosisgood morning ducasse05:49
lordievaderGood morning07:26
=== Walex is now known as loser_walex
=== loser_walex is now known as Walex
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
Sparc343Does anyone happen to know where I can find official disc images? To elaborate I do not mean ISO's but rather actual disc images so that I could print on the disc after burning it ;)20:37
Sparc343Basically, this is exactly what I'm looking for (same version and everything) just much much higher resolution ~ https://i2.wp.com/ubuntuportal.com/wp-content/uploads/Ubuntu-12.04-LTS-Server-on-Disc.jpg20:39
sarnoldit's entirely possible that nothing like that exists for newer releases20:40
daftykins^ flash drives win20:40
Sparc343Understood, but I actually have a project that uses 12.04 LTS (server), and would like to find basically that same image I liked, but a much higher (actually printable) resolution20:41
sarnoldwow, something still using 12.04? brave20:41
Sparc343Well I hope not to face ridicule, it's not for a production environment ;) It's for a teaching/learning expereince kind of thing :)20:42
sarnoldSparc343: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DIYMarketing#A12.04_artwork20:43
sarnoldthat pdf took forever to load, it must be biggish :)20:43
Sparc343:D I will try, thank you much20:43
Sparc343but/and yes, for actual production use I would just use current LTS and a USB drive ;) :D20:44
sarnoldalright, cool, just so long as you know what you're getting :)20:45
Sparc343it does look like that will work perfectly, also is PDF so should even appears scalable when opening w/ GIMP20:47
Sparc343so thank you again/much!20:47
sarnoldoh I didn't think of using gimp for that, nice20:48
daftykins!cookie | sarnold20:48
ubot5sarnold: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!20:48
sarnoldYAY COOKIES! nomnomnom20:48
Sparc343cookies for all? :D21:01
daftykinswell, if we did that some people would get ideas21:02
daftykinsand there'd be less help!21:02
ubot5Uh, don't you mean !apt ?22:59
Sparc343*meant yum - cookies LOL23:05

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