
lordievaderGood morning07:26
=== denningsrogue682 is now known as denningsrogue68
marethi I've upgraded to 5.12 kernel and I would like to downgrade to 5.11 which I had previously. I've seens multiple approaches, not sure which one is preffered08:00
maretthis is output of sudo dpkg --list | egrep -i --color 'linux-image|linux-headers'  https://paste.debian.net/1197949/08:01
marethi I've upgraded to 5.12 kernel and I would like to downgrade to 5.11 which I had previously. I've seens multiple approaches, not sure which one is preffered, this is output of sudo dpkg --list | egrep -i --color 'linux-image|linux-headers'  https://paste.debian.net/1197949/08:26
Walexmaret: for kernels there is no "upgrading" or "downgrading", you can have multiple versions installed at the same time.08:32
Walexmaret: what you can "upgrade" or "downgrade" are the kernel metapackages, which exist just to pull in the "latest", but you can install explicitly any others.08:34
maretWalex: ou ofc , so can I switch on ubuntu server without external monitor?08:54
maretAFAIK I should change GRUB_DEFAULT=0 to GRUB_DEFAULT="gnulinux-5.11.0-051100-generic-advanced-88781ebc-4b9d-43cc-908f-411c03f7e814" given this list of options https://paste.debian.net/1197957/08:59
Walexmaret: you can change the default kernel to boot to an explicit version or to a number which is the position in the list of bootable kernels. That is a different issue from upgrading/downgrading kernels09:08
maretyeah thats what I wanna do09:08
Walexmaret: note though09:11
Walexmaret: note though that 'GRUB_DEFAULT' should be the name of the 'menuentry', not of a kernel.09:11
Walexmaret: so in your case "Ubuntu, with Linux 5.11.0-051100-generic"09:12
maretWalex: thanks I was following this article https://meetrix.io/blog/aws/changing-default-ubuntu-kernel.html09:41
maretbut you are saying i should chage GRUB_DEFAULT=0 toGRUB_DEFAULT="Ubuntu, with Linux 5.11.0-051100-generic"09:42
maretbtw I have ubuntu-server09:42
maretseems like according to that i should have  GRUB_DEFAULT="gnulinux-advanced-88781ebc-4b9d-43cc-908f-411c03f7e814>gnulinux-5.11.0-051100-generic-advanced-88781ebc-4b9d-43cc-908f-411c03f7e814"09:46
Walexmaret: https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub/grub.html search for "GRUB_DEFAULT"09:47
Walexmaret: if you want to use the "id" that is "recommended" by the manual, but it is "too stable"09:49
maretwhat do you mean by too stable and so GRUB_DEFAULT="gnulinux-advanced-88781ebc-4b9d-43cc-908f-411c03f7e814>gnulinux-5.11.0-051100-generic-advanced-88781ebc-4b9d-43cc-908f-411c03f7e814" should work right?09:54
Walexmaret: minor kernel release upgrades will change the "id".09:55
Walexmaret: but you are already using self-supported kernels, so you know what you are doing of course :-)09:57
maretWalex: hh not that much :) just want to be safe I am not planning to update kernel after this10:29
maretok so I am going to change the id to GRUB_DEFAULT="gnulinux-advanced-88781ebc-4b9d-43cc-908f-411c03f7e814>gnulinux-5.11.0-051100-generic-advanced-88781ebc-4b9d-43cc-908f-411c03f7e814"  and reboot10:30
=== denningsrogue683 is now known as denningsrogue68
jo-erlendI've been gone so long, I've forgotten a lot of things and I really have to read up. Should I bother spending time on iptables, or should I just go straight to nftables? My impression is that it's where things are moving, but with Linux you never know. :)11:35
=== Walex is now known as loser_walex
tewardjo-erlend: nftables is probably where it'll be going, but not everything uses it so i still keep my iptables knowledge around :P13:23
tewardjo-erlend: but you should probably consider that unless you're going to be editing the firewalls directly yourself, you probably will find most people are using `ufw` unless they need a ton of expert level stuff13:58
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=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
=== loser_walex is now known as Walex
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
hallynserge@sl ~$ dpkg -S /usr/sbin/dhclient17:16
hallyndpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /usr/sbin/dhclient17:16
hallynthis gets me every time17:16
hallyni guess isc-dhcp-client works17:18
sarnoldhallyn: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=134758 :( :( :(17:41
ubot3Debian bug 134758 in dpkg "dpkg-query: Make -S handle unowned symlinks resolving to owned pathnames" [Wishlist, Open]17:41
hallynsarnold: yeah i just figured that out a few mintues ago :)   thanks :)17:42
hallyni hadn't realized there was a bug for it.  i don't see how that's fixable, actually.17:42
hallyni mean, apart from hardcoding the known symlinks i guess17:42
sarnoldhallyn: me neither, which is probably why it's been open for almost twenty years17:42
sarnoldbut with usrmerge it's a lot more annoying now than it used to be17:43
hallynfor a few minutes i was convicned it was being installed as part of initial debootstrap and not tracked by a package.  which woudl be scary in terms of updates :)17:43
sarnoldhah, that would be the worse outcome indeed :)17:45
xibalbaim confused about something basic. when i run  dpkg -l | grep -i maria, i see mariadb-client-10.1, but when i do apt remove mariadb-client-10.1 it tells me " 'mariadb-client-10.1' is not installed, so not removed"19:17
mybalzitchwhat about just mariadb-client19:19
xibalbaah i didn't think about that19:20

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