
otuboblackboxsw: thanks a lot for the info. Looks safe to drop python-jsonschema from our point of view. :)06:18
JRodDynamiteHey, how can I make `bootcmd` commands get executed by a different user other than root?07:18
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
blackboxswfalcojr: +1 on https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/901#pullrequestreview-663422200 one minor question16:38
blackboxswJRodDynamite: something like this would work #cloud-config\nbootcmd:\n- su - ubuntu -c 'touch /var/tmp/somefile-as-ubuntu'\n16:39
chillysurferhey, all! trying to run integration tests and specify a particular azure image. i set CLOUD_INIT_OS_IMAGE='<azure_image_identifier>' but it still seems to default to something else16:49
chillysurferany way to change that?16:49
chillysurferit picks up my desired image - integration_testing:clouds.py:84 Detected image: image_id=Canonical:UbuntuServer:18.04-LTS:latest os=ubuntu release=bionic16:50
chillysurferbut then defaults to a completely different images - image_id=Canonical:0001-com-ubuntu-pro-bionic-fips:pro-fips-18_04:18.04.20201020116:50
chillysurfernot sure what i'm doing wrong..?16:50
chillysurferah nevermind16:54
chillysurferlooks like the integration test forces this image urn16:55
blackboxswahh chillysurfer yeah that particular integration test was only exercising LP #1835584 which was most easily reproducible using a FIPS kernel. If your CI runs want to avoid that test or disable it or adapt it so we don't use a PRO image to exercise that logic, we can definitely work to make that avoid PRO images.17:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 1835584 in cloud-init "cloud-init might incorrectly consider reboot as new-instance during kernel upgrade or downgrade" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183558417:08
blackboxswfalcojr: landed  https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/901#pullrequestreview-663422200  thx17:08
* blackboxsw almost. oops waiting on CI. too soon on the msg, but within a couple mins17:09
* blackboxsw nice Rocky linux supprt PR . Woot. https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/906 I'll grab that for review/shepherding17:15
falcojrcurious if we've ever seen a datasource get detected and the generator enable the target unit, but not all of the services being enabled18:56
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1928603 in cloud-init "Init modules run, but nothing else on Opensuse 15.2 with vmwareguesttools" [Undecided,New]18:56
falcojrwe get to the network stage and then just stop...based on whats in /etc/systemd/system, it looks like there's no services to run the next stages18:57
rharperfalcojr: that bug  opensuse, that smells like vmware guest-tools conflicts ;  there's a really long history of vmware guest tools racing/mucking with cloud-init for various reasons;  cpaelzer knows this very well;  so my first request in the bug is if it's reproducible without vmwaretools active; (and I suspect not);22:49

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