
bittinHello, i just got accepted as an UM and wondered how to get a cloak?12:43
amurrayhey bittin - since I requested mine also recently I happen to know this answer :) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Cloaks - you just ask - which you already did - and then just make sure you're launchpad profile lists your irc nick and then mention your launchpad profile URL here and one of the IRC council members should do the rest13:10
bittinadded my irc nick there now13:13
amurraycongrats on getting your membership too btw bittin \o/13:14
bittinthanks amurray :)13:15
k1l_hi, is there some idea how to handle the freenode drama from the ubuntu point of view?14:55
Picik1l_: as I understand it, there is a discussion pending at the community council level, with the irc council being involved as well.14:56
k1l_Pici: ok.14:57
hggdhbittin: I acknowledge it, will request staff for a cloak ubuntu/member/bittin for you15:15
hggdhstaff: if you are awake here, can we please have a clock ubuntu/member/bittin for bittin15:16
bittinhggdh: alright thx :)15:16
bittindo Freenode have any staff left? https://www.kline.sh/ bad timing etc15:19
bittingetting a cloak in all drama15:19
hggdhthere are still staff, yes, but the one in this channel may be AFK15:30
bittinah alright15:30
bittinwell i have not read all about the thing so maybe should not drag it up15:30
lunathe cloak is on the nickserv account right?16:45
krytenYep, doesn't matter what nick you'd use.16:51
lunakryten: great17:02
hggdhbittin: not finding staff so far. Still trying19:18
panickedthumbHi folks, I'm a member of the cloaked people team but I think since my account lapsed, my cloak must have as well. Here I am: https://launchpad.net/~tnewman19:50
krytenpanickedthumb: Personally I can neither request a cloak be set or set it, but just to inform you that the timing of getting back on Freenode wasn't that great, so it may take a while to find any network staffer left to do the latter - but in this case be prepared having to make an edit to your LP profile so it can be established that it's actually you.20:00
panickedthumbYeah I can definitely make an edit whenever someone is available. Why is the timing bad?20:02
panickedthumbAaaaaaand wow, the timing was kismet. I just saw the headline on reddit that the ops all bounced20:03
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