
lordievaderGood morning06:15
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
jo-erlendThis bug is a little annoying: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt-mirror/+bug/182575508:39
ubot3Launchpad bug 1825755 in apt-mirror (Ubuntu Groovy) "apt-mirror in all versions (including disco and last from github) doesn't mirror Commands-* files" [High, Triaged]08:39
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ograjess, uuuh, did rasengan actually win ?12:08
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mybalzitchlooks like it12:33
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* MIF I am going to irc.sturtz.cf port 6697 and I don't care if you kick me from you channel for this message, because I am leaving freenode and never coming back. I would leave if I were you14:17
UssatSo, will this channel be migrating also ?15:11
leftyfbI think that is still up for discussion15:15
UssatThats fair, I just hate to have to split stuff between clients etc15:15
leftyfbUssat: your client doesn't support multiple networks?15:16
Ussatsure it does15:18
UssatI just dont like having split windows etc15:18
Ussatthats all15:18
tewardUssat: if there's any move of the channels it will be the *entire* Ubuntu namespace.  That's a Community Council decision though.  you'll be notified if anything changes.15:30
teward('you' being most people in the channels or such)15:30
UssatSure, was just asking :)15:33
ograi think there is a CC meeting due anyway ...15:39
ograso there should be some discussion (perhaps even decision) soon15:39
tewardogra: considering I'm on the CC I'd know if it's a discussion point ;)16:08
tewardbut as i said in many other places: patience is a virtue, we're not going to act insanely quickly to the point of irrational ;)16:09
ograi know you are on the CC ... i'd expect some discussion though and some ideas about direction16:10
ograbut yeah, i'd also not expect any movement to happen immediately ... we're a giant ship with all the ubuntu channels16:11
tewardand flavors ;)16:23
tewardthose're affected by any decision too16:23
ograi kind of count them into "ubuntu channels" 🙂17:12
=== ProCycle is now known as Zaliek
evitI run a few Wordpress sites and I'm getting a message saying that the PHP version I have is 'insecure' PHP (7.2.24-0ubuntu0.18.04.7)20:11
evitLooks like there is an updated version 7.2.34 but I don't think the current version is vulnerable20:11
evitin 180420:11
evitI wish it was standard on all LTS versions that you could get the official LATEST release of PHP instead of the older version20:20
evitI do know why this isn't so but one can dream20:21
=== MikeM65 is now known as MikeM6
leftyfbevit: there is no official php package version for ubuntu 18.04 beyond 7.2.24-0ubuntu0.18.04.720:24
leftyfbevit: if you'd like a more recent version, you can try a PPA, though not recommended. I have a feeling that wordpress is working fine for you, but just warning that your php version is a bit outdated20:25
evit@leftyfb, I see that but it is odd what is written here ~>https://www.php.net/archive/2020.php#2020-10-01-120:26
leftyfbevit: LTS releases of ubuntu patch packages like php to fix security issues20:27
evitWish there was an official 7.4 release for all LTS20:27
evit@leftyfb, Yes, I understand. I was just checking to see if I was missing something.20:27
leftyfbevit: Ubuntu 20.04 has php7.420:28
evitYes, I know but I need time to plan/execute on those migrations. Was gonna wait for next LTS20:28
leftyfbevit: the next LTS is 11 months away20:29
evitI have patience. =P20:29
evitIn place upgrades never seem to be a good thing. Everything always breaks20:30
evit@leftyfb, you don't recommend ppa:ondrej/php PPA repository?20:31
leftyfbevit: it's not officially supported here. But it has been known to work20:34
evit@leftyfb, Thanks!20:50
=== oerheks1 is now known as oerheks
CodeMouse92Official verdict just hit my inbox. We're moving to Libera. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-irc/2021-May/001922.html22:10
CodeMouse92Correction, dyslexia pulled a fast one on me. It's not official yet ^^^22:13
=== Secutor is now known as joblo
tewardCodeMouse92: yeah it's not IRCC decision, it's CC22:52
CodeMouse92I know that now. Like I said, I misread b/c of dyslecia.22:53

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