
sysadminATTENTION: This channel will be terminated. Any nicks remaining in the channel will also be terminated. This action cannot be undone00:16
Unit193sysadmin: Don't spam.00:16
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> why it'll be termimnated?00:22
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> why it'll be terminated?00:22
denza252that sounds dangerous00:30
krytenWell, to be clear, that's just some random user with a cool nick rather than any actual channel op, so..00:34
krytenRegardless of that though, the Ubuntu channels *are* going to be moved to irc.libera.chat in some time.00:38
sysadminATTENTION: This channel will be terminated. Any nicks remaining in the channel will also be terminated. This action cannot be undone.00:40
krytenTrying their luck, huh? XD00:42
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> Has anyone got slimbook battery working in Hippo?04:34
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> Purge and reinstall worked.04:45
isomarigreetings, Are there any possible conflicts if I also install gnome on kubuntu so I have a choice on login?06:14
TheBigKisomari: no, i dont think so06:15
alkisgTheoretically no. In practice I've seen that installing multiple desktop environments sometimes results in more services running than they should...06:15
alkisgBoth pre-login and post-login06:15
diogenes_i've seen corrupted themes when installing different DEs.06:17
TheBigKdiogenes_: arent they in completely different places for kde/gnome?=06:18
isomarithanks all06:22
=== richard is now known as Guest70742
=== Guest70742 is now known as richard__
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herbert__Hi! I am trying to run qt4 and qt5 on the same machine (kubuntu 20.04) but I cant find a package for qt4... how do I install it? I need it to build an app with qmake that is written in qt4.08:47
=== marien is now known as Guest83743
=== Guest83743 is now known as LinuxRev
kirvesAxeAre there plans to move this channel to libera? https://www.kline.sh/13:49
IIIFEDoes kubuntu by default use the kdenlive ppa rather than the ubuntu kdenlive? Because It said in the terminal it fetched kdenlive from the ppa, but I only see one kdenlive if I search 'apt search', I think that one is the ppa kdenlive rather than what would be in the default ubuntu repos.13:49
IrcsomeBot<bauchhaus> IIIFE: it you have activated an additional PPA it will take the software from whatever source offers the higher version number.13:52
IIIFEWell that makes sense because kdenlive ppa has the latest stable which would be newer than what is offered by kubuntu 20.04.13:53
IIIFEUbuntu will always automatically pin the higher version of the same package right?13:57
lordievaderIIIFE: That depends on what is configured in `/etc/apt/preferences{,.d/*}`.13:57
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest24610
=== Guest24610 is now known as elementary_Watso
agustincomolliHi, I wanted to know if there is any possibility to update KDE Plasma on kubuntu 20.04.216:05
=== mago is now known as mago333
viewer|8Hello, I've  accidentally removed my network manager. Now after I installed it I don't have network settings in the kubuntu settings but I can connect to the Internet by usb cable.17:10
viewer|8How can I  return that again?17:11
erisRemember Bitcoin in 2008??? Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, To claim your piece of pi goto https://minepi.com and use "ilkde" as your invitation code. Get your piece of the pi now18:18
erisRemember Bitcoin in 2008??? Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, To claim your piece of pi goto https://minepi.com and use "ilkde" as your invitation code. Get your piece of the pi now18:22
=== israel is now known as Guest65885
Maikeris: stop spamming please.18:37
=== russell_ is now known as Ekushey
EvropiHi there. Unfortunately having a recurring complete system freeze in 21.04. I really want help with it but I'm also concerned that posting 2300 lines' worth of journalctl is going to be unhelpful and importantly, bad for privacy. Please let me know21:54
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> !pastebinit21:57
EvropiI might, but is there a guide as to how to remove anything that would be a privacy/security risk? I don't want IPs and stuff there.21:57
Evropieh why not I'll risk it. hold on21:58
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> dump it to a file first, edit the file, then cat file | pastebinit21:58
Evropiit's 2300 lines for 4 different files so might as well just post :) hold on21:59
EvropiHere are 4 different boots. I think it may be related to baloo, but it crashed sometimes from just clicking 'Background services'! From oldest to newest: 1. https://p.teknik.io/haV3O 2. https://p.teknik.io/ve2VI 3. https://p.teknik.io/nQZsa 4. https://p.teknik.io/8uqEQ22:05
EvropiI should have used the vault feature but too late now and I messed up the titles, haha22:06
Evropithanks for looking into this DarinMiller.22:06
Evropifor context I had a complete freeze at the time I pressed the power key, not even the mouse could be moved. However, I'm on pretty exotic hardware. It can't display anything non-graphics cardy if that makes sense? For example it can't *just* show a linux console or grub. Not sure if it's to do with compositing. The reason is that it's a server chip which doesn't technically let you use a GPU22:07
Evropiso yeah, currently getting this on every single boot. The system becomes completely unusable within a few minutes. Due to the nature of the system I cannot drop out of Xorg - though even if I did I wouldn't know what to do. Any help welcome.22:17
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> The 1st and 4th links contain the same information.  But at a glance I am not seeing anything obvious....22:19
Evropimy bad, I'd have to boot to get that log prob22:20
Evropishortly before each complete freeze, baloo did a grand timeout22:20
Evropibut surely it can't be that? And I do want desktop indexing, it's a key DE feature. I'm not sure why this has started happening in general22:21
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> do you have the backports ppa installed?  Maybe you have a bug that's already been patched by what's in backports.22:24
EvropiI don't, but I'll try it tomorrow. Thanks22:25

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