[00:35] how change the lock screen wallpaper of lubuntu? [00:36] lubuntu uses xscreensaver; and the maintainer of xscreensaver likes his logo (the 'wallpaper' as you put it) & doesn't like it changed... we thus don't touch it. [00:41] eem.. just change a wallpaper,Is there a way to do it [00:42] I don't know your release, but I believe you're asking about changing the xscreensaver logo to something else (since lubuntu uses xscreensaver to provide lock screen, or do you mean greeter? ie `sddm` where you login?) [00:43] The greeter screen (`sddm`) can be found here /usr/share/sddm/themes/lubuntu (wall.png is background image; it'll be a link to wallpaper elsewhere) [00:44] thanks,i'll try~ === BrianG61UK__ is now known as BrianG61UK [11:10] [telegram] Maybe by lock screen he means login screen since we can use it to lock too [14:52] sugge [14:52] suggested partitioning for atomicpi [14:53] Can't seem to get past that for the install [14:54] hi [14:55] hi [14:55] Anyone around have experience with atomicpi? [14:56] Vic98: patience is a virtue [14:56] we're not here 24/7/365 and not everyone has experience with everything [14:57] Ain't that the truth.  I know how it goes.  Can't answer what you haven't worked on. [14:58] Have a working install of 18.10 but hosed it up on unsupported upgrade to 20.04 === RTGuruThe2nd is now known as RisingTechGuru