[06:26] What are your thoughts on getting Pipewire in impish? [07:11] jo-erlend: pipewire is already in hirsute? [07:39] jo-erlend, focal & up have pipewire; though you need to use the HWE kernel in focal as I recall (not GA) [07:40] guiverc: i don't think focal has it included OOTB. It's only since Hirsute that it's default. [07:42] `pipewire | 0.2.7-1 | focal/universe | source, amd64, arm64, armhf, ppc64el, riscv64, s390x` ; it's packaged for focal up [07:48] guiverc: packaged yes but not included/installed by default [08:00] Maik, right. That's what I meant. [14:42] Hello. is Mate on Ubuntu 20.10 built against gtk2 or gtk3? [17:43] how to get sources of a package? [18:26] serkanvb, apt source package [18:27] serkanvb, it requires you to have the source repos activated. If not, just copy a deb line in /etc/apt/sources.list and use deb-src instead of deb. [18:28] jo-erlend yes. thanks a lot. I have found out through web search. [18:28] :) === guntbert is now known as yesitsme === yesitsme is now known as guntbert_ === Bashing-1m is now known as Bashing-om