[01:29] good morning [02:30] Morning callmepk [02:40] morning duflu [05:15] goood morning desktopers [05:18] Morning seb128 [05:18] hey duflu, how are you? [05:18] seb128, I'm alright. How are you? [05:21] I'm well thanks! [05:33] morning seb128 [06:21] Good morning everyone [06:32] morning [06:34] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-irc/2021-May/001923.html [06:34] does that mean we will say morning on Libera in the future [06:34] :p [06:38] Looks like, but for now there are not a lot of people there :) [06:45] hey callmepk jibel bittin [06:45] hey pieq_ [06:54] hi seb128 pieq jibel [07:01] hi jibel bittin pieq_ [07:04] good morning [07:05] Morning jibel, bittin, didrocks [07:06] hey duflu [07:11] hi seb128 bittin callmepk duflu didrocks [07:13] salut jibel [07:15] hi didrocks [07:17] hey callmepk! [07:26] lut didrocks [07:27] salut seb128, ça va ? [07:36] didrocks, oui, levé un peu tôt à mon goût mais sinon ça roule, et toi ? [07:36] ça va, bientôt vendredi :) [08:03] yo [08:04] hi [08:05] Laney, hey, how are you today? [08:08] hey hey hey Laney [08:10] hey seb128 didrocks [08:10] alright until I looked at https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/forecast/gcrjm8jf7#?date=2021-05-20 [08:15] Good morning Laney [08:18] peace jibel === didrocks999 is now known as didrocks [15:12] Laney, about bug 1921862 we added the dependencies to ubiquity but it doesn't work because ubiquity purges/reinstalls the packages at the end of installation and all the configuration done is lost. [15:12] Bug 1921862 in livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu Focal) "Call germinate with -updates" [Undecided, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1921862 [15:12] Laney, we'd like to try the second option and hardcode the list of package in livecd-rootfs [15:13] Laney, how did you do to build an image from a modified livecd-rootfs? [15:13] or at least the squashfs [15:15] also the workaround with the metapackage wouldn't work the same reason since it would be in -updates and couldn't be seed or would removed by ubiquity with all its deps [15:20] jibel: you'd hardcode the metapackage when adding the "live" packages [15:20] I think I shared a pastebin with you last time when we discussed this with the LP API calls I used in [15:23] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9BZ9JPsJPw/ [15:23] ignore line 11 ([8]) [15:24] thanks, I thought there was more magic [15:24] it picks up the livecd-rootfs from the specified PPA [15:25] I think a live-meta would be nice to have in general if you wanted to explore that, but the other way is fine too [15:25] at least for me, not on the sru team [15:27] and the squashfses get deleted after not very long so save anything you want to keep 😬 [15:27] that one of mine is already gone [15:28] looking at other projects in livecd-rootfs it's common practice to list the required packages [15:33] yeah there's lots of stuff in there that would be better made declarative [15:34] agreed, but here, we are in a SRU case for minimal impact, and this won’t be in impish [15:38] right, it would be setting up the stuff for future [19:58] good evening/afternoon [20:12] gnome-control-center ubuntu/master 700b4ae Gunnar Hjalmarsson debian/patches/0030-temporarily-revert-alt-char-key.patch * Added note to the header of patch 0030 * https://deb.li/3lWrC